Chapter 61: Because you are addicted to sweets

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The kiss continued. Unconsciously, Wen Mi straddled Ling Heshi's lap, wrapped his neck and raised his head and was kissed so much that he could only hold Ling Heshi's shirt.

The pheromone in the air became thicker and thicker. Ling He felt that Wen Mi's body temperature rose rapidly, and finally let go of Little Omega. He held the person in his arms and listened to his gasping breathing, stroking Wen Mishun. back.

Wen Mi leaned against Ling Heshi's chest, and he could still hear Alpha's heartbeat that had not yet calmed down, and his own heart was beating very quickly. Wen Mi was so dizzy by the kiss, he only remembered the confession he made when he agreed to Ling He in the end.

So are they together now?

Wen Mi sniffed Ling He's pheromone, and found that he was sitting on Alpha's lap, holding Alpha's waist and sucking other people's pheromone. Being so close can only show that they are together.

"Why... I can always smell your pheromone."

"It may be because you are addicted to sweetness." Ling Heshi's fingers hooked a strand of hair beside Wen Mi's ear. He remembered that the doctor said that the two people match very well, so he can heal Wen Mi's glands. If the little Omega is not so sweet. How can it match with one's own pheromone?

Although it seems nonsense, why does it seem to make sense? Wen Mi didn't say a word, buried in Ling Heshi's arms, and had to digest the two people together.

"Are you eating?"

"Wait a little longer." Wen Mi now began to shrink his head and the tortoise was afraid to look at Ling He.

"Don't have a psychological burden, I have everything." Ling Heshi held little Omega so quietly, quietly comforting Wen Mi with pheromone, and gradually Wen Mi's citrus information converged with Ling Heshi. Su was also a little bit restrained.

Unknowingly, most of the lunch break was used by the two of them. After Wen Mi withdrew from Ling Heshi's arms, only half an hour of lunch break was left.

Fortunately, the heat preservation of the lunch box is very good, and the food is warm when the two eat.

The dishes are all Wen Mi likes sweet taste, may have the blessing of Ling He, Wen Mi feels that today's food is exceptionally delicious, no matter the appetite, the food is all eaten and nothing is left.

In the afternoon, Wen Mi was left in the office by Ling Heshi through work. An employee broke the news that when he sent documents to President Ling in the afternoon, he saw Assistant Wen holding President Ling's water cup and drinking President Ling's stomach tea.

Wen Mi was sent home by Ling He when he got off work at night, and was sent upstairs to the elevator. Wen Mi waved his hand towards Ling He while standing at the door of his house, opened the door and entered the house.

It was only after arriving home that Wen Mi had a sense of reality that Ling Heshi became his boyfriend.

"Brother, did you eat hot pot at noon?" Wen Lu asked casually as he passed by Wen Mi with a glass of juice.


"Then why is your mouth a little swollen?" Wen Duo clarified to Wen Mi that he didn't have a boyfriend. Wen Lu didn't think about it, and took the juice back to the room after saying a word.

Wen Mi hurriedly took a look in the mirror and was indeed a little swollen. He couldn't drink cold water, so he took a cold mouth and hoped to reduce the swelling. Wen Mi sat by the bed and returned to Linghe's news, glanced at the remarks of popular sentiment A, thought about it, and changed it.

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