Chapter 43

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Rajik frowned, as he leaned back in his office chair and tapped his finger on his knee.

Three pictures laid out on the desk, with stacks of paper next to them. Rajik had asked his trusted assistant to go through them and give him back any crucial information he may need.

As expected, they had reported back to him. And now here Rajik was, in his office, the pictures strewn all across his desk.

One look at them and he could tell, they were similar to him, but a bit different in how they treat their darlings. And by looking through the papers, it seems the previous people they have gotten obsessed with has died due to abuse and torture from their 'extreme' love.

So it was rather annoying, and with the latest reports on them, it seems they also have gotten enamoured with his… groupmate. Candice.

In which, he doesn't really like because Airis has been staring at her multiple times before in class, and the fact that Airis might be in danger too. So he was very irritated.

And he can't waste his time on these kinds of things when he could be wooing Airis right now!

Think… He can't just kill them off, that would be a bit too suspicious and round up a huge police investigation…

He could kill Candice but then his love would have a chance of being the next target and that's a big NO NO.

Brainwash Candice into becoming obedient for them? That would work but is too much hassle and time.

Transfer the professors away? Land them in jail? That shit would work but the organisation they're in would get alerted…

Hmm, well, he can just… make Candice have more encounters with the professors so they would get enamoured with her, finish up their job and whisk her away. It's easy, not time-consuming. But Airis doesn't guarantee safety.

Huh, wouldn't it work if he just follows her everywhere, like doing sleepovers with her! And say that the place he's staying at is getting renovated and his friends won't let him stay at their houses. And best of all, he could also spend more time with her!

What a genius idea!

Rajik hurriedly pulled up his phone to message Airis.

Airis! Can I stay at your house? My house is currently getting renovated and my friends won't let me stay over at theirs for some reason. >.<

Airis: Let me go ask my parents. Gimme a moment!

Airis: hi hi, you can stay over! My mom agreed but I'm not sure abt my dad since he's out rn. But you can come over for the time being! ^^

Ah, really? That's great! I will go and pack up my things and head over now.

Airis: okk see you soon!!


Rajik put down his phone and had a smile of bliss. Score! He secretly fist pumped.

And he quickly got up and scrambled to quickly leave the company, to his house to pack his luggage.

Ding dong!

"Coming!" Airis shouted. She scampered to the door and flung it open, seeing Rajik holding a black luggage.

"Rajik, come on in! I prepared an extra room for you to put your things in!" Airis tried to grab the luggage from Rajik's hand but he didn't budge one bit as he took off his shoes and put them on the rack, stepping in the house.

Instantly hearing a sizzling sound coming from the kitchen, it seems that Airis's mom, Estorea, is cooking.

Feeling his hand get grabbed, Rajik looked up with surprise as he felt Airis excitedly dragging him toward the guest room.

He couldn't help but chuckled, "Slow down, I'm not going anywhere."

"Maybe you are! Come!" Airis rebutted.

Still, he held on tight to her hand as she led him.

In no time, Rajik and Airis reached the guest room that was further down the hall from Airis's room.

Stepping in, Airis ushered Rajik to put down his luggage on the floor and offered to unpack it together, and Rajik agreed delightly.

Thankfully, he didn't bring anything embarrassing with him. Haha.

And instantly wished he could strangle Calvin when Airis took out a cardboard box and took a peek inside.

It was a hot pink, coloured *****.

Wasn't that box filled with his workpapers?

This little piece of shit-

Rjaik never felt a stronger urge to actually murder Calvin as he received a stare from Airis.

"You…biseuxal? Or gay? Or erm… I don't know…" Airis questioned as she puts back on the cover of the box.

"No, no, no! I'm straight! That ***** isn't mine! Really! Calvin must have put in there and replaced my work papers somewhere! That little-"

Airis burst out into laughter seeing Rajik's panicked expression. "Is that so? Well, I'll trust your word."

Sliding the box under the bed, snickering.

Oh, Rajik wished he could have a hole swallow him up.

He's going to kill Calvin and make sure he wished he was never born. 🙂


Hiii, happy Chinese new year!! Hope everyone's okay ^^

Anyway, Rajik is very different from how I want him to act, but hey, who doesn't like a more humane male lead! Hehe. So ykw, I'm glad LOL. And prayers to Calvin 🙏🙏

Ok thanks loll see ya

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