Chapter 48

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Airis wanted to take back her words originally when she agreed to be Rajik's girlfriend. But then she realised, it doesn't even matter.

Nothing! Changed!

It was the same as ever, with him accompanying her, helping her take notes, talking with her and eating with her. Nothing changed.

Is this how it feels like when best friends become lovers? They're so close to each other that even if they got together, it wouldn't change shit.

But Airis wouldn't consider Rajik her best friend, after all, she can't really express to him her… things… And she doesn't plan to either! It's so embarrassing.

Regardless, now she has lost her single status, and that probably was the biggest difference. Damn, and Valentine's Day has already passed so she can't even celebrate it…

What heart pounding moment? What shy and cute, blushing moment? Where ah? Where???

All those lies people have said about being in a relationship. Absolutely lies! Now she's taken and she can't tell him right on the next day that she wants to break up, now can she? That's even worse when at that time, she got an online boyfriend and it lasted 3 days!

Sigh, does she need to tell her parents about this?


Meanwhile, Rajik was on cloud nine. He felt like he achieved everything in this world. (No, he didn't.) 

He wanted to actually propose at that moment, but that would definitely scare Airis off, and he can't let that happen. So with great regrets, he has to take it slow.

It doesn't matter anyway, Airis is his girlfriend, so that's a pathway to getting married! Right?

Moving on, he realised after a whole week, that nothing changed between them. It seems like he was already doing couple related things! Such as copying notes for her, or covering her with a pre-packed blanket when she accidentally falls asleep. And even puts a laptop in front of her face, and glares at the professor if he dares ask Airis a question.

Of course, it's not good to baby-sit her like this. But Airis was still able to get by pretty well in the course with his notes, and often teamed up with him. She also felt troubled by it, but he did reassure her it's totally fine, and it actually is.

He can make her totally dependent on him, and she wouldn't be able to leave him! ~♡

On another hand, Airis is pretty adaptable, she gets used to things easily and can as easily get out of it. Shame.

Anyway, oooo, that guy who passed by has nice tiddies.

Haha, sorry, she drifted off again.

Currently, she was in a mall hanging out with Nicky, Diana, Madeline and Alice. It was a girl's hangout day. She's been pretty busy with her GPA projects, so it was nice to finally hang out.

"Can we get bubble tea? I need my sugar energy." Airis asked, as she held Nicky's hand, swinging it back and forth.

Diana nodded, "I do need something else to drink besides wine." She giggled, thinking about the new wine bottle she got recently.

Alice shakes her head, sighing. 'Why am I with these 3 buffoons?'

It was obvious, Diana and Airis had one collective braincell, while Madeline and Nicky's head was empty, filled with air only.

Madeline literally was snacking on a bag of chips, while Nicky was just smiling, holding Airis's hand.

Airis tugged on Nicky's hand, "That guy over there in the pale cream shirt has nice tiddies…" She whispered.

"Oh yeahhhh…" Diana hopped in the conversation, snatching a look also.

"..." Alice just stared, bewildered. Oh my god.

Luckily, Sam and Rajik were busy, occupied with work and didn't stalk them. Because if they did, they would have been livid. Hehe.

Soon, they arrived at the bubble tea shop, and quickly ordered and headed off to a Japanese restaurant afterwards to eat dinner, and decided to go upstairs to the indoor park, before heading home.

On another note, term breaks were coming up soon. And Airis felt bored of working at the convenience store. She was thinking of getting a new job.



She hurriedly texted Rajik.


Rajik! I want to ask if you have a job I could do? Term break is coming soon and I'm bored of my job at the moment.



Rajik's eyes immediately looked at his phone, all his contacts were muted except for Airis. So he could respond to her at any time and anywhere immediately.

He sent a glance around the room and the colleagues hurriedly looked down. Rajik was currently in a meeting, but that didn't matter. Airis was more important to him than anything.

If Airis sent a text message while Calvin was drowning, he would ignore Calvin and immediately choose to reply to Airis instead. Isn't that just true love?

He read Airis's message and immediately, he responded back.


How about my assistant? The pay is 4k/month. The working hours are from 9 to 5.


He would offer higher, but the last time he tried to give Airis money, she wouldn't even accept anything more than $50. So this should be a good starting point, and he can slowly increase her pay…

Airis blinked in surprise, his personal assistant? Well, she personally wouldn't mind. But isn't it bad to mix personal life with work life? Haha, whatever, that 4k is worth more than anything.


Really? Uh, sure then! Is there anything I should know about?

Oh, it's just simple assistant work stuff. Printing documents, organising them, and reminding me of my schedule and things. That's it.

Is that so? Alright, I'll take the job!

Okay! (⁠ノ⁠^⁠_⁠^⁠)⁠ノ When do you want to start?

The first week of term break!

Alright, can you send me your documents? I will file you in for the job.

Yea, sure! Give me a second.


Airis sent her documents in no time, and was successfully hired! Woo!


The papers slapped on the table.

"Please hire this girl as your personal assistant. She's a daughter of one of my close associates and they want to intern her at our company." The grandpa said, tapping the papers with his forefinger.

Emeralda Spirly.

A bright looking girl with peach skin, wavy blonde hair, emerald eyes, a button nose and heart-shaped lips, was seen in the picture of the document.

Rajik's smile twitched. Fuck.

Oh nooooo 🤡🤡🤡

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