Chapter 37

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Estorea looked around worriedly, walking back and forth. "Oh dear, Airis isn't back yet and her shift should have ended hours ago!"

She had even gone back to the place she was working at to check up on Airis, only to find out that apparently, she had gone off with a strange man. Oh, she was so worried. What if Airis got kidnapped?!

Nareik placed a hand on Estorea's shoulder, trying to reassure her. "It's alright. I'm sure she will be back soon. Give it 30 more minutes, if she doesn't arrive, I will go and give a call to one of my assistants."

Estorea nodded tearfully.

And just as he said that, a knock came.

Knock Knock.

Estorea immediately rushed to the door, flinging it open. Only to see a tall man carrying a familiar girl in his arms, completely knocked out, snoring lightly.

Nareik caught up behind Estorea. His eyes immediately narrowed when he spotted Rajik. Nareik stared at him, almost clicking his tongue. Rajik caught his stare, and his eyebrows furrowed, also looking back at him.

Estorea didn't notice the tension sparking between them, too busy to tug Airis in her arms. Rajik didn't let go, finally breaking his stare, "I can carry her." He said softly but firmly.

Estorea frowned and went to snatched Airis out of his arms. Rajik had no choice but to let go to avoid waking her up. She lifts Airis up in her arms, effortlessly carrying her, bringing her over to Airis's room.

Meanwhile, Nareik stared at Rajik. "Come in. We got to talk."

Rajik wordlessly stared at him, and nodded. Letting himself in.

They both headed over to the living room, and Nareik took a seat, Rajik taking a seat opposite of him.

"I didn't expect to meet someone like me." Nareik sighed, running his hand through his hair.

He leaned back into the sofa, "So, how long?" Nareik asked, cocking his head to the side.

"As far as I remember, roughly 10 years." Rajik answers, crossing his legs. He realised his romantic feelings when he was 12 years old, and has been thinking of her everyday since they seperated.

Nareik clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Tsk. That's long enough, I guess." A grim expression on his face, he got up. "You can stay here for tonight. Just don't go into Airis's room. She's asleep heavily. You can borrow my clothes, but it might be a bit short for you." He was only 185 cm while Rajik was around…190+ cm, he estimated.

Rajik nodded, following Nareik.

"Wahhhhhhhhhh!" Rajik wailed and cried, his face full of snot and tears.

Airis and Rajik had been playing hide and seek and now he was in tears as he couldn't find where Airis was hiding, having searched for her for 15 minutes.

The caretaker was troubled, trying to soothe Rajik but he wouldn't stop crying, saying he wanted to see Airis.

So, the caretaker had to go on a search for Airis.

And you may ask, where was Airis? Well, she was hiding in some dark corner reading a book, completely out of earshot from Rajik's cries.

30 minutes had passed.

Airis was busy reading, when suddenly, a bright light suddenly shone onto her. She looked up to see a tired caretaker, sweat visible on her forehead, as her phone's flashlight shined on her.

"Ugh… Finally found you, Airis…." She panted. "Rajik… Is looking for you…"

Airis blinked, and realised what the situation could have been. 'Rajik must have burst into tears again.' She thought.

It wasn't the first time he did it after all. He had become strangely attached to her and would start crying whenever he was separated from her for more than 15 minutes.

Heaving a sigh, Airis closed the book in her hands and got up. Patting down her clothes, as she tucked the book under her armpit. "Let's go."

The caretaker breathed a sigh of relief and took Airis's hand in hers.

She led Airis over to Rajik, who was now sitting on the ground, hugging his knee, still sniffing and sobbing softly.

"Rajikkkk, I'm here. Stop crying…" Airis comforted.

Rajik finally lifted his head from his knees, the rim of his eyes all red, and the tip of his nose a faded red as well, reminding Airis of the red-nose reindeer, Ruldolph.

His eyes immediately brightened upon seeing Airis, and he scrambled to get up to jump into her arms. "Airis!"

Airis couldn't help but smile and patted his head, hugging him. "Shhh… don't cry. Let's go read some books, yea?"

Rajik eagerly nodded, following Airis around like a puppy.

And she turned around to face him, but all she saw was a blinding white light.


Her eyes flinged upon, instantly assaulted by the sunlight shining through her window.

'Ugh, Mom must have rolled up the curtains again.'

Airis groaned, closing her eyes as she tried to bury herself more into the soft bolster she was hugging.

That blinding light in her dream abruptly woke her up like how when she falls off somewhere and instantly wakes up due to some scare.

It was weird that some light woke her up.

Oh well, whatever, time to go back to sleep.

So Airis turned to lay down on her side, only to come into eye contact with denim blue eyes.

Blink. Blink.

Huh? Was she seeing things? She squinted her eyes, and suddenly felt a yawn approaching. And yawned.

She must still be dreaming… There's no way that's Rajik in front of her right?

Yea… And she closed her eyes and fell back asleep.

Hi Ur getting 937 words sorry. I'm dying from my full time job. It's only been 4 days and I feel like 2 weeks have passed. It has not

Anyway I wanna do a qna so like, yea ask questions. Or not. 😕😕😕

K thanks bye, yea I'm posting twice this week maybe. If I don't die from my job. 💜

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