Chapter 78: Because i want to watch

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The next morning, Wen Mi woke up in his own alarm bell. He squinted his eyes and touched the phone on the bed, only to touch a piece of hot skin. When he heard Ling He, he asked in a hoarse voice what was wrong.

"Looking for a cell phone." Wen Mi was taken into the room by Alpha last night, and then he pushed him up, and his cell phone was dropped on the corner of the bed. Later, the two of them fumbled on the bed and did not know where the phone was kicked.

Wen Mi pulled his hands and feet together on the bed sheet, and finally looked at Ling He and took out his mobile phone from under his ass.

The phone in his hand was so hot that Alpha's body was at the same temperature.

This is a cell phone that was overwhelmed by popular love A's ass.


Wen Mi threw out the weird thoughts in his mind and silently turned off the alarm.

"Get up." Wen Mi pushed Alpha beside him with eyes closed.

"You first." Alpha said to lie in bed and sleep for a while.

Wen Mi sighed, rubbing out of the bed slowly, and when he was about to put on shoes, his **** was suddenly pinched.

"..." Wen Mi got out of the bed with her cheeks bulging. He felt a little uncomfortable on the inner thighs when he walked, and his wrists were a little sore when brushing his teeth.

He said that the reward is so fast, and how long is Alpha? Although Wen Mi is feasting and comfortable, he always feels that this is not his reward, it is Alpha's welfare.

After washing, Wen Mi seemed to smell citrus. He sniffed his pajamas, it should be his own pheromone. The Alpha pheromone was very strong last night and should have stimulated him, so he could smell the pheromone in the morning.

Wen Mi waited in the bathroom for a while while he could smell it. When he went out, Alpha, who was shoulder-width apart and long-legged, was changing clothes. Wen Mi watched Alpha take off his pajamas and put on a white shirt.

Ling Heshi buttoned the button on his chest, and Wen Mi watched as he pinched his abdominal muscles angrily last night because his hands were too sore. Now he actually saw a pinch mark.

Wen Mi didn't expect that he was so powerful, and a little embarrassed, he went up and handed Alpha a belt flatly.

On the balcony, there were two more pajamas that were washed off at night. Wen Mi took the socks and touched the pajamas before they were dry. He took a look at the weather forecast and hung the clothes out to dry.

The two of them dangled and didn't have time to make breakfast, so Wen Mi planned to buy glutinous cakes at the door.

"Yesterday my colleague said that there was an egg burger breakfast stand downstairs in the morning. I want to try it. Would you like to put one less egg on the cake?" Wen Mi held the cell phone that was crushed by the popular love A's butt. The colleague confirmed the breakfast stand and said to Alpha.

"Okay." Ling Heshi took the little Omega and led him to the gate of the community, while holding the blocking agent and spraying on the little Omega.

The car was parked outside the community, Ling Heshi went to get the car, and Wen Mi bought glutinous cakes.

"Morning, Aunt Lin, add a single egg tenderloin to both servings of pie."

"Oh, why didn't Xiao Wen bring breakfast for her boyfriend today?" Aunt Lin replied, neatly knocking an egg with one hand.

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