Chapter 50: Still want to smell it?

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Wen Mi's eyes widened, and he felt his first kiss in disbelief.

Alpha had just eaten chocolate, and Wen Mi seemed to have tasted the taste of citrus chocolate, but his breath was full of honey cake.

The person he likes is kissing him. Wen Mi should have been happy, but the Alpha in the susceptible period prevented him from understanding what Ling Heshi meant. If the susceptible period was over, would Alpha, who remembered this matter, still allow him to be by his side.

Wen Mi struggled subconsciously, but his strength was far less than Alpha. From the beginning of licking Alpha, he gradually became dissatisfied. After a tingling of his lips, Wen Mi tasted a faint **** taste on the tip of his tongue.

The smell of blood caused a trace of clarity in Alpha's eyes out of control, and he felt that little Omega was scared by him and his whole body was trembling. Ling Heshi didn't want to treat Wen Mi like this and wanted to stop, but Wen Mi's pheromone was not as rejected as Little Omega showed, and even took the initiative to hook his pheromone around him.

Ling Heshi's self-control has always been very strong, even in the susceptible period. He can even be indifferent to Omega in the fever period and restrain Alpha's instinct. He is determined that he is a singleist, and he has never thought of one day. I would like Wen Mi. He likes the little Omega with pheromone but not pheromone so much, so much that he can no longer control himself during the susceptible period.

His body clamored that he wanted to do more to the little Omega, and even marked the little Omega, but his reason told him that he should stop doing what he was doing now.

Ling Heshi resisted the gloom in his heart and slowly released the hand that was holding Wen Mi.

When the strength of his wrist was relieved, Wen Mi immediately pushed Ling Heshi away and ran towards the door of the room. Because the room was too dark, she tripped over a small object on the ground. Regardless of the knee pain, Wen Mi quickly got up. Get out of the door.

Alpha, who restrained himself when the door closed, grabbed the bed sheet and opened his mouth, and said to run fast.

After Wen Mi ran out of Ling Heshi's room, he saw Meng Qing and Meng Xi, who were monitoring, hurriedly greeted him and asked what was wrong with him.

Wen Mi was embarrassed to tell what the two did, but shook his head and said he wanted to go home.

Except for her red lips, Wen Mi had no other wounds. Meng Qing wanted to see if Wen Mi's glands had tooth marks, but after seeing Wen Mi insisting that she was not injured, she refused to see the glands. It was difficult to persist, so he called a car for him and sent him back.

As soon as they left, Meng Qing and Meng Xi went to the door of Ling Heshi's room. After shouting for a long time, there was no one inside. The door opened when Meng Qing was thinking about whether to go in and take a look.

Meng Xi smelled the pheromone leaking out of the room, clutching his nose and running away. He saw his brother throw a few chocolates out.

"Keep it safe." With just one word, the door closed.

Meng Xi wanted to pick up the chocolate curiously, but was choked by the residual pheromone on the chocolate, and had to let the unaffected little dad solve it.

In the dark room, Ling Heshi sat where Wen Mi once sat. He turned off the room for ventilation, reluctant to let the little Omega's pheromone disappear. He was holding a handful of citrus-flavored candies, one after another. Each bit the candy squeaky.

"I don't want to let him go."

Wen Mi, who had left on the other side, returned to his rental house subconsciously. It may be that his condition was too bad. When the security saw him, he even asked him if he wanted to help the police.

Wen Mi looked in the mirror when he returned home and realized how misleading he was at this time. His lips were red, swollen and cracked because of being pressed by Ling Heshi on the bed. His clothes were crumpled and the needles in his pockets. I don't know when it broke, the clothes got wet, and his wrist was strangled with a circle of red marks, which appeared shocking on his white wrist.

But Wen Mi didn't have the mind to think about it for the time being. He sat down and buried his head with his hands on his knees. Wen Mi, who was cut off from the light, returned to the darkness. He could remember Ling He's heavy breathing. The ambiguous sound of the two kissing, and their bodies that were hot when they were pressed together.

Who can refuse the intimacy of the person he likes, Wen Mi is almost, almost responding to Ling Heshi.

He faintly noticed that Ling He was special to him, did he like him?

During the susceptibility period, he can be allowed to approach, eat the food he brings, and lose control because of the chocolate that was once given by other Alpha. No Alpha in the susceptible period will accommodate a person who is just a friend in this way.

But I found that Ling Heshi might like his Wen Mi, but he was not happy.

He was not worthy of this liking. Wen Mi touched the raised scar on the gland, which was both ugly and ugly. His Omega without pheromone was not worthy of such an excellent Linghe.

This time when little Omega was so sad that he was crying, no one would coax him anymore.

Towards the evening, Wen Mi received a call from home. Wen Lu clamored to see him. Wen Mi applied an ice pack to her swollen eyes and changed into a long-sleeved dress to cover the red marks on her wrists. Just returned home.

When he got home, Wen Duo was coaxing Wen Lu to eat. The two of them stood in a stalemate at the door, and when he saw Wen Mi's home, Wen Lu rushed over.

Wen Duo looked at Wen Mi and noticed his unnatural lips.

"Did you go to see your boyfriend?"

"Alpha is possessive, and I may not miss you too much for a few days." Wen Duo coughed awkwardly, feeling Wen Mi's boyfriend is elusive, one would feel very reliable, another would feel particularly frivolous.

Wen Lu was dazed at the time and didn't remember Alpha who had followed Wen Mi. He only remembered that he was tall and he looked stronger than Ye Gaozhuo.

"Second brother... can I meet him? I want to thank him in person." Wen Lu was much better in front of Wen Mi. He felt that the second brother who had always looked down on him was much braver than he had imagined, and he could see people better than him.

"It's estimated that he won't see him during this period of susceptibility." Wen Mi's spirit of fighting against Ling Heshi was weakened again.

"Ah? Did my fever period affect him?" Wen Lu had never lost control of the fever period and affected other Alphas. Thinking about it, he was a little embarrassed and blushed.

Wen Mi noticed Wen Lu's shyness. He thought that if he was a normal Omega like Wen Lu, he would definitely try to catch up with Ling Heshi. But this way, he couldn't equalize the gap between them by hard work.

At night, Wen Mi and Wen Lu slept on the same bed. Even if he experienced many things during the day, he couldn't sleep because of emotional ups and downs. Opening his eyes and closing his eyes was full of Ling Heshi's mind.

At this moment, he received several messages on his mobile phone, which were sent by Ling Heshi.

[Popular sentiment A: I have agreed to tell you my secret. 】

[Popular sentiment A: Actually, my pheromone is honey cake flavor. 】

Popular sentiment A withdrew a message.

Wen Mi could see clearly that the message that Ling Heshi withdrew wrote...

Is it sweet? Like it? Still want to smell it?

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