Chapter 11

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The door swung open. “Welcome to our humble abode! Let me show you around.” Ms. Mari exclaimed excitedly, which she insisted for Airis to call her Estorea as Mari was her middle name and it felt weird to her to call her Mari. Mr. Thomas also chimed in, agreeing, he also insisted for Airis to call him Nareik. It was also the fact that the moment they got home, Nareik had instantly loosened his tie and messed up his hair, breathing a sigh of relief, taking off his glasses.


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Source: gomzi

Airis blinked, ‘...He’s so pretty!’ Nareik gave off a feminine beauty vibe. His skin smooth and shiny, along with his long eyelashes adorning his eyelids, and the gentleness he gave off… was instantly doubled when he burst into tears, “I want my blue hair back!” He looked so pitiful with his tear-stained eyes.


Airis turned to look at Estorea, the blonde lady seemed used to it as she walked over to him and gently hugged him as she tidied his hair. “There, there, how about you go to the hairdresser and get your blue hair back? I will take care of Airis.”

Nareik nodded, and wiped away his tears, he faced Airis and did a 90-degree bow, “I’m so sorry you have to see me in this state! I will be back fast!” Airis reassured him that it was alright, and that he could take his time.

Nareik’s eyes filled with tears again, crying out that she was such a nice person. Airis was flustered, she didn’t know what to say. Luckily, Estorea stepped in, “Oh, stop it! You’re making Airis nervous! Go and get your hair done!”

She turned around to face Airis, shaking her head. “Don’t fall for his act, he’s always like that, invoking pity unconsciously, especially with his looks." She pointed to her hair, "This is not my natural hair colour actually, mine is a raven black colour, and that's actually Nareik's natural hair colour, normally his hair would be blue, but he dyed it back just to have a good impression on you." She chuckled.

"Nevermind that," Clapping her hands, "Let me show you around now!” With a hurry, she pushed Airis around the house, and the first place was the living room.

It was a mix of quaint and modern, with a large screen TV and a small worn-out coffee table with a rather unique designed sofa. The exterior is made out of dark wooden wood, with two pillows and a rectangular mattress placed on the wooden base of the sofa. The armrests were wavy…? Airis didn’t know how to explain it. But they were like going up and down.

Besides that, the floor was made out of white marble. There was a door on the far uppermost right, leading to the kitchen. There were counters, the base made out of wood while the top was marble. With a microwave on one the counter and on top of it was a small oven and beside the microwave, there was an airfryer. And with some spacing between the air fryer, it led to the gas burner stove. The floor pattern was also rather unique, having changed from marble to…  white coloured concrete with some weird flowery designs on some of the tiles coloured pastel green. It was shaped in squares and there were outlines between the tiles.

Moving on to another door in the opposite direction of the living room, it led into a huge bedroom with a walk-in wardrobe and beyond it was a bathroom. The floor has once again changed to a wooden floor, covered in a birch wood design. Across from the bedroom, there was another room, which Airis assumed was going to be her room. It was much smaller. With more than enough space to fit the necessary furniture, including a bed, a desk, closet, and a drawer.

Laying her eyes upon the room, the walls were a nice creamy white, and there was lots of empty space. Airis was beyond excited, she wondered if her new caretakers would allow her to decorate the room personally.

Just as expected, “This is going to be your new room! I left it empty and not furnished yet because I wanted you to choose your own furniture!” Estorea explained with a smile. Airis nodded excitedly, decorating a room! And her own, no less! She couldn’t wait. “What would be the budget?” She asked Estorea. “2000!” Airis’s eyes widened at the large budget, she opened her mouth to ask if that was something she was worth, however, before she could say anything. Estorea patted her head, “No worries about the price, we’re not short of money in any way, I just want you to have the joy of decorating a room you personally own. And you can get anything you want, ah, but do show me before you want to purchase it, okay?”

Airis nodded obediently. It was already really nice of Estorea to provide such a huge budget, so it’s only natural that she uses it thoughtfully.

After receiving her phone, Airis was officially given freedom to now decorate her room, for the meantime, she would be sleeping on a mattress on the floor. And so, with quick reflexes, she immediately went to her beloved familiar app, which used to be called Taobao in her last life, but now it’s BaoTao. Also discovering that YouTube was now called YouVid and Twitter is now called TweetTweet, Instagram became InstaMedia and Reddit was the only unusual one, the name had remained the same.

At the moment, it was the 2006 DA, in the country of beautiful Caovao. With some kind of suspicious luck, she managed to be in a country that greatly resembles the country she had happened to be living in her previous life. At this point, Airis is thinking she might be in a novel or something. At this point, well, she couldn’t be bothered to care now, could she? 

Weirdly enough, all the latest technologies she had seen back in 2022 had already been invented in this era. ‘Well, I couldn’t have expected everything would be parallel to my universe.’ However, the games that she used to play haven't been released yet.

Airis wanted to cry, the game was released in 2019 and 2020 back in her time! Does this mean she has to wait like decades for them to be released!? And even worse, her favourite character which she had considered him to be her top-top fictional husband would only be released in anime in the year of 2016! And that's a whole ass decade! 

At this moment, Airis decided she should definitely up her drawing skills so she could draw her beloved husband. Well… at least for the novel release, she would just have to wait 6 more years, so it isn’t that bad…

Sob, she would have to find new fictional guys to go crazy over now… She was planning to decorate her walls with posters of her fictional husbands, but they didn’t exist yet!

But… she could technically commission an artist on TweetTweet to draw her husbands… And manufactured them into merchandise! Of course, what a genius idea! …And horribly troublesome. Perhaps she should just find some new fictional characters to go crazy over. Yea.. that seems to be a much better idea… doesn’t it?

And thus, started the new school life of our beloved protagonist with plot armour, Airis.

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