Chapter 49

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Emeralda Spirly.

A bright looking girl with peach skin, wavy blonde hair, emerald eyes, a button nose and heart-shaped lips, was seen in the picture of the document.

The golden pearl of the Spirly Family. The Spirly Family, a new money family that has recently risen due to their new popular game, Revelarse Spinal, a MMORPG that is known for their stunning graphics and well-written, emotion evoking storyline.

Since Rajik was about to become the CEO of his grandpa's company - AESINO, naturally, he should take on an assistant as well! And what wouldn't be better than the daughter of the Spirly Family that has been recently rising quickly in ranks lately?

That's right! This is just a completely business transaction!

(And a blind date) Though, Rajik's grandpa would never admit to that. Or else no matter what he does or does, Rajik would dunk everything into the ground just to avoid it.

Thus, he will try using this method. But if it doesn't work out, he will just leave him be. He can't force him to get someone after all, time will do its job. But he wants to have some fun before he retires, hence, the blind pair-up! Hehe.

"..." Rajik stared at the picture in front of him. And looked up at his grandpa.

"I already hired an assistant." He spoke.

The grandpa blinked at his words and his eyes bulged out. "WHaaTTTttt?"

"Who!?" With rejuvenated energy, he stood up and slammed his hands on the expensive coffee table.

Rajik rolled his eyes at his dramatic behaviour, before looking down and a blush took over his cheeks, "...My future wife…"


Grandpa was speechless, he sat back down slowly, and scooted his head over the table, "Can I meet her…?"

Rajik furrowed his eyebrows in distaste, "Not now. Anyway, can I reject this assistant?"

"Hahaha! No. Sorry, business transactions, anyway, you can just reject her. We already agreed that no personal feelings will be involved in this." He said, leaning back onto the sofa.

Rajik had a disgruntled look on his face. He shakes his head and sighs tiredly, "Do you know what she's like?"

His grandpa tapped his chin, "If I remember… They call her an angel! Which probably means she's innocent, naive, or she's faking it." He commented, not looking a bit guilty for pushing this on Rajik.

God damn it, can't he just disown himself from this person?

Grandpa burst out into a boisterous laughter, and patted Rajik on the shoulder, giving a thumbs up and a wink, "Good luck!"

Airis swirled the green tea in her cup. Raising an eye as she looked at Rajik, slumped down, seemingly sulking.

They were currently at a cafe as Rajik had sent her a text to hang out. Airis had no reason to refuse so she agreed.


"It's okay…? I mean, I can just make a new friend."

She didn't know what the problem was, she has a colleague so less work for her? And a new friend as well!

Why was Rajik even down about this??

"Hey… uhm, you can tell me what's bothering you. I'm your… girlfriend after all."

Oh god, that sounded so weird to say. First time saying 'i'm your girlfriend' to someone else seriously…

Rajik looked up, with teary eyes. As he slowly slid his hand over hers, lowering his head again, "I don't like other people near you… except me…"


Σ(゜゜) (*゚ロ゚)


'Gah… That made me feel… butterflies?' Airis thought quietly, her face feeling hot.

Single and virgin for more than 2 decades… or 3 if you include her past life, she has never gotten a partner, and yet, a decent good looking one!

She quietly looked down, internally screaming.

'Breathe in, breathe out…'

Hearing no response for her, Rajik got worried and raised his head, only to see Airis's head down, staying silent.

"Airis…? I'm sorry, did you feel uncomfortable hearing that…? I won't say it anymore…" He muttered.

Airis hurriedly looks up and shakes her head vigorously, "No! No! It's not that- Just- Just… I'm-"

It's as if all her previous flirting skills disappeared, Airis immediately flustered and didn't know what to say, her words weren't coming out of her mind because they sounded embarrassing!

What is she supposed to say??

I like it??

No way! That sounds too… too easy! Which sounds like an absolute bullshit reason.

(She's just shy. Won't admit it though.)

Airis took another deep breath and clasped his hand, and opened her mouth, "I like it… It's uh… nice to hear…"

'Urgh, that sounds way too cringey! Oh god, oh god, retreat, retreat!' Airis wailed in her mind.

Both people in despair, they sat desolately at the table, defeated.

It's okay, they will resolve it later on.



Please give me money to buy Childe doll. Thank you, gracious, and adiós.

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