Chapter 10

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Under the tree, Rajik tilted his head, hearing her requirements. "Amazing in bed?" He didn't know what that meant, as Airis basically gatekeep him away from the R18 books. Innocence was a beautiful thing, really. Airis could tell you with personal experience that knowing many sexual thing can form a whole new personality and let's be honest, no one wants that really.

It's quite a scary thing, considering how much she loved to shock and scare people with her amazing findings on the internet! Like that time with a twitter post... Or that reddit video... She tends to find many unique... peculiar things.

Back to the topic, hearing those words coming from Rajik. Airis honestly had no idea how to answer and just resorted to patting him on the head, "You will get it when you're older..." She couldn't bear to tell him at the moment, lest he find out by himself... Rajik pouted hearing those words. 'She still treats me like a kid...' He thought, sighing. And he's right! He IS a kid. What a dumbass.

Leaning on Rajik's shoulder, she opened her notebook and started sketching in her notebook, she paused. She should draw something for Rajik as a keepsake. It would be nice. Once he leaves, she would... she would be alone again. But it's fine, she will get used to it or find some more people to play with.

Looking at the unfinished sketch, she flipped over to an empty page and started a new drawing. She didn't really know what to draw. "Hm..." Draw... An idea popped into her head. How about letters! Yes, she could write him letters for each corresponding year. He was her first companion in this world. So, she hopes these letters will encourage him on and on. She smiled brightly. It was time for her to accept his departure and this would be a parting gift that she hopes he would cherish.

And so, as night came, Airis was wide awake, having coaxed Rajik to sleep, she quickly climbed down the ladder, her notebook tugged behind her arms as she scampered along the wooden floor. Pushing the door open, she saw that the lights were on. She slowed down and walked into the bright room, surprising Miss Faeri who was reading a book. She put it down and went over to Airis, squatting down to her height.

"Is everything alright, Airis? Why aren't you asleep yet?" In a gentle voice, she questioned Airis.

Airis showed her notebook, "I... want to write letters to Rajik until he turns 20!" She put her arms behind her back, wringing her fingers nervously. "I know he's getting adopted soon, so I want to give him a parting gift."

Hearing that, Miss Faeri couldn't help but furrowed her eyebrows, it's not that she was dissatisfied, but she truly did feel uncomfortable having to separate this close pair of friends apart, she could see that they supported each other as well as accompanied each other.

It's just a shame...

A light sigh, a small smile spread across her lips, "Of course, come, sit next to me." She stood up and lent her hand to Airis who held it, wrinkles could be seen at the corners of her eyes. She was happy she could do this for Rajik. In honesty, she really hopes that Rajik will grow up well and healthy under his adopter.

Letter 0: (age 14)

Hi! Hi! Rajik, you must have arrived at your new home right? I hope it's warm and cosy over there! It's only been a few hours since you are gone, but I already miss you! Remember, take your time to slowly adapt to the place! And enjoy life and anything, just take it easy for now. You deserve it! Don't put too much pressure on yourself, okay? Make new friends as well, and find new hobbies and interests! I would be really happy if you even just go to school and try your best. That's already good enough for me. Well, I'm not sure what else to say, but see you on your birthday!

Letter 1: (age 15)

Happy birthday Rajik!! How are you doing? Did you make new friends? I hope you did! Any new hobbies? I hope you have been taking care of yourself! I'm sure you're doing amazing already! Keep up Rajik! I will cheer you on constantly no matter where you are. Is school fun? Any new favourite food recently? I love eating actually! But at the orphanage, a variety of food choices were scarce so obviously I couldn't really express it now, could I? Have you gotten a girlfriend? Haha! Maybe you did! Do keep having fun and enjoy yourself. If you're feeling anxious or stress,
do take a break. You deserve it.

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