Chapter 23

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Airis wanted to skip exams. Exam period was one of Airis’s worst nightmare, ain’t something she really enjoyed. Especially when Airis recalls the fact that she had to do the exams 3 or 4 times a year. Luckily, this school only hosted one exam period per year and not 3 or 4.

At least she has friends to study with this time. Heh.

And off she goes, dragged off the library to study.

"What the fuck is 8x+24x+30=0?" Diana grumbled, glaring at the paper.

"Oh, uh, use your calculator… go to mode 3:3. And you input this numbers… and the answer it gives you depends on the formula you're going to use." Nicky jumped in, guiding Diana, with Sam giving Diana a jealous side-eye.

"AhHhhhh, what on earth is this?" Airis cried out, looking at the chemistry equation. And Nicky immediately stepped in. And there goes another glare from Sam.

With how many glares he's giving off, he's going to go blind from shining red lights on everyone who is within 2 feet of Nicky.

Nicky would have been real lonely if she hadn't made friends with Diana, Alice, Madeline and her.

So she guessed, she accidentally did a butterfly effect by standing up for Nicky against them. Well, she would do it again.

Nicky is a sweet girl, it would have been really sad if she was lonely for most of her highschool life anyway.

And it seems like the three girls didn't mean bad either, it just looks like they grew up with the stigma that omegas was something that they could vent their emotions on.

Which is really strange, what kind of stigma is that? Nicky shouldn't be the first omega turned Luna after all. And it's stranger and more complex if you think more about it.

Thinking about this makes Airis want to research more on the a/b/o system. But before she could do any of that, perhaps she should finish doing the chemistry question before anything.


"Earth to Airis? Hello, I'm teaching you." Alice snapped her fingers, bringing Airis from her thoughts. Alice looked helplessly at Airis, sending a flick to her forehead, "Stop daydreaming. Daydream later, okay? After we finish studying."

Airis nodded, rubbing her forehead. 'That hurt…'


"ANDD EXAMS ARE DONE!! WOOO!" Diana cheered excitedly, after suffering for 2 weeks doing exams and studying afterwards. It was finally over.

Nicky smiled and giggled, feeling equally as happy seeing her friend so joyful. Alice breathed a sigh of relief, she really wasn't suited for exams.

Madeline was snacking on some potato chips, clearly still feeling the stress and anxiety from the exam.

Meanwhile, Airis was in a daze, she always becomes like this whenever after an exam. It's like her consciousness decided to fly away after an exam in which she will spend days and hours worrying over it. Then in the exam room, it's all gone and she's back to counting sheep in her head.

"Guys, let's go to a cafe! Does anyone have a cafe they want to go?" Diana asked, she really doesn't want to head home first thing after finishing exams. Let her celebrate a bit before getting bashed with the exam results on the head.

Airis perked up, "Oh, there's this event happening at a cafe right now!" Chiming in, obviously back to reality now.

Madeline's eyes shone, "Do they have a menu I can see?"

Airis nodded, pulling up their social network page and handing it over to Madeline. Diana took a peek at it and declared, "Alright, let's go!"

And thus, now they're at the café.

Airis jumped around excitedly. So many merch! Ahahaha, she can't wait to buy them and stock them in her room.

Hurriedly getting a table, Airis ordered some food for herself, passing the menu to the others. This time, Sam wasn't with them! He got dragged away by his friends, and gave up on fighting them when Nicky glared at him and said she wanted some girl's time with her friends. They could practically see sunken wolf ears appearing behind Sam's head.

Airis bet strongly, if he morphed into a wolf right there, you could hear just huge wolf sad whimpers. God, she didn't know how that bond is so strong…? She's starting to think it's really one-sided with Sam, considering that Nicky just waved at him happily as he got dragged away.

…Maybe it's really one-sided after all…?

Well, she's sure Nicky must have some feelings for him anyway. It can't be totally one-sided with how she sees Nicky reciprocating his feelings sometimes.

Besides, shouldn't it be some mate thingy?? They should have some gravity pulling them towards each other, shouldn't they?

Sigh, romance life must be difficult. Truly, the only romance life you want would be in shoujo manga. Anything else, and it's like a dumpster fire.

Now, it reminds her that she should buy more merch from her current fictional husband! She needs to admire him more even though he's literally everywhere with her, Airis has a body pillow of him, has keychains and badges of him, a doll of him, posters on him. It wouldn't hurt to get more!

It will hurt her wallet. She's richer in this life, definitely

"It will be fine." So she says as her friends look at Airis worriedly as she's crackling to herself, throwing head bangs on winning the SSR she wanted of him.

At that moment, Nicky just realised, there's scarier things than broken mate bonds in this world. I mean, what on earth is THAT?

Is Airis okay? Does she need to take her to the hospital for a check-up? Why is she laughing, looking deranged? And why is the staff looking like they're immune to it? Also, why are other people around them, having one leg on the chair, cheering with their phones in their hands?

And some of them brought out props for photoshoots with the cardboard stands!? And there's people dressed like them???

Alice patted Nicky on the back. She wasn't new to this, she had a K-pop phase after all. And she can say with confidence, people who stan idols are way scarier. Like that zombie apocalypse at the airport once.

Madeline was too focused on tasting the delightful food, and Diana was just taking photos of the cafe, ready to put them on her status.

Phew, looks like Rajik has a tough opponent.


I MADE IT, ITS 11:55PM. Woo.

Should next be a field trip or something??

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