Chapter 74: Snail Alpha

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There was no response in the room, and Ling Heshi, who had changed his slippers, also walked over and took a look.

Seeing Alpha appearing at the door, Wen Lu moved away from the line of sight with Wen Mi, silently loosened the small bag, and pushed the drawer in.

The room was in a mess, the sheets were crumpled asleep, and there were potato chips scattered on it. The knocked Coke was still bubbling on the ground, and a brown coke stain could be seen on the clothes casually dropped by the bathroom door.

Looking at the closet, many drawers are open, and the clean clothes that have been turned over are thrown aside, and the pajamas that Wen Lu is wearing have also embraced the little Omega wearing this pajamas when Linghe two days ago.

"How did you open it, where did the key come from?" Wen Mi was stunned for a long time, and finally reacted preemptively.

"It was turned over on your bedside table..." Wen Lu was still immersed in the shock of the cabinet supplies. When he looked at Wen Mi and then at Ling He, he lowered his head in Alpha's stern gaze.

Wen Lu, who dared not look directly at Ling He, muttered in his heart that the two had lived together for a long time.

"Clean up the house, otherwise you are not allowed to eat at night." Ling Heshi pulled Wen Mi out of the bedroom, and then went in and took out all the snacks that Wen Luan had sold out.

Wen Lu, who has never cleaned before, saw the messy bedroom and didn't want to do anything. Moreover, he ate a lot of snacks and was not hungry, so he decided not to eat. It is impossible for him to clean the room.

There was no cleaning movement in the room, and Wen Mi glanced at Wen Luna from time to time in the kitchen.

"He seems to have made up his mind not to clean."

"That night we will go out to live." Little Omega lived alone. The house was cleaned and tidy. When he entered the bedroom just now, Ling Heshi restrained him and didn't discipline him.

"Do you want to eat small crispy pork at night?" Wen Mi remembers that Wen Lu made it when he ate Linghe last time. He thought it could be tempted by delicious food. Maybe Wen Lu couldn't resist it and cleaned it obediently.

Ling Heshi is very confident in his cooking skills. He understands what Wen Mi is thinking, so he plans to cook some special dishes. The steps are a bit complicated, and it takes a little longer to complete. Wen Mi took the confiscated Wen Luan snacks and fed him a bite from time to time when he accompany Ling He while padding his stomach.

The first thing to make is the small crispy pork. The freshly fried crispy pork is slightly sprinkled with cumin. If the window is open, the smell can float to the neighbors around. Wen Mi held a plate of crispy pork, dipped it in tomato sauce, and took a bite.

The crispy batter, the meat strips inside are just right to be fried, the more chewy the more fragrant, and the sweet and sour ketchup, Wen Mi is full of praise.

"Today's is so delicious." Wen Mi blew and fed Ling He a mouthful.

"I like to eat and cook every day." Ling Heshi and Wen Mi had something in their mouths, and they couldn't speak very clearly.

Wen Lu in the bedroom sniffed at them at the door of the bedroom while smelling the fragrance, staring at the steaming crispy meat in Wen Mi's hands. Wen Lu was not hungry but very greedy.

It wasn't that the freshly fried small crispy pork was so delicious that day, the freshly fried ones must be better.

Wen Lu constrained, glanced at the bedroom and then at the crispy meat. Seeing that the crispy meat was getting less and less while tangled, Wen Lu reluctantly began to clean the bedroom.

"Save me some!"

Hearing Wen Lu's voice, Wen Mi's purpose was satisfied, and he wanted to leave the rest to Wen Lu.

"It's okay, you can eat as you want. There are still some ingredients to make." Ling Heshi put Wen Mi's plate back into Wen Mi's hand, "If you have enough control, you can eat as much as you can."

Wen Lu cleaned up for the first time, wiped the floor clean, and put the dirty clothes in the washing machine, but the messed up clothes were stuffed into the closet crookedly, and the newly changed sheets were not obedient.

Finally, Wen Lu went to the table for dinner, but the room he cleaned was unacceptable to Wen Mi and Ling Heshi. After eating, Wen Mi was kidnapped by Ling Heshi to the Ling's house.

Wen Lu slept on the bed he made for the first time. The bed was not well laid out and he slept well. He sent a message to Wen Mi and found that he was determined to let him do his own work. Wen Lu directly sent a message the next day. Lived and went home.

Wen Mi wanted to call Wen Duo about Wen Luan's affairs, but when the company had a lot of business affairs, he went to get reports again, but Wen Mi forgot about it.

The two went to the hospital to leave work early. After taking the report and talking with the doctor, it happened to be the point where they left work. Sitting in the co-pilot, Wen Mi held the report. Although he couldn't read it, he could see a small upward arrow behind each item of data. It was like the doctor said that he was getting better.

"The doctor said that our pheromone match is very high, so I can't smell other people's pheromones, but I can always smell you." Wen Mi did not expect to have unexpected gains besides knowing that his condition is getting better.

Wen Mi took a photo of the report and showed it to Yu Zhi. Yu Zhi was so excited that he called directly.

Ling He could hear what Yu Zhi said without turning on the amplifier. He heard the smiling voices of Omega and Yu Zhi next to him, with a smile on his face.

"So happy! I decided to take out the bottle of red wine hidden in the milk tea and open it!"

"Didn't he say that you can wait until your children get married before you can drink it!"

"I can't help it, I'm invincible and happy now, I have to drink and celebrate!"

In the end, Yu Zhi still didn't steal the wine, because Ling Heshi said to give him a bottle to celebrate together.

"Did you tell your family about this?"

"Not yet..." The first thing he thought of except for Ling He was Yu Zhi.

"Then you quickly say, now they won't always say that you are abnormal and abnormal. I am annoyed to hear it." Yu Zhi met Wen Mi's family when she was in school, and she would tell Wen Mi if she was upset. He and Yu Zhi knew that Wen Mi would always hear some depressing words at home.

Hanging up with Yu Zhi, Wen Mi thought for a while and decided to go home.

"Tomorrow we will celebrate together? Today I may live at home." The car stopped at Wen Mi's house, and people came in and out at this point. Wen Mi sat in the car and talked to Ling Heshi.

Alpha nodded and asked Wen Mi for the house key. After Wen Mi gave the key to Ling Heshi, he asked him what he wanted to do.

Ling Heshi smiled meaningfully, squeezed Wen Mi's face, and made people go back.

After Wen Mi got out of the elevator, he received a message from Ling Heshi.

[Ling Tiantian: Go to your house to be snail Alpha. 】

Wen Lu couldn't clean the room. Ling Heshi went to clean the room for him. Wen Mi returned with a cat-cat Bixin emoticon and opened the door with a smile.

As soon as Wen Mi entered the house, he heard the "buzzing" of the juicer, and that sound masked the sound of his opening the door, and the father and mother Wen in the room did not notice Wen Mi who came back.

"Xiao Lu has lived in Wen Mi for two days, and his face has lost weight. Wen Mi has gone to work and fell in love. How can he take good care of Xiao Lu? This kid is getting less and less sensible, so he doesn't tell the family that his brother should go to him. Up."

"..." Wen Mi thought that Wen Lu's face who had eaten most of the fried chicken wings and small crispy meat last night could lose weight?

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