Chapter 19: Ling's new cooking "auntie"

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After leaving Ling's house, Wen Mi went to Tao Cheng's coffee shop. The last time we met, Tao Cheng was still drunk. When we met today, Wen Mi discovered that the diamond ring in the hands of boss Tao had changed.

Thinking of the last time Boss Tao was drunk, Wen Mi was so curious as to how many big diamond rings Boss Tao had in his house.

After trying the new products, Wen Mi packed a few and took them back. When passing by the newly opened bakery at the gate of the community, Wen Mi stopped, and then went in and bought some freshly baked honey cakes.

It must be delicious if it smells sweet.

In the afternoon, Ling Heshi, who was eating the original citrus-shaped cookies, visited the new Moments of Omega's new friends.

Picture of a box of honey cake with words: super sweet der!

Ling Heshi subconsciously sniffed the pheromone on his sleeve, it was really sweet.

In the new week, Meng Qing will still deliver meals to the young couple. One day Wen Mi eats in Lingheshi's office at noon, and he finds that the taste has changed after taking the first bite. Every dish seemed a bit sweet, but he liked it quite a bit.

"Did your family change the cooking aunty?" Wen Mi asked when he was busy with things on his hands while watching Ling He after eating for a while.

"How does it taste?" Ling Heshi concealed his nervousness by clearing his desk.

"It's delicious, the sweetness of scrambled eggs with tomato is just right, I can eat two bowls!"

Wen Mi had a small appetite and sometimes couldn't finish it. Ling Heshi secretly glanced at him. Wen Mi used tomato scrambled egg bibimbap to eat. He had never seen him like this before, indicating that little Omega was telling the truth.

Ling Heshi was in a good mood. He cleared the table and started to have lunch. The first thing he tasted was Wen Mi's favorite tomato scrambled eggs.

"..."It is too sweet.

This morning when Ling He was awakened by his little dad in advance, little dad had an appointment with his friends to go shopping, and he was too late to make lunch. He asked him, the boyfriend, to cook. He knew that Wen Mi liked sweet taste, so he put more sugar. But because Lazy didn't separate seasoning, so his this is also sweet.

Wen Mi ate very happily, but when he packed his lunch box, he found that Ling He ate much less than usual. A worried look appeared on his face. Ling He who did not miss the expression of Omega, the corners of his mouth slightly cocked. Yun Danfeng lightly explained.

"Breakfast is too much, and lunch is a bit too much."

After hearing this, Wen Mi's worries faded away, revealing a faint smile, and then gave Ling Heshi a handful of citrus candy.

"If you are hungry in the afternoon, eat some sweets."

The last time Wen Mi cried Ling He promised to give him candy, so the citrus sugar wool that Wen Mi gave him came out of the sheep, but Ling Heshi had a sense of joy in receiving gifts, which was really strange.

Wen Mi left the office and sat back to his desk. He touched his chubby belly and hummed happily.

When Ling He ate too little, it was not because he didn't like to eat. It seems that the new aunt of Ling's family should be able to pass the trial period! happy!

Wen Mi's good mood lasted until the afternoon when he suddenly received a call from Wen Lu while he was printing a document. Wen Lu cried and said that he was bullied, and asked him to come over.

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