Chapter 32

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*Ring Ring*


"Hello? Calvin?" Rajik spoke.

Calvin shivered, "God, you sound fucking terrifying with that nice tone. Brrrr, anyay, me and Yang are going to your apartment again to dump ourselves, just telling you first."

Rajik smiled, "Is that so? It's alright! Stay as long as you need." (Translation: why the fuck are you in my apartment again.)

Calvin rolled his eyes, "Yea, yea. Don't mind us, take your time as long as you need at the party. Oh, if you see any good celebrities for our clothing line, make sure to give them a card!"

Rajik nodded, "Of course, no problem. Good bye." And like that, he hung up the phone and put it away back in his pocket.

On this particular Thursday night, Rajik was attending a business party. And with his prettyish looking face, he's often approached by directors who want to scout him.

And with great irritation, Rajik has to inform them time and time again that he wasn't interested. Of course, some people weren't willing to take that and tried to touch him, and Rajik was forced to hand his card to him.

Tch. He didn't like hanging out his business card that has his email, it just means he needs to reply to them which is really annoying. Along with the fact that it's not well-known that he's currently the head proxy of the BlackPearl Company.

However, it was satisfying to see some of their faces scrunch up and they start sweating, excuse themselves and scamper away. Good thing they graciously give him back his card! It's rather disrespectful but he rather not have them access to his work email, it's flooded enough as it is.

Click. Clack.

A woman of immeasurable beauty approached him. Her skin white and pale, giving off a glowy look to her. Dressed in a strapless spaghetti red dress, her long luster and smooth blonde hair hung over her shoulder. As if she had no imperfections to her looks and body. Her beauty was truly outstanding.

Even Rajik acknowledged it in his mind when he saw her approached, anyway, how would his dear Airis look in formal wear? Matching with him especially! That sounded really lovely, haha, he should definitely find her soon.

With those thoughts in mind, he couldn't help but smile brightly. In which the beauty had noticed and thought he was smiling at her.

Her ego raised in her, he wasn't immediately stunned speechless at first sight after all.

She gives him a small smile. "Hello, I noticed you earlier and you do not seem to have a partner." She gestured to a corner in the room.

A black glass coffee table filled with drinks and small little appetizers. The table was surrounded by a huge curved sofa, seemingly stretching up to a multiple meters long. There were multiple youths on it, laughing and clinking glasses with each other.

Rajik analysed them one by one, they were the children of influential children. He should make connections with them. After all, it was easier to manipulate those naive young adults.

He turned to face the beauty and nodded, giving a grateful smile. Her face lit up and her eyes curved a bit, giving a sweet look to her expression.

They both walked over and some of them noticed them, waving at them. The beauty smiled and waved at them back, "I'm back! I got him, guys!" Rajik raised his eyebrows at those words.

She giggled bashfully, "Well, I noticed you a bit earlier than that, and I actually wanted to invite you over here sooner, but I was rather shy, but they encouraged me to speak up to you and I did! Thank you for coming."

Rajik nodded and smiled, "It is no problem. I am quite honoured to be invited by a beauty as yourself."

She couldn't help but giggled again, a shy look on her face.

"Hey Estella! Don't forget us now!" One of the boys shouted, the others laughed boisterously at his words and Estella blushed heavily, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

Rajik's eyes fell onto him. Daniel Orthos. He was the son of Glenden Orthos. A big boss in the hotel industry, owner of one of the highest rated and expensive hotels in this country. It wouldn't be bad to make connections with him, maybe he can bring Airis there one day.

Maybe he should just build a hotel, he doesn't want Airis going to another person's hotel… Mhm, he should note that down. It wouldn't hurt to go into another industry. He already entered the fashion and entertainment industry after all, with the help of Calvin.

Ah, he should also open a motel. Him and Airis can get caught in the rain… and they go to a nearby motel and make out… God, he's a genius!

A tug on his cuff sleeve broke him out. He turned to look at Estella, giving a questioning look.

Estella cutely lowered her head as she asked meekly, "Can we sit together?"

Rajik hesitated before nodding. It seems this girl had some impact on those boys. It wouldn't hurt to make good use of her. But he didn't really want to get into any physical contact with her. Even breathing the same air as her makes him feel as if he's cheating on Airis.

Maybe he should bring a mask air filter next time…

He sat next to Estella. And introduced himself respectfully to the others.

The others nodded and cheered once again. And they soon drifted off into random topics.

There were some people eyeing either him and Estella which he just ignored, not giving any mind to them and it seems Estella did the same, showing that she was used to the stares.

Rajik couldn't help but shift a little uncomfortably in his seat. Oh, he's about to burst. How could other people look at him with that passionate and lustful gaze when his Airis hasn't even yet?

Such preposterous behaviour, really.

"Do you know the other day, I saw this person walking with a new convenience snack I had never seen before! It looked really good, and I tried to order some online but there was none! Ugh, it disgusts me that I have to go to those small little cheap stores just to get some processed food. Kind of ticks me off." One of the guys, Ken, chattered.

"Why don't we just ask a waiter to get some of us? I saw a store a few kilometres away." Daniel replied.

"Ohh, you're smart! Yes, we should!"

Rajik raised his hand, "I don't mind going to get them." He smiled politely.

Ken looked at him, shocked. "Really? That would be great, man! Are you sure though? You don't have to!"

Rajik shook his head, a soft smile gracing his face. "It's no problem at all. I will go off and be right back in 30 minutes."

Estella couldn't help but pout, tugging at his sleeve. "Really…? Do you have to go?"

"I won't be gone for long." He said in a helpless tone, as if coaxing a child.

Estella sighed and nodded, "Be back soon."

"I will."

And he headed off.

I wanted to give more personalities to the minor characters than I remembered that how they were acting like is a cliche and stereotype thingy so I'm going for it. Idk maybe someone can transmigrate into them LOLOL.

well I hope they don't, they might head for Rajik. 😰😰

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