Chapter 17

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It was during class, as usual, she had to always see the big bad bully bullying the poor nerd and the teachers and her peers won't do shit about it.

She couldn't stand it any more and asked for bathroom leave which the teacher granted.

Airis was walking down the hall to the bathroom, turning around a corner, she was about to proceed forward but paused when she saw Nicky and a tall-looking feminine guy standing before her.

‘Hm? Is that the Alpha of hers?’ Airis thought. She didn’t know if she could peek over without getting caught, the Alpha might be sensitive to people’s presence.

‘Well, it doesn’t matter if I get caught anyway, I could just ask straight up too.’ With that in mind, she peeked over, and saw Nicky blushing, looking up at the guy. Unexpectedly, he really looked different from what she had in mind. He… He looked friendly…?

With short, messy and wavy light brown hair, he had almond-shaped blue eyes, peach skin and was towering a bit over 6 feet, likely 183cm, Airis assumed. After all, alphas need to be 6 feet and above. He was wearing a white shirt, with a black denim jacket over it and a pair of blue jeans. He had a bright smile on his face, his eyes twinkling as a light blush crossed over his cheeks. He looked embarrassed, putting his hand at the back of his neck as he glanced down at Nicky, having a small chat.

Nicky, likewise, had an incredibly bright smile on her face, if it was as if there was some bright aura of light shining around her. What the hell, she looked like an angel.

‘???’ Airis rubbed her eyes, and opened them again. Nahh, this shit can’t be real, there’s actually a light shining around her???

What? Huh? And it’s the fact that the Alpha doesn’t look like what she thought?! AT ALL?

He… doesn’t look intimidating at all! She thought he was gonna be all dreary-looking… who's a player- Oh, wait, that spot got taken up by The Bad Boy, never mind. Airis breathed a sigh of relief, at least Nicky is going to be together with a nice-looking guy… What a blessing.

Airis couldn’t help but smile as she saw the joyful look on Nicky’s face. Really, what love can do to you is astonishing.

Well, anyway, Airis directed her look at his crotch. She saw a little bulge. ‘Ah, it should be at least 8-10 inches…’

L̶M̶A̶F̶O̶O̶ ̶r̶i̶p̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶p̶u̶s̶s̶y̶ ̶a̶y̶e̶ 
Ok, let’s keep her mouth shut.

Airis casts one glance at them and walks over to the bathroom, perhaps she will get to see him later. She was sure Nicky was going to introduce them later. It would be a pleasure to meet him, she doesn't know about the other 3 though, maybe meeting the so-great-ever alpha might make them shit their pants.

It really was difficult for the higher-up wolves in their clan to even get one meeting with their Alpha, so far, only the betas could meet with him at a consistent schedule.

Hmm, should she prepare some drinks for them? Oh, and plastic bags! Just in case, they vomit!


“Nicky, why are we in the main house…?” Diana couldn’t help but question, feeling uneasy, this place felt way too high-level for her!

"Hm? My mate told me to meet him here! I wanted you guys to be the first to meet him because we're best friends!" Nicky smiled brightly, and so sweetly.

Airis winced at the attack, whileas, the others got teary and started to sniff and went to pounce on Nicky and hug her really tight. Forgetting about the current situation they were in. And what was going to occur next.

"Ah! Honey! I missed you so much!" a baritone voice sounded, before Nicky could respond, she got swept up in his arms.

"Ah! Sam!"

Oh. What a name... Airis thought it was going to be like Alex, or Jacob, or Jake or something. Huh, maybe this Alpha isn't so bad.

Whileas Airis was lost in thought, the other three, Alice, Madeline and Diana looked like their souls just flew out of their body.

Getting back to their senses, they quickly all kneeled down, “Alpha! Welcome back!” They proclaimed in unison. Airis was still swimming within her thoughts, snapping back when she felt a tug on her shirt and looked down to see the other three on their knees. “...”

She looked at Sam, “Uhm, do I have to kneel down too? I’m not part of the clan.” Before Sam could reply, Nicky jumped in, “No! Of course not! Alice, Mady, Dia! Get up, you don’t have to kneel down! Why are you kneeling down?” She leapt out of his arms and scurry over to the three girls who were on their knees.

Unable to question the soon-to-be Luna, they quickly stood back up, still feeling all tensed up. Nicky furrowed her eyebrows, as tears started to swarm her eyes, she didn’t like this at all. Why were her friends all tensed up with her? She didn’t like it one bit, it felt uncomfortable and unusual to see her friends like this. Only Airis was acting the usual, but that was probably because she wasn’t part of the clan and didn’t see the implications of this as much as the others did.

Regardless, Nicky didn’t change much, she was still an Omega, and she was still Nicky. Just because her mate was the Alpha of the clan, it didn’t mean that her first few friends in a decade suddenly became distant to her. Thinking of this, her eyes were basically filled to the brim with tears now.

Sam became worried, and his first instinct was to glare at the three girls who whimpered immediately, and Nicky glared back at Sam, who got shocked instantly, and backed down.

“I...I’m sorry… Please don’t glare at me…” Wuwuwuwu, he was almost in tears.

Airis couldn’t help and let a snort escape from her mouth, relieving the moment.

Seeing that, the three girls finally relaxed and looked at Nicky in admiration. Haha, so what if she’s the Alpha’s mate? She can beat his ass into submission! With that amazing mindset that popped out of nowhere, they just decide to omit the fact that she's Luna. She’s still Nicky! It’s fine, she will protect them from that ass alpha! Woo hoo! Haha, they won’t ever die!


I posted,, bless my depressed ass 😭😭

Thank u so much for ur understanding and patience!!!

Sobsob, I'm so thankful and grateful... I hope u are good with this chapter!!

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