Chapter 38

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Rajik cupped his face, sitting cross-legged as he supported his arms on his knees. He watched Airis's unfocused eyes flutter close as she fell into a light sleep.

The look in his eyes couldn't help but soften, Airis was acting terribly cute even when she was half-awake. He couldn't help but sigh as he stared at her in a daze. So focused on her that he didn't notice the two stares beyond Airis's door.

"...He… reminds me of you…" Estorea whispers, having caught Nareik looking at her like that before.

Nareik couldn't help but tsked, it was true and he couldn't refute it, not that he ever did anyway to what Estorea said.

He fully recognised and understood the gaze that Rajik had. Being hopefully and obsessively in love with Airis. It was the fact that his love, adoration, possessiveness and obsessiveness was stronger than the love and possessiveness Sam had on Nicky. That poor girl.

Regardless, Nareik is sure Airis can handle it. Considering her selection of novels and guys that she likes…

'She really should change her tastes in fictional men…' Nareik thought.

"Let's stop spying on them. Airis has class later. I'm sure Rajik will wake her up." Nareik said, Estorea nodded and let Nareik tug her away from the sight.

It was the fact that what Nareik said completely slipped Estorea's mind. Why would Rajik know when to wake Airis up???

As far as she knows, Airis's class schedule was so randomised and changed every week, and she was informed of it at really random timings because of the professor that organises classes on a whim or whenever she felt like it.

Wait. Why did Nareik know?

Airis yawned, her eyebrows furrowed as she turned to lie on her sight again, hugging her bolster tightly. After a few seconds, she lets go and groans. Turning to lie on her back.

Oh, waking up was such a pain. And her eyes felt crusty… and God, she could taste her breath.

Airis vigorously rubbed her eyes to get the crust out, wiping the tears welling up in the corner of her eyes from her yawn.

Her vision still horribly distorted, Airis sat up and looked around, and almost let out a yelp seeing a cup of water shoved in her face.

She looked up to see who it was, squinting her eyes, "Uh… Rajik?" Airis couldn't see any of the fine details of his appearance but the colour of his mild dark beige skin and the outline of his hair allowed her to recognise him.

"Airis, here, drink some water…" Rajik handed the cup to Airis who was forced to take it, she stared at the cup in her hands and looked up at him.

"..." She should drink some water first before questioning him.

Gulp gulp.

Water tastes so good when you're thirsty.

Airis let out a refreshed sigh, finishing the water as her lips didn't feel so dry anymore. And the insides of her mouth didn't feel all sticky and yucky.

Feeling satisfied, Airis asked Rajik, "What are you doing here?"

"You fell into a deep sleep in the car last night and I couldn't wake up so I brought you to your house. You told me your address when you were half-awake. I decided to stay overnight since your parents insisted." Rajik explained, not leaving any loopholes.

Airis tilted her head and nodded, she does have a hobby of replying to people when she's half awake… But normally she remembers the interaction and often confuses it with a dream…

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