Chapter 1

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"Hng..." Airis groans, slowly opening her eyes, and a stream of sunlight hits directly into her eyes.

'What a goddamn great placement of a window...' She thought, annoyed as she forced herself to sit up, not wanting to face the blaring sunlight anymore.

This always reminded her of that moment when she was in primary school, where her mother would turn on a her dresser light and it would wake her up and leave her in an extremely grumpy mood for a 11-year-old.

Especially if it was at 6:30AM, where you really just wanted more sleep honestly.

The first thing Airis noticed when she sat up, was that she was in a large room, the wall old with age, is slightly yellowish, with wooden floors. In the room, there was a lot of bunk beds, most of the sheets folded and tidied. Airis look down at her bedsheets, they were the same as the others.

She furrowed her eyebrows, she didn't know how to comprehend this, and could only feel a sense of foreboding rising up within her.

Airis also checked out her body and noticed instantly that it seems much smaller than it should.

"Huh...?" She blinked. She checked her body, finding out that her boobs are gone, there's no extra flappy meat on her thighs and her arms are much softer and thinner. Adding on the fact that her skin was also a pale and there was no dots or scars on it.

Airis didn't know what to do or say.

'This has to be a dream, right? It can't be real. Wake up. Please wake up.'

Airis tried pinching herself really hard, but it only left a red mark. It has to be a dream. Right now, her body must be in the hospital and she's dreaming right now.

Yes, that's what happen. Of course.

She will just have to wait.

While she waits, she can go out and explore this dream world.

Getting out of bed, she quickly tidy her sheets and pillow, making sure they were in order. She climbed down the ladder, landing on the wooden floor with a thud.

Glancing around the room, she finds a dark wood door. She opens the door, to see a large room with numerous round tables and chairs around it. There were  kids sitting at some of the tables.

Airis heard some loud voices, she turn her head to find a window. Outside, she could see kids running around on the bright green grass.

'What a strange dream.'

"Airis, you're awake!" A soft voice called out to her.

A tall woman with midnight blue hair tied up in a simple ponytail and sparkling brown eyes, approached her with a smile. She crouched down in front of Airis, and patted her head. "You must be hungry, let's go have you eat breakfast." Holding out her hand, Airis hesitated for a while before placing her hand on hers.

" Holding out her hand, Airis hesitated for a while before placing her hand on hers

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