Chapter 6

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The epic battle started.

Everyone stood up in a circle as the caretaker stood in the middle, glancing around at the kids and wondered who she would call out.

"Amelia!" She called out. Amelia, who was called out, quickly crouched down as the two kids next to her hurriedly screamed, "Bang!" At each other, finger guns up.

"Darius was first, please sit down, Layla." The caretaker stated.

Layla blinked, registering her loss.

And... She burst into tears.


The blue haired lady hurried over to the young girl bawling and scooped up in her arms and took her inside.

"Uh.. kids, just remember, it's okay to lose!" The caretaker addressed, now nervous about continuing the game. What if more kids burst into tears?

Everyone was tensed up, having seen the first tragic result.

And so it offically started.



"Andrew shot first." The caretaker stated.

Instead of crying, Andrew gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, sending a mean glare to his opponent who won. In return, he stuck out his tongue to Carl, mocking him.

And... Another fight appeared.

The caretaker really didn't know whether she should continue on, but unfortunately, the kids were very determined to win this game.

Helpless, she had to continue the game or she might get either more, crying, screaming, and disappointed kids.



"Gilbert was first, Harry, sit down." Thankfully, this time, Harry just sighed and shook his head, and sat down. Seeing that, the caretaker breathed out a sigh of relief, thankful.

The rounds continued, eliminating many people. Airis had survived for many rounds, Rajik, on the other end, he was a bit too slow and got eliminated, resulting him into bursting into tears, and Airis had to comfort him and he eventually stopped crying and just sat behind her, watching her earnestly, cheering for her to win.


Now two people were left.

The caretaker cleared her throat, "Please stand up. And come over to the middle." Airis and another girl stood up, they walked over to the middle, facing each other.

"On this part, you two will have to turn around and I shall count from 1 to 3. And the instant I say 3, we will see who will be the faster one to turn around and shoot the person. A note, I can delay the 1, 2, 3."

Both of the girls nodded, turning around, their backs facing each other now, as they walk one step further from each other on the count of 1.

"1." One step forward.

"2." Another step forward. Both of the girls tensed up, as they readied themselves.

"2 mississippi." Airis almost turned around, pursuing her lips.


"BANG!" Both of the girls turned around and pointed their finger guns at each other.

"Sara was faster!" Announcing the winner, Sara's eyes brightened and she cheered. The caretaker gave her 5 sweets as a reward. The other kids look at her enviously.

Airis sighed, she must be getting old...

She rubbed the back of her neck, suddenly feeling someone grabbed her hand. She turned around to see Rajik looking worriedly at her. "It's okay..." He muttered. He was afraid she would cry because she didn't won.

Airis's eyes twitched, 'Ohhh, Rajik is so cute!' She thought.

She let out a smile, patting his head. "Yes... It's okay, I will win next time!" She declared. Seeing a smile on her face, Rajik, relieved, nodded aggressively along with her declaration.


Airis turned around to see Miss Faeri, scampering over. Miss Faeri had a bright smile on her face, "As the runner-up, you can get 3 sweets! Good job!" She handed the sweets over to Airis, stunned as she looked at them in her hands.

Her eyes shined brightly, the joy she felt from getting the sweets as a reward was indescribable.

"Rajik, look! I got sweets! Sweets!" She excitedly exclaimed to Rajik.

Rajik beamed and nodded, feeling happy when seeing Airis so joyful. "Rajik, which sweet do you want? There's a strawberry, grape and orange flavour."

Rajik chose the grape flavour whileas Airis chose the strawberry flavour.

Rajik took note of that Airis liked sweets and the strawberry flavour. He watched her pop the sweet in her mouth as she cupped her cheeks, filled with content.

It's been a year since she had tasted a strawberry flavour sweet. Oh, it was so good.

She should have treasured this things more in her previous life. They were basically a luxury for her now.

Ah... She really missed bubble tea too. She loved drinking it.

Well, it was too late to reminisce. She should try to enjoy her new life now. And hopefully, make the most out of it.

Her main problem is gone now, and it wouldn't appear any soon.


Would it happen again? She wondered. She felt unusual without the constant feeling.

It really was scary, the longer you suffer from it, the more you feel safe with it, and the more you indulge in it and it becomes a poisonous bubble cover.

As much as she hated to admit it, Airis had felt special with it. She hated it. She hated that she felt special with it, it disgusted her and made her shameful.

Would it happen again?

Would it?

Will it happen again?

Why? Will it happen? Why?


Happen? HappenHappenHappenHappen?

Airis sighed heavily, a headache forming as more thoughts swarmed her head. It became overbearing, and Airis felt sick. She wanted to throw up.

"Airis? Airis! Are you okay?" A voice pierced through all of the overwhelming thoughts, letting Airis regain consciousness.

She opened her eyes. Her thoughts had invaded and overflowed again, causing her to overload.

Airis felt Rajik pulled her into a hug. She buried her face into his shoulder, her tears soaking his shirt. No matter how much safe it felt like to her, and how lost she would be without it, it was still dangerous. Don't indulge in it.

Or else you will fall deeper into the hole, and the chances of climbing back out will lessen. As the desire to escape will slowly fade. A self-destructive spiral.

It was unfortunate.

Why did she have to feel like this?

Why did others have to feel like this?

Why was it so hard to escape from it? To heal from it?

You have to get away from it.

Before it destructs you.

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