Chapter 37: Honey cake flavor blocker

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Wen Mi was walking on the dark, dark road with citrus in one hand and the phone in the other. The small square in the distance was quiet. No one could see that a group of grandpas and aunts occupied the entire square an hour ago. Lively.

"Why did you go home so late?" Ling Heshi's deep and deep voice rang through the phone in Wen Mi's ear.

Wen Mi shook the citrus in his hand and couldn't tell Ling Heshi that he had gone to a pottery class.

"Just wandered outside and didn't pay attention to the time."

Where can I go shopping at this night? Little Omega is afraid of taking the dark road. Will he be in a bad mood and secretly hide and cry? Ling Heshi didn't expose Wen Mi, and continued to chat with him without knowing anything.

The community is not too big. After chatting for a few minutes, Wen Mi arrived at the door of the house. The moment he held the key, Wen Mi suddenly didn't want to go in. He didn't want to hang up the phone. He still wanted to hear more from Ling Heshi.

But at this moment Wen Mi remembered Wen Duo's words. He was an Omega without pheromone. He had already arrived home and he was still thinking about it. If he didn't hang up, he would cross the boundary.

"I'm home, thank you." Wen Mi hung up the phone decisively and reluctantly, and walked into his small room.

Ling Heshi frowned when he heard the busy tone coming from the phone. It was obvious that Wen Mi still wanted to talk to him. Why did he suddenly hang up?

Little Omega is wrong, very wrong. Ling Heshi made a call to Qi Xinna and asked him what Wen Mi and his elder brother had chatted with in the coffee shop. But Qi Xin couldn't hear clearly across the two tables. He only heard some scattered words, but in the end, it was because of Big Brother Wen Mi's voice that he heard the last few words clearly.

After the phone call with Qi Xin, Ling He didn't hesitate, and hurriedly left home with his coat and car keys.

On the other side, Wen Mi took a bath in her pajamas and was collecting clothes on the balcony. On a summer night, the moonlight was still cold. Wen Mi glanced at the few poor stars looming in the dark night sky and sighed.

After collecting the clothes, Wen Mi planned to go back to the room, but saw a car driving downstairs with the lights on. It was a hard time to get off work at this point. Wen Mi took a glance and withdrew his gaze.

When he folded his clothes and was about to put them in the closet, the doorbell at home rang.

Who is it so late?

Wen Mi looked at the phone and thought it was his elder brother who came here, but it didn't fit his style too late.

A person living alone in Wen Mi is still wary, he didn't open the door directly, first glanced outside from the cat's eyes. Alpha at the door hangs his eyes halfway, unable to see clearly, but looking at the curvature of his mouth, he seems unhappy.

Wen Mi was stunned, but when he didn't expect it was Ling He, he hurriedly opened the door.

Wen Mi just took a shower and wore her own pajamas, which is different from the tightly dressed pajamas in Lingheshi's house. Wen Mi in her home is more casual, and the pajamas are very soft. For comfort, there are no buttons on the neckline, and the collarbone It came out generously, and the arc of porcelain white glowed with warm light under the light.

"Why are you here?" Wen Mi invited people in, opened the shoe cabinet and was stunned. The only pair of Alpha slippers was gone, and the seller of the new slippers had not arrived yet.

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