Chapter 20

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It had been a beautiful day outside. Until she saw that scene through the window and made 4 scenarios of what was gonna happen in the future within 3 seconds.

Airis didn’t know what to react, or what to do and just decided to walk away and pretend it never happened. It was seriously too awkward, honestly. Last year, she saw two tropes.

So, this year, it was going to be The Cold Prince and uh… The tsundere?

Man, she doesn’t know, don’t ask her.

Anyway, she really ought to head to class now.

Airis walked along the hallway, it was rather crowded, filled with students in their little own groups, seemingly gossiping. Airis wasn’t paying much attention to what they were talking about until she heard the term, ‘Transfer Students’. She raised an eyebrow, ‘Damn? Another two transfer student? Huh…’

Oh boy… She has a fat inkling the transfer students is going to be in her class. Hm, she wondered what they would be like. Anyway, this time the transfer student wasn’t randomly in the middle of the school term but at the start. So there’s at least some improvement this time.

Arriving at her classroom, Airis quickly snatched a seat right in the middle of the class. She relaxed until she felt someone next to her pulled out their seat and sat right next to her. She turned around to see who it was and was stunned to see a youthful girl, her aura one of liveliness as she hummed cheerful. She had short brown hair, coal-coloured eyes and was fair-skinned.

Wasn’t this too much? Making a female lead sit right next to her? Aren’t they normally at the back of the class or at the window or something???

“...” Airis just stared blankly. Man.

Airis just turned away and laid her head on the table, taking out her phone from her pocket as she looked through it to distract her thoughts and just admire hot 2D men.

Yes, 2D men are the real cake. Oh, how she wished she could just slobber them up-

Breathe in, breathe out. Don't get too excited in the morning, Airis.

Oh man, those are some nice abs-

"Class! BE QUIET!" A loud voice echoed around the classroom.

Airis hurriedly turned off her phone and kept it in her pocket, lifting her head to focus on the teacher.

The teacher put her hands on her hips, looking intimidating. Once everyone was seated down and remained silent, the teacher finally smiled.

"I'm sure most of you know each other from last year, considering the lot of you should have been in some classes together, anyway, today, we have two new students who transferred recently, please treat them nicely."

And right on the dot, a handsome man walked in, he had dirty blonde hair, fair skinned and artic blue eyes.

He gave off a playful aura, grinning brightly. "Heya! My name's Roland. I hope we can be friends!"

Most of the girls squealed loudly in class, while the boys were cheering. Oh man, it was super loud.

Airis plugged her ears, where hot? Does he have 8-pack-abs? Wait, he probably does.

Nevermind, does he have a 336 cm dong? No he doesn't. So he's not qualified! (If you know the reference to this, I salute you.)

"Quiet down! Introducing the second student, Amy, please stand up." The brown haired girl next to Airis immediately got up, a bright smile on her face.

"Hello, I'm Amy! It's nice to meet you all. I love playing games so if you want to play together, please ask me!"

The reactions were greatly different, with some of the girls whispering and pointing at her while some were greeting her, most of the boys were whispering as well, probably wondering what games she was playing.

But Amy was too dense and just sat down, looking excited and satisfied with her introduction.

Moving on, of course, conveniently, there was an empty seat right next to Amy! What a chance! At that point, most of the girls and guys were eyeing(glaring) at Amy, the person sitting in front of the seat, at the back and at the other side.

What a show, honestly.

Anyway, Roland sat there. And he was very friendly, chatting happily with the people around him.

Airis cupped her cheek with her palm, staring blankly at Amy who was enthusiastically chatting with Roland.

Her ears perked up at the conversation they were having.

"Roland, Roland, do you like any games?"

"Yea yea, I do, I play lots of games, like FPS games mostly!"

"Ohh, I also play FPS games too! Which one do you play?"

"Hmm, Va**rant, Ap** Le**nds!"

"Ohh, what ranks are you?"

"For va**rant, I'm Diamond 2! For ap**, I'm Diamond tier!"

"Ohh, I'm Diamond 3, and Master rank in Ap**!"

"Woah, you're really good at Ap**! I tried it and it's still super difficult for me. I'm surprised that I'm higher than you in Va**rant."

"Oh, that's probably because the mechanics between the two games are vastly different, and I don't play va**rant that often because I.. personally feel like it's easier so it's kind of boring…"

"HAHA! That's the first time I heard of that! Hey, let's play a game together! How about va**rant first?" He took out his phone, wanting to exchange contacts.

Amy did the same, chatting merrily along the way. Since it was still the first day, there weren't any classes happening, they still haven't received their schedule anyway. So it was probably going to be for the next few days, just play, play and play.

Oh man, what a bummer.


Not 1k words, 944 words to be exact. Crying. I'm like going through writer's block rn, it's so hard 😭😭 ideas for their highschool life?

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