Chapter 12: Can the cake be sweet with little Omega?

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There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, and then a magnetic male voice rang.

"Don't worry, I didn't get it wrong, please give Tao Cheng your phone for help."

"Okay, good." Wen Mi felt that the other party's voice was good and there was a sense of familiarity at the same time, but he didn't have time to think about it. He hurriedly returned the phone to Tao Cheng.

"You know you're scared? You have the ability to come over and catch women assholes!" Tao Cheng said provocatively and hung up the phone decisively, and then cast a wink at Wen Mi, "Don't worry, I still like your sweetness. of."

"!" Wen Mi was suddenly molested, his cheeks were slightly red, and he subconsciously drank the red wine in front of him. After drinking it in, he realized that what was in front of him was wine.

The drunk Tao Cheng was a bit difficult to deal with. Wen Mi had an empty stomach before dinner, so he ordered some desserts to prevent alcohol from getting over.

"Don't worry, maybe the boss's husband will come to pick you up in a while." The waiter reminded Wen Mi in a low voice, seeing Wen Mi's embarrassment.

Wen Mi nodded and listened to Tao Cheng's nonsense while eating dessert. I have known Tao Cheng for so long, and Wen Mi has never seen his mysterious husband. Tao Cheng, who is obviously drunk, even talked about the embarrassment of going to school, and did not mention a word about her husband.

The confidentiality work is really good, Wen Mi thinks while eating.

The summer rain has always come suddenly, and the gloomy sky finally can't help but it starts to rain. The rain is very heavy and you can hear the sound of rain sitting indoors. The falling rain flows down the door eaves without interruption, forming a rain curtain. .

"The weather forecast shows that it's raining next night, Wen Mi or you go first, I'll just look at the boss." The beta waiter took the umbrella to Wen Mi.

The temperature outside dropped, and Wen Mi caught a cold just waiting to go too late to get in the car. He didn't refuse the other's kindness. He took the umbrella and said to the drunk Tao Cheng, and went to the cashier to pack a little sweet.

While waiting to pack, Wen Mi kept looking at Tao Chengna. Suddenly a strange man in black broke into his line of sight. The tall man should be Alpha, wearing a hat and a mask with only a pair of deep eyes, looking at him. Like a bad guy picking up leaks at the entrance of a bar.

Wen Mi hurriedly stepped forward to stop the other person, but saw Tao Cheng giving a few words to the person, and then took the initiative to hug the person's neck and act coquettishly.

"I'll take the oranges home first. You will get off work early today." The man held Tao Cheng horizontally and said to the beta waiter before leaving.

This is Boss Tao's husband?

Wen Mi took the packaged dessert and followed. As soon as he sneezed out of the coffee shop, he was so cold as to see the water vapor on his face. As soon as he looked up, he only saw the man holding Boss Tao into the car with the help of the driver's umbrella.

"It's nice to have someone pick you up." Wen Mi couldn't help sighing.


The sudden sound from behind shocked Wen Mi. He turned around incredulously and saw Ling Heshi who hadn't seen him for a week.

Ling Heshi was holding a pure black umbrella with one hand, and most of the space was allocated to him. His shoulders were suddenly wetted by the rain. The other party lowered his head and was very close to Wen Mi, as close as Wen Mi. I saw my own figure in the eyes that had always been indifferent and disdainful.

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