Chapter 42

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Rajik took a deep breath and exhaled, and opened his eyes.

Seeing the blonde girl seemingly lost in her own world, as she doodled down on her notebook. Her headphones hanging around her neck.

He walked over to her and awkwardly took a seat next to Candice.

Hearing the chair scratch across the ground, Candice turned her head to see a handsome, pretty-looking man sit next to her.

She blinked and couldn't help but stare at him for a few long seconds before getting back to her senses. She offered a sheepish smile, "Sorry. I got distracted. You're my partner right? What's your name?"

"Rajik." He replied, albeit rather quietly. He gave a small smile, donning a shy look.

Uh-oh. You may ask, what's Rajik doing? What was this sudden personality change?

Well, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, how he acts like to strangers and acquaintances.

Acting 'softer' and using a gentle and small voice, generally allows people to usually lower their guards when talking to him, and sometimes have an urge to guide or protect him. Rajik often uses his face and this to his advantage when making business deals.

Of course, there were some who immediately got alerted seeing this kind of persona, afterall, could there be a person who acts like this, and does so well in the business world? Well, some people might think Rajik has a proxy and he's just the face.

So really, this kind of tactic is useful, though there are some set-backs, but that doesn't matter. Lying and deceiving is unfortunately a thing in a capitalist world.

Moving back on topic, immediately, Candice who was usually the shy one had took the initiative to start up a conversation with Rajik, as she assumed Rajik is the shyer once among the two of them.

Rajik just watched her ramble on about her ideas, as he occasionally replied with an, "okay." And slips in some suggestions sometimes.

While doing that, he would slightly adjust his chair to face forward, and peek over at Airis, who seemed to be with a pale, skinny boy with periwinkles dyed hair and wearing a pair of round, black glasses, giving him a dorky appearance.

With Airis being the more extroverted one, it seemed she eagerly picked up on some topics, wrote it down and tirelessly pestered the boy who seemed to not be very interested. Rajik's mood couldn't help but drop, 'What a piece of shit.' He thought, as jealousy stirred up with him, getting pestered by Airis, why, he wished he was in his position any day now!

"Rajik? What do you think of the 2nd idea?" Candice asked, tapping her pen's top on the notebook.

"Yea, it's great, I like how you involve multiple complicated psychology topics and summarise them into simpler ones, as well as making them more interesting." Rajik mindlessly replied. His eyes still focused on Airis and Paled (the boy).

He saw the boy give, what seemed to be a  defeated sigh, and finally put down his book and gave in to her antics and started planning with her.

Rajik felt like today was a wonderful day to commit violence against that particular boy.

He silently grinded his teeth.

"Rajik? Are you alright?" Candice questioned, finally noticing that Rajik appeared to be a bit off. She stares at him worriedly.

Rajik blinked and took a quiet breath, as he fixed his expression, "It's nothing. I was just thinking of something, haha."

Candice raised an eyebrow and didn't look convinced but she let it go and slowly nodded, and turned back to her notebook, "Come, we should devise a layout for this and a plan."

Rajik nodded and smiled, "Of course." As much as he wanted to pay attention to Airis. His self-control wasn't holding up very high either, and he would have a feeling that he might just go insane and batshit, and make sure that guy just disappears from this world.

Sadly, Airis might not be very happy about that. So he should hold back for the sake of her happiness.

Yes, indeed.

Her happiness.

Airis stretched her arms, class finally ended and she was free.

She tilted her head to look over at Rajik, "So? How was it?" She inquired.

"It went well. The girl just jotted down all her ideas and I just chose one. I will be in charge of the presentation though."

Airis smiled and slapped her hand on his back, "That's great! Oh yeah, didn't she look really pretty?"

Rajik gave her a strange look, "Not that I noticed. You're the prettiest one in my eyes after all."

Airis, who was seemingly chill and cool at times, felt her stomach churning, as she couldn't help but feel a bit shy and embarrassed. She scratched the back of her neck, turning her head away from his gaze. "Oh, uhm, uh, thanks for the compliment- I guess? You look really good too."

She was not good at doing snarky or witty comebacks in real life! Only online! Online! This was her first time receiving something like a pick-up line. Wait, is it even a pick-up line? Well, it's a compliment… that's for sure. She didn't know Rajik's intention behind that, so for the peace of her mind, it will stay as a friend's compliment!

Rajik chuckled, seeing Airis's panicked behaviour. 'Airis seems to just get cuter and cuter in my eyes…'

What Paled? What Candice? Airis was only in his eyes and basically heart. His lifeline.

How could he ever go on without her?

Suddenly, his phone vibrated. Rajik fished it out of his pocket.

His eyes glazed over the sent message, and suddenly, the mood felt like it plummeted instantly.

Airis felt it immediately, she glanced at Rajik, who had an annoyed expression on his face. "Everything okay there? Do you need to head off?"

Rajik bit the inside of his lips, he really didn't want to leave Airis's side… But this matter involved Airis and that…girl… What was her name? Candy? Or was it Candise? Ah, wait, it was Candice. Oops, she was so unimportant, he almost forgot her name.

Airis saw his reluctant expression and laughed, "Hahah! Don't need to look like that. It's fine, seriously! It must be an important matter so go on! We can see each other again tomorrow." She reassured, though it still didn't lessen his worries one bit.

Airis shook her head from side to side and let out a sigh, she clasped and squeezed his shoulder. "You can come over after you finish with the matter early, okay?"

She dug into her pockets and pulled out a single metal key and put it in his hand. "Here, you can just come in by yourself when you're done. I will prepare a mattress, pillow and some blankets for you. Just make sure not to wake my parents."

Rajik blinked and stared at the key in his hand. This entirely felt like a dream. His Airis, his beloved… giving a key to her house?

Why, this could basically be a family heirloom now!

Rajik couldn't help but have a serious expression on his face as he bent down a bit to clasp Airis's hands. Looking a bit silly. "I will come back soon."

Airis was startled, "Ah… Yes…"

Rajik smiled so brightly, it seemed like it could rival the sun, stunning her. His smile was beautiful.

And before she could get her thoughts in order, Rajik let go of her hands, gave her a discreet kiss on her cheek and sprinted off.


Did-Did-Did Rajik give her a cheek kiss? Huh? What? What's happening?

And just like that, Airis was left in a complete daze.



anyway, I started college sooo, idk lol. I just wanna sleep it's 3am.

Good night! Or good morning. Zzzzzz.

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