Chapter 52

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"Urgh…" Airis groaned as she sifted through the stack of papers, seeing words stack upon words hurt her eyes and brain.

Rajik's head poked above his monitor, his face scrunched up in worry, "Are you okay? Do you need a break, love?"

Overwhelmed, Airis couldn't even registered the petname and just shook her head, "No- No, it's fine. I'll- I will finish this! Today! And sleep for the rest of the day!"

Rajik stared at Airis with concern, "Alright, tell me if you need a break. I don't want to overwork you."

Airis nodded and smiled, "I will. Don't worry!"

Anyway, sitting down and just organising papers was better than standing for 10 hours straight at the cashier… Though, it was easier on the brain…

Airis sighed internally, she looked at the papers again and wanted to shrivel up and die.

Never thought she would say this, but she hopes school break ends soon.

"Emmy!" Airis cries out with joy, pouncing onto Emeralda, greeting her with a hug. She rubs her face back and forth on the back of her shirt, acting as if she was a cat.

"Ah! Airis, that's ticklish!" Emeralda giggles uncontrollably, having gotten comfortable around Airis and even becoming fond of her.

Rajik walks behind dejectedly. His girlfriend is way too friendly with Emeralda…

Which seems like the totally wrong direction…?

Wait a minute, why are they holding hands!?

"Babe-" Rajik holds out a hand only to be ignored as he watches the two of them, hand in hand, walk towards the cafeteria.

The surrounding employees couldn't help but feel extreme pity for their boss.

Keep fighting boss! - Employee 1

You can do it boss! - Employee 2

Defeat the dragon and rescue your princess boss! - Employee 3

Die and give up boss. They're cute together. - (Ex??) Employee 4

Rajik could only sulk and follow behind, watching both of them chat animatedly.

This is far too cruel!

He glared at Emeralda with jealousy, he just can't wait to kick her out of the company once she finishes her god damn interning!

Meanwhile, Emeralda felt a shiver up her spine and rubs the back of her neck with her

hand, she turns to Airis, whispering uneasily, "Is it just me or do you feel that shiver?"

Airis tilts her head and stares at her confusingly, "No…?" She answers, not receiving the brunt of Rajik's rather burning glare.

"Uhm…" Emeralda looks behind her, spotting only Rajik who was on a phone call, his face displaying pure annoyance.

He looks too busy berating someone politely…

'Strange…' She thought, deciding to shrug it off.

Rajik tugs the corner of Airis's shirt, looking all pitiful, arousing concern from whoever who would see him.

Work was finally over and they were in Rajik's car, in the underground carpark.

"Rajik? What's wrong?" Airis blinks, tilting her head to the side.

"You hang out with Emeralda more than me… Your boyfriend!" Rajik whines, clearly upset and jealous.

Airis let out a 'huh?' and immediately realised, "Wait what?" She comes to face with Rajik's accusory eyes. "I-I'm- I'm sorry…? Uh, do I? I never really noticed. I mean," She rambled on, "You're the boss and everything, so like, I can't get close to you at work? Since you know, it's a bit like awkward… for your employees…"

Oh what was she talking about, she's just spouting excuses at this point.

She felt the stare of Rajik and got nervous and immediately admitted defeat(?) For something that she has no idea at all. Why would Rajik be jealous of a girl? Gasp, now that she thinks about it, she never told him she was aroace till he came along… Huh, does that mean she should be considered heterosexual now?

Oh, let's deal with this another time…

In the end, she decided to apologise.

Airis wrung her hands together nervously, "I'm sorry… I never noticed. Uhm, to make up… we can sleep and cuddle together tonight!" She offered.

Rajik froze, did he win or lose the battle? Sleeping with Airis…

Ahaha! Cuddling!

Cuddling with Airis, what a great opportunity! Yes, indeed!

Rajik eagerly nodded with a beam as he swatted away the other (wanted) intrusive thoughts away. Not now, he must be patient, hahaha…

Well, for now, this would curb his desire…

To lock her up and never let her go out ever again.

HM? What was that?

It was nothing, obviously.

What are you looking at?

Walking out of the bathroom, Airis dries her hair with a towel, grumbling at how her wet hair got tangled again. "Ugh, it's gonna be such a pain to comb it out… Mom isn't here to comb it out for me…"

She looks around the room casually and spots Rajik sitting down on an armchair, a tablet in his hand as he silently read over the confidential work documents.

"..." Airis stares at him.

"Rajik!" She calls out.

Immediately, his head perks up, "Yes?"

"Can you comb my hair for me?" Airis holds out a comb, staring at Rajik with expectant eyes.

Rajik looks at her hand, and he got flooded with excitement. Doing such a married couple thing? Absolutely!

He put down the tablet on the desk and quickly got up and headed over to the bed, taking the comb from Airis's hands and gesturing for her to sit down on the bed.

He gently runs his hands through her hair, tilting his head, "Do you have hair oil?"

With surprise, Airis nods, "Yea, let me go get it."

She soon returns with the hair oil in her hand and passes it over to Rajik who takes it and quickly put some on his hands and starts to gently rub the oil in her hair strands, smoothening it out and slowly detangling her hair with his fingers.

The moment passes by in comfortable silence as sounds of brushing hair could be heard in the room.

Airis closes her eyes and relaxes, this was her first time experiencing something like this, and it is certainly quite a novelty if she has to say so herself.

She lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding and lean into Rajik's arms, soon falling asleep.

The sound of her light snoring could be heard as Rajik smiles ever so gently at her. He slowly moves her over to the bed and under the covers, tucking her in.

Switching off the light with a clap of his hands, he takes off his glasses and sets it down on the bedside drawer and goes under the cover, manuvering Airis into his arms, snuggling together with her.

And he soon drifts off to sleep as well.


I FORGOT TO POST LOL, busy grinding gacha games and reading. The reason why the writing style here is decent, it's probably BC I read hunting Adeline before this KEK.

Anyway, have a good day y'all, love you

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