Chapter 22

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Airis stared at her phone, glaringly, wide eyes and drool about to exit from her mouth. She was frothing. At what, you may ask?

Of course. Naturally. It is..

Hot 2D men. God, they were so hot, Airis physically cannot.

Airis has wished many times they existed. I mean, who wouldn’t want a man who can cook, clean, do house chores, make you laugh, be hot, have a nice voice and be great in bed.

Sob, when is it her turn to be happy? Where is her highschool romance???

‘Tch, this world sucks ass.’ Airis sighed, making a disgruntled face. She really shouldn’t read romance highschool manga, she gets depressed over the fact that there is literally no highschool romance happening in her life and that she literally has a cute, adorable angel-like friend who has one and they’re even gonna get married like some highschool romance and have babies or whatever…

Airis looked at Madeline, Diana and Alice who were happily chatting away with each other. And then Airis glanced at Nicky and Sam. As usual, Sam was doting happily on Nicky, feeding her and it had such a sickly loving atmosphere to it.

“...” Heh, isn’t it nice to eat dog food on a daily basis.

Next to her, there’s dog food. In the nurse's office, there’s dog food. And then in class, there’s dog food.

People who witness dog food are doomed to be single forever, aren’t they?

Airis wanted to strangle god, reincarnate me for what, I’M. STILL. SINGLE.

WHere’s her cuddles, where’s that moment where she borrows her boyfriend’s clothes cause she’s staying over due to unforeseen circumstances and gets all shy about it and they’re bigger on, and then sharing food and going out, holding hands. WHERE IS IT??

And where’s that moment where she slips or falls over and then her boyfriend catches her by the waist. Or like sleeping in the same bed because there’s only one bed for some reason.

Urgh, sob, it’s really not fair. Sigh… Well, maybe she’s destined to be single.

To be fairly honest, she never really thought about her sexuality. Well, she could roughly guess, in a romantic sense, it would be pansexual, but sexually, it would be straight cause… to be honest, she wants a living, warm dic-[REDACTED]

Anyway, recently, she had read a… one shot… hen… manga… And the… lead? Well, it was a monster but it had a huge dong-

But, she thought at that moment. Wow, I would be in that person’s position. (No, you don't.) And that really just hit her that she could romantically love anyone, it really didn’t matter. I mean, she would date Glamr*ck F*eddy… He sounds like a great male wife to be honest. Heh.

She should never share this with the others unless they’re a kindred soul like her.

After all, who looks at cookies and goes, “They’re hot.” Right? Isn’t that totally weird? But their personalities are hot, so what should she do? Like man, if she could date a red flag with her spiritual soul or something.

Hah, Airis, do you remember that one time where you argued with others online saying that the humanoid furry tiger was hot?

It was a fun dating app, where you matched with fictional characters are something.

Back to the topic, well, to be honest, the tiger was hot. He had abs okay, and he was like the best person you could literally find on the dating app.

He was like some fresh apple out of the rotten apples she was picking from. I mean, her other matches? One of them literally got assassinated when she was talking with him, his plane literally went down because he was flying to her destination cause he missed her so much?? Oh, let's add on the fact that he's a prince too! Tee-hee!

And then another one ditched her because his friend didn’t like him talking to her. The friend was literally manipulating him into thinking that he was the dominant one when he isn't. She had no idea what was happening there but hey, it sounded like he was in for deep shit. That bastard.

And then another one involved her in criminal activities and LEFT her, like in the first place, what are you doing on a dating app??? And then another person who was literally obsessed with pizzas, like his whole god damn personality was on pizza that numerous people who played his route said they were not gonna touch pizzas for a whole month.

Sigh, that app was filled with one good match and the rest were trash. Oh yeah, the humanoid ox that appeared in the tiger's route was hot too.

Back on the main topic, she really wants to date, but she doesn’t have anyone to date so it sucks, like she wants the like doki doki moment. But noooo, she doesn’t have one. She’s never gonna experience being flustered by her crush. BECAUSE NO ONE IN THIS SCHOOL IS TO HER TASTE.

Airis couldn’t help but slam her fists on her table, seething. The others stared at her in shock, and seeing the malicious aura coming from her, they slowly inched away. Then she rested her head on the table, non-visible tears running down her face.

Where lover ah, no lover, destined to be alone forever.

And you know, you might think, being in a relationship isn’t as great as you think. Which is, correct! It isn’t. Because Airis had been in one before… in her previous life… since it was such a significant moment… It was an online relationship that lasted 3 days. Would she go back? No.

DId it give that doki doki moment? You think online can give? Of course not liao, so she broke up after confessing. And that was her one experience in dating, any others? Hah, she tried. And she gave up and just nope.

But then you read romance manhwa and manga, and suddenly, bam, it’s so sickeningly sweet that you wish you had one too, but in reality, you won’t.

Cause let’s be honest, unless you saved god in your previous lives or something, you won’t ever get an experience like that.

And even adding on the fact that those highschool manhwa and manga, they last all the way to MARRIAGE. That part, yes, it’s unrealistic unless the male lead got some yandere things going for you or something.

Then Airis drifted off, what kind of people would Diana, Alice and Madeline get together with? They never really had a girl talk after all, neither a sleepover…

She should ask later.


Good day, it's a filler chapter. My mind is blank on what to write, exams are here, I'm gonna die.

Give ideas pls <3 thankss

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