Chapter 29: Ling doesn't have a few people he likes

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Meng Xi got out of the car and looked around, and found that the greenery in the community was normal. Several pots of flowers in the flower bed had been taken away. The white street lights were covered with a thick layer of ash and spider webs. The residents in and out of the next building said With a slurred dialect, one of the yellow hair Alpha looked at him, and flirted at him affectionately.

Seeing this, Meng Xi hurriedly got into the back seat. As soon as he got into the back seat, he smelled the pheromone of his brother's honey cake. The sweetness made him nauseous, and he quickly turned on the ventilation in the car.

The smell in the car almost disappeared, and Meng Xi finally saw his brother at the entrance of the corridor.

"I thought you weren't coming back." Meng Xi jokingly winked at his brother while lying on the car window.

"Brother, I don't think it is very safe for Wen Mi to live here." After Ling Heshi got in the car, Meng Xi moved to his brother and pointed to Alpha Huang who was standing next to the flowerbed smoking not far away.

"That's why I sent him up."

Meng Xi carefully observed his brother's expression, his eyes seemed to be still water, but there was a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, and he knew that he was in a good mood.

"Brother, you are really possessive. You make Brother Wen Mi all your pheromone flavor. Fortunately, Brother Wen Mi rents a house alone, otherwise his family will smell it and think you temporarily tagged him."

"What you used to say about bachelorism is so resolute, I thought you were serious, but when the little dad urged you, you immediately found an Omega. I think you have long been trying to do it."

"But my dad is also worried about you. You see that every time you are susceptible to the whole family, it's better to find an Omega."

Meng Xi couldn't stop as soon as she said it, talking with her little mouth.

Ling Heshi was so quarrelsome that he closed his eyes and slumbered, Meng Xi stretched out his tongue and made a grimace when he saw it, and sat back to play the game.

His ears were finally quiet, but Ling Heshi's heart couldn't calm down. When he closed his eyes, he could always see a small Omega-shaped delicate collarbone and a soft and thin waist.

Ling He breathed hard unconsciously until his shoulder hurts, then opened his eyes and looked at Meng Xi who was pushing him.

Meng Xi's face turned pale, covering her nose, "Brother, collect your pheromone!"

The car was ventilated but the back seat was full of the smell of honey cake. Ling Heshi smelled his own pheromone smell and realized that he had lost control of the pheromone because he thought of Wen Mi.

Seeing his brother's brows furrowed and his expression solemn, Meng Xi couldn't help but start to panic when he saw his elder brother's brows furrowed and his expression dignified.

"Brother, your susceptibility period is advanced, right?"

"Not a susceptible period." Ling Heshi pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath to control the pheromone.

After smelling the pheromone in the car, Meng Xi believed his elder brother's words, but when he heard the pheromone in the car, Meng Xi still looked very solemn when he saw his elder brother.

Can you get a big deal out of sleep after a good night's sleep?

In the dead of night, Ling Heshi suddenly released a heavy news in the group.

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