Chapter 34

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Airis blinks her eyes. "No… RAJIK? YOU- You…"

Rajik blinks his eyes, he tilts his head. "I'm…?"

Airis covers her face with her hands, "Oh my god…" She mumbles incoherently.

Ugh… Isn't this a bit too much? Meeting Rajik.. like this!

She actually never thought that she would meet him again…

And it's even worse, when the first thought that pops up in her mind is, 'Is Rajik gay?'

Seriously! Isn't that just too horrible? How could Rajik just grow up with that kind of pretty face that looks so pitiful when he starts crying. Isn't that just asking for it at this point?

'What if he gets kidnapped because of his face!?' Airis thinks worriedly.

Her hand reaches up to peel her lips, a nervous habit she had developed over the years.

She felt someone touch her hand and gently pull it away from her lips. Facing Rajik's face, filled with worry. "Don't peel your lips…" He softly said.

Rajik sighs lamently, worries fill his brain, he should have brought a lip balm, look at Airis's lips! It was so dry! What if her lips start bleeding? He could never forgive himself if that happens. Gosh, he's so irresponsible. He needs to be prepared for any situation where he can soothe or seduce Airis!

"Ah… uh… sorry…" Airis didn't know what to do except apologise. Rajik looks like he's going to start crying at the sight of her peeling her lips…

That's… really stupid. 😔

"Uhm, don't you have somewhere to go?" Airis asks, pointing at the plastic bag.

"Ah!" Rajik finally remembers the reason why he came here in the first place.

But… He doesn't really want to leave Airis. "When does your shift end?"

Airis looks at her phone, "In 5 minutes. My co-worker should be coming in soon." Rajik nods and smiles, "I will wait then."

"You don't need to-"


Someone enters the store, and it is the co-worker! Rather convenient…. Airis didn't think much of it but just smiled brightly at them. "Ash!" She waves at them.

"Hey! Ohh, who's this pretty fella over here?" They question, sending a look at Airis.

Airis gestures to Rajik, "He's my childhood friend! I haven't seen him in years."

Ash gasps, "Wow! Really? That's great!" They clap their hands together. "You should head off then! Have a nice long chat and catch up on everything!" They hurry Airis and Rajik out of the store. Flashing them a thumbs up.

"Do you mind following me along to drop this off? It will be quick." Rajik asks, hoping Airis is alright with it.

She glances at him with a confused look, "Why do you need to ask that?"

"We're… not going together..?"

"We are…?"

Rajik slumps down, "Oh…" He mutters with great disappointment. Airis starts sweating intensely, is it just her, or is she seeing dog ears and a tail appear behind Rajik?

"I- I can go…" Airis could not reject. And Rajik immediately brightens up, the illusionary dog ears going up, the tail wagging. Airis rubs her eyes, and huh…

They disappeared. She guessed she was seeing things…

Rajik leads Airis to his car, opening the passenger door seat for her like a gentleman.

Airis thanked him and got in, seemingly used to the treatment. (She isn't)

But hey, whose one to get flustered and reject the gesture? It's a nice and respectful one.

Airis hums cheerfully as she takes out her phone and starts browsing through it. Not noticing Rajik's lovestruck eyes.

Rajik is feeling absolutely elated tonight. He missed Airis like crazy over the years… And now, she's in front of him. Words couldn't describe the intense feeling Rajik is experiencing.

He really wants to bring her home, introduce her to his grandparent, go to her house, introduce him to her parents, propose and get married, have kids and die together, reincarnate into their next life and repeat. She will never leave him, and neither will he.

Doesn't it sound like a great plan?

Rajik smiles so brightly as he drives to the hotel where the banquet was being hosted.

Soon, he arrives at the place.

"Airis, do you want to come up with me?"

"Huh? I can? Is there food?" Airis blinks and asks excitedly.

Rajik nods, beaming.

Airis cheers, "Count me in!" She gets out of the car at a fast pace. Excited.

Going to a fancy place is a rare chance for Airis. Well, her adoptive parents can afford them, but most of the time, she kind of chooses to rot at home or earn money. Even though Estorea and Nariek said could afford to buy whatever she wanted.

But Airis rejected it because it made her feel guilty for using their money when she was completely capable of working. Besides, they pay for her living expenses, transport and food.  So it would be too much if they also start buying the things she wants with their hard-earned money.

Back to the topic, Airis follows Rajik to the car park elevator.

Ding! The elevator arrives.

Airis and Rajik steps inside the elevator. The interior of the elevator catches Airis's eyes as she begins to observe it.

'Woah, the whole elevator interior screams fancy and it's made out of marble, ohhh, there's something here that's made out of glass… it's kinda foggy thou- IT CLEARS UP??'

Airis's eyes sparkles, this is similar to the mechanism on the train where it fogs up when it goes near the apartments of some residents! They implemented it in an elevator??

She points to the glass, looking over at Rajik. Catching him smiling at her.

He got startled when Airis suddenly turned around, becoming flustered. "Ah… Uh…" His cheeks dusted pink, as he started to rub the back of his neck awkwardly. "What… Do you need…?" He asked sheepishly.

Airis chuckles, she points at the glass, "Do they implement this in every other elevator in this hotel?"

Rajik nods, "Yes, it's called Smart glass and the glazing occurs when the window's light transmission properties are altered through the application of voltage, light or heat to the surface. It's rather tedious to apply this to all elevators but it's for show so…" Ah, he rambled off again. That's really embarrassing…

Airis swoons at his cute actions, she didn't understand a word he said! But he looks cute when doing things like that so it's fine. Ah, it's such a gift to have such an adorable looking face, his face is the closest thing to what she would call good-looking. And mind you, her standards for looks are high, considering they're all fictional.


The elevator reaches its destination. Thankfully, cutting off any future awkward moments that might have happened if they got stuck in there for a little while longer.

'Phew.' Rajik thought. He is not prepared for this at all!


Hii it's 2:30am, my back hurts, I'm only my period. No beta, we die like dogs.

Suffer. Ok thanks bye.

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