Chapter 3

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The next day began again, and Airis was still unable to eat a full meal, but she managed to eat two spoons this time.

It also took a while to let her have the energy to get out of bed. It was the same routine, she would get out of bed, eat and slowly increase the number of spoonfuls, and would go draw under the tree next to the young boy.

The young boy had a band dark skin tone, his hair a charcoal black and sky blue eyes.

The young boy had a band dark skin tone, his hair a charcoal black and sky blue eyes

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A week passed and the young boy finally spoke up.

"Hey... Uhm, don't you want to go play with the other kids over there?" He asked after a week of her sitting next to him, pointing over to the laughing kids running around, tackling each other.

Airis look up at him, and glance at the kids. The young boy saw her shake her head and brought her attention back to drawing.

Curious on what she was drawing, he took a peek. He blinked.

It was... A drawing of some... Unusual figure? He couldn't really tell what it was. It just somehow resembled the caretaker's body to him.

Intrigued, he quietly watched her draw. Soon, it started to have hair, a face expression and clothes. And some background details. "Woah..." He unconsciously muttered.

Airis was absorbed in her own world, just drawing. She was using it as some way to vent and express her situation.

Right now, she didn't really have anyone she could comfort herself. So she could only look at drawing as it was her only companion.

Although this world is unfamiliar and uncomfortable for her, Airis really hopes that maybe, she could adjust to this situation of hers and find friends that she can cherish in this new place.

"You're really amazing at drawing!" A childish voice sounded out.

Surprised, Airis turned around to see the young boy looking over her shoulder to see her draw. She accidentally bumped into his nose in the process as she turned around and rubbed her nose.

"Ah, sorry!" The boy apologised, looking worried. Airis gave a small smile, "It's okay..." She muttered.

A bright smile erupted on the boy's face. "I'm Rajik. You have been sitting here for a few days now. What's your name?"

"..." Airis parted her mouth, but closed it back again. She then wrote it on a blank space on the paper. Airis.

"Airis? Did I pronounce it correct?" She nodded in reply, giving a thumbs-up.

Rajik beamed, "Can we be friends?"

Airis widened her eyes. Friends? Her eyes twinkled at that word. A friend! That sounded so wonderful.

"Yes!" With enthusiasm, she spoke out, shocking Rajik.

Rajik laughed, "Okay, we're friends now for a lifetime!" He held out his hand, Airis stared at it and took it. She smiled brightly.


On an another day,

Rajik was making sounds of frustration as he still couldn't figure out the rubix cube. He sighed heavily as he palced it on the ground to take a break from it.

Airis tilted her head as she took a long at the rubix cube. She pursued her lips. In her last 15 years of her life, she had never knew how to solve a rubix cube. So she could understand the frustration, it was really confusing for her and gave her such a headache that she gave up in  15 minutes and never touched it again.

She never really she great patience for it honestly. It was really impressive for Rajik to still try and solve the Rubik's cube after a week with no help or any instructions manual.

Seeing him so down, Airis hesitantly lifted up her hand and patted his back, "It's alright... Take your time." She said softly. Rajik stared at her, and the frown on his face was wiped away. "Thank you." Airis inclined her head and went back to drawing. Sitting together under the same tree, in the same position as they heard the laughs and cries of the kids running. Side to side, they accompanied each other.


Airis tugged on Rajik's sleeve excitedly. Rajik switched his attention to Airis who shoved a drawing in his face. He took the paper from her and studied the drawing.

It was a drawing of him. His arms behind his back, as he stood up, smiling in the drawing. Rajik look at her in disbelief, and looked back at the drawing. "This... This is me?" He stammered.

"Yes. As an 1 month friendship thingy..." She said. Rajik grinned so wide as he look at the drawing in joy, he hugged the drawing carefully. "I will treasure it. Thank you."

Airis' eyes brightened at his words. Feeling a bubbly sensation rising up within her as she looked at Rajik's gentle eyes filled with obvious euphoria observing the drawing.

If such a simple drawing made him so happy, she will draw lots of things in the future for him then.

Unbeknownst to Airis, her mind was regressing to her body's age. Although her past memories remain in her mind clearly and she could recall it anytime she wants to.

She did not notice that when she looked at those memories, she was looking in another person's point of view. She wasn't her old self anymore. She's now Airis. Another person.

It was only when she would noticed this.

Would she?


"Rajik, how long have you been working on that..." Airis couldn't help but hold in a laugh, she has been sitting here next to him, watching him trying to solve a 1,009 pieces puzzle and it was ridiculous. It's the fact that it's been 2 hours and it's only 40% done.

Recently, people have donated some toys to the charity, such as robots, Legos, dolls, puzzles, dinosaurs, cars, all sorts of variety. Lucky for Airis, it also came with a blank notebook for her.

So now, Airis carries it around everywhere with her to draw.

Back to the topic, Rajik was currently struggling with completing the puzzle. And he refused to receive anyone's help as he was determined to do it by himself. So Airis could only sit by and helplessly watch as he kept looking around for the correct puzzle pieces that fitted together.

Sighing, Airis went back to drawing as she could hear the grunts and groans of frustration for the rest of the day.

Only to hear him finally burst out crying. "Wahhhhhhhhh!"


'His patience finally broke.' Airis thought as she comforted Rajik whose face was filled with tears and snot as he still couldn't complete the puzzle.

"There, there. Let's work together this time, okay?" Airis advised. Rajik sniffed, he nodded. "Okay..."

And finally, as the sun was setting, the last puzzle piece was put in and thus, it was finally completed.

It was a picture of pokemons...

At the start when Rajik bad bought the puzzle box over to her. Airis was deeply surprised when she saw something familiar to her.


Was she in the same world? If so, could she find her friends and family again?

However, she was still in a child's body so that would be difficult. She can't possibly go out when she doesn't even know what country, state and city she's in.

What a pity.

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