Chapter 21

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Class finally finished and it was currently lunch break, right now.

Airis was in a daze. Class had ended about 10 minutes ago and she was still a bit out of it.

Sitting in the canteen, at the table with her friends. She leaned her cheek against her palm as she observed her surroundings.

Everything seemed to change from what she had remembered. It seems all the previous 'popular' people as well as the main characters from the tropes last year seemingly got replaced.

And the next batch comes, taking their place. It was rather fascinating to be fairly honest. However, it seems like the main characters were in her year this time?

Does that mean the rivals or obstacles are in the lower year? Hmm… that's rather weird…

Strange, really.

Airis couldn't understand this phenomenon, too much for her brain cells. Maybe it was the way of the word or something? Well… she isn't complaining, as long as it doesn't affect.

Everything can go along their merry way.

"Airis?" Madeline called out.

Airis blinked and snapped back to reality. "What what?" She noticed Madeline looking at her worriedly. "Ah, oh, sorry."

Diana furrowed her eyebrows, concerned, "Everything okay? Nothing wrong, right?"

Airis nodded hurriedly, waving her hands, "Yes, I was just a bit out of it. Nothing to be worried about, really."

Diana sighed, shaking her head. "Alright, if you say so, but if anything is up, you can tell us."

Airis smiled gratefully, "Will do!"


The end of a school day.

Airis lazily trotted along the school hallway. God, it was only the first day and she's already exhausted. School never fails to make her feel like she went a 100 pound goo and tried swimming out of it for 6 hours.

'Mm… I wonder how Rajik is doing?' She thought. Hopefully, he's doing fine, and that he made lots of friends and is doing well in school and everything.

Time does fly fast when it wants to, every time she's in class. She feels like a decade has been taken off her lifespan in just an hour.

Huh, now that she's thinking about it, she wonders how old she would be now if added onto her previous life?

Uhh.. 30 years old! Yea! Well, if she minuses off the extra she didn't go through. Damn she's old. She remembers feeling like she never reached the age of 20 when she was 12 back then. But technically, now she does.

Strangely, her past memories have also started to blur out, it seems like one big blob now in her mind. She has difficulty remembering them, which to her, she felt a bit forlorn and sad, but she can't dwell on the past any longer, can she?

She has a new life, and honestly, she should start focusing on this one. But… she shouldn't forget her roots at the very least.

That's the least she could do even if she couldn't remember them much anymore.

Added on, Airis had also noticed that her mind state didn't seem to be maturing which made her curious again, does her current biological state affect how her mind thinks?

If so, then does her memories perhaps come from her brain or her soul? Or did someone just take out her memories from her previous brain and implanted it into this brain? Then why did a higher up bring her into this world instead of just reincarnating her without her memories?

Maybe she forgot to drink the famous Meng Po soup? Or did her soul somehow trip into this world and she came into this body because her soul resonated greatly with this body? But then, how did this body die?


Okay, no more inner monologue ahaha, or it will start becoming a philosophy session of, "What is a chair?", " Why did a chair come to life?", "Who named it chair?" And all that shit and honestly, that will probably give Airis a midlife existential crisis.

Moving on, moving on…

On another note, she should really move on quickly now. She was supposed to meet the girls at the mall!

'I can't handle another one of Sam's glares! TT'

Airis started running through the halls, and a teacher caught it and yelled at her, "NO RUNNING IN HALLS, YOUNG LADY! STOP IT, RIGHT NOW!"

And she was pulled aside and given a lecture.


Did she offend god or something today?

Meanwhile… with Rajik…

In a room that was larger than the author's whole apartment, Rajik was lying down on the bed.

His room had a youthful style to it, with the theme colour of his room being blue. He had a full fleshed out walk-in closet filled with the latest trendy clothes and his own bathroom.

And an expensive modern-white looking desk with a PC on it, filled with the newest released GPU, CPU and all kinds of computer-related stuff on the right side of his room. There was also a bow window right next to it.

In the middle of the room, there was a king bed, and there was a TV lodged onto the wall with a movable stand added with some of the latest consoles, that were facing the TV. In front of the TV, there was a round carpet with some beanie bags.

And on the other side of the room, was tons of bookshelves filled with fictional and non-fiction books, all on adventure fantasy stories, economy and other information such as technology, psychology, science or whatever.

This was simply the price of being adopted in a rich family, he had to study to overtake his grandfather's company, as his grandfather's close relatives had passed on, and his grandfather didn't trust his distant relatives to take care of his companies when he himself would pass on.

Thus, his grandfather adopted Rajik.

It was a good decision, nonetheless.

His grandfather's name was Anthony Inteona. One of the top rich families in this country. His son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren had died in an arranged car crash, to be forward, an assassination attack by his distant relatives who were fighting to be the heir, even though, he had explicitly stated that no one other than his, children, grandchildren, and so forward would inherit it.

But alas, of course, who would listen? And so, they arranged an accident.

They thought that Anthony had no choice but to pick one of them to be trained as an heir, but unexpectedly, he had adopted an orphan.

This time, Anthony guarded him like a hawk, no such mishaps could befall upon him.

They would soon have to give up.


Rajik was ambitious and determined. Sure, he was smart, and that it was easier for him to understand information faster than others, but he also worked hard, which Anthony has noticed.

He really was lucky picking up this child, but he also knew, if it wasn't for the little girl next to him encouraging him to go, he wouldn't have come and vehemently refused him.

It was rather terrifying for someone his age to be so ambitious, he had an inkling that all of this work he was putting into, was for that girl.

What a scary lad, wouldn't you think so?


if u often see me in Ur notifications or go to my profile, u know I've gotten like 1000000x busier.

And also with the fact I'm writing a genshin fanfic 💀💀💀 y'all I'm like fucked.

Anyway enjoy the chapter, I'm gonna dip and write down my new story draft that's popped up in my mind and also work on my next fanfic Scenario, see ya my fellow readers.

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