Chapter 31

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"AhhhHhHhhhhhhHHH!" Airis's muffled screams could be heard throughout her room. She was stuffing her face in her pillow, repeatedly hitting her pillow with her fist, acting like some bashful teenager in love.

The cause?

The buff tiger-

On the screen…

"..." Oh. Well, one humanoid animal should be fine…

 Well, one humanoid animal should be fine…

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The tiger in question.

Airis blissfully sighs once she gets over that. People just have cultured tastes nowadays and hers isn't as bad really. Like they should go look at those obscure and non-well kinks and she would look like an angel next to them!

Besides, it's not like she's going to like a humanoid tiger for real. It's fiction after all.

Airis is pretty sure if she saw that face in 4D format, she might shit in fear.

Moving on, she already finished the tiger's romance route so she should move on to another. Hmm… Who should she go for next…


"AHH!" Airis screams again in shock as she drops her switch. It took no time for Airis to react instinctively as she gasped and hurriedly went over to cradle her beloved switch in her arms.

And finally remembers to turn around and glare at the intruder. "What?"

Who is the intruder?

Ding Ding Ding! Correct!

It's the amazing, almighty, piece of shit, cow dung, Sam!! Woo!!

"Do you not remember we planned to go out for dinner? The rest are waiting for you downstairs!" Sam chids. Airis rolled her eyes, "Alright, alright, get out. Give me 5 minutes."

Sam heeded and slammed the door behind him, electing an angry shout from Airis. "IF YOU BREAK MY DOOR, I WILL COVER YOUR MANSION'S FLOOR WITH LEGOS! DO YOU HEAR ME!?"

And that was one day of the year.

Rajik stared at his incomprehensible cloth in his hand.

Calvin leaned over and scrunched his eyes, trying to analyse what was on the cloth. "...A giraffe…?"

"..." Rajik smacked the back of his head. "Are you blind! It's obviously a Spinus tristis!"

Calvin just slowly turned to look at him, a clueless look in his eyes, question marks appearing in his mind. "What the fuck is that."

Rajik just put down his cloth and needle, turned on his phone and proceeded to block Calvin in his contacts. And he simply turned it back off, and picked up the cloth and needle and continued practicing to sew.

  Σ( ° △ °|||)? What did he do?

What was going through Rajik's mind? 'No dumb piece of shit is going to be my friend. How could he not know what a Spinus tristis is? Has he never gone outside before?'

It's practically a wonder how different Rajik acts with Airis and his best friends. And then you compare him when he's in his work mode and he's practically a business satan respawn in secret. He even got his little cute nickname in the industry! Angel Prince.

And you might ask, that doesn't sound like him at all! CORRECT. IT ISN'T.

Rajik starts acting like an innocent, kind and selfless person around people he needs to use and acquaintances. Using his pretty face to his advantage when playing this act.

Ask Calvin and Yang about it, and they, low-key, almost peed themselves when Rajik started talking to them in a soft voice around others.

Only to feel reassured when they were alone and Rajik immediately changed his demeanor. Glaring them to death as he warned them not to reveal his behaviour which they took it seriously to the max.

Getting on Rajik's bad side doesn't seem to be a very fun thing, now, does it?

In a bunch of wails and cries, there lies Airis in the middle of them. Having accompanied Diana and Nicky to the daycare since she was free.

Airis was excited, she somehow had this thought that she was supposedly good with kids. No, she's not.

She thought she had the patience of a Buddha. (Not self-aware)

Not until that little spoiled brat came and ruined her day, crying and pointing to whatever there was, saying he wanted a chocolate snack.

Airis gave in, and handed one chocolate bar to the kid. And he was delighted to receive it, and chowed it down. Then realised he had no more and started wailing again.

And Airis's straw snapped. Resulting in Diana and Nicky holding her back and her being banned from the daycare.

"You guys don't understand the little menace that brat was being! I purposely gave him a snack to stop crying even though snack time was over, and he literally wolfed it down, looked at his empty hands and started crying again! This shit unfairrr, he's the one that should get scolded! Why is it me!!?" Airis complained the whole way as they were walking home.

Anyway, Diana was about to strangle Airis if it wasn't for Nicky.

What a great friendship this is.

Calvin had hit the top trending in model fashion once again with his latest wear.

Calvin had hit the top trending in model fashion once again with his latest wear

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Rajik felt tortured during this period everytime he tried to look at the news and social media, only to be bombarded by Calvin's ugly mug face everywhere. 'It must be a nightmare.' Rajik thought seriously to himself.

And when the cause of all his horrors strides in his house, Rajik immediately took a full-face mask and aimed for Calvin's face.


Score! One point for Rajik! Amazing, with accuracy and precision, he had hit the centre of Calvin's face, successfully covering it.

Yang just stood there, shocked, with a plate of food in his hands. Seeing Rajik in a throwing position and Calvin who had a mask stuck to his face.

Perhaps he should rethink his friend group. Aha.



Ur girl busy arguing with the recruiter on shifts rn so ehe 😚🌈

Anyway ya enjoy bro

P.S. I will take no criticisms to my little cute buff tiger 😭😭

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