Chapter 46

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A few months passed….


The body fell to the floor.

"Is that the last of them?" Yang asked, stretching his arms, as he hoisted the gun back into the holster.

Rajik checked the security cameras, "Yea, it should be. How's it going with the Russo Mafia?"

Yang whistled, effortlessly tossing the bodies into a black trash bag, and pouring hydrogen peroxide all over the floor. "It's going great! Soon enough, the executives will all be off their little high seats!"

He mopped up the floor, the blood washing away, he dipped the mop into a pal of water, the water turning red, and mopped the floor again. 

"That's good, I expect them to be in your basement or whatever by the end of this month." Rajik commented, shutting his laptop. He's been out late at night recently without Airis's knowledge, dealing with the Russo Mafia. Only Estorea and Nareik knew he was going out and about, but they didn't really care as long as he didn't hurt Airis.

Yang nodded, "Alright, your wish is my command. In return, did you get the limited edition pooka bear?"

Rajik nodded, "Yea, it's going to be delivered next week."

Yang clapped his hands in excitement, "Oh, that's great! Can't wait to add another one to my collection."

Rajik shakes his head helplessly, how does someone who kills people every few times a week, love cute things like plushies? Well, he won't say anything, people have their likes and hobbies and he has no right to interfere with them.

Hm, now that he remembers, he should buy Airis another omodoki doll, he noticed that she's been really loving those. Although, he gets jealous of those dolls and plushies who get to sleep with Airis every night…

Maybe, he should make a custom-made one of himself and give it to her? Yea! That's a great idea, he should contact an artist and manufacturing factory this week.

Humming cheerfully at such a brilliant plan that he concocted, he quickly got up and got ready to head back home. "Alright, I'll leave it to you, Yang. I have to get home, I miss Airis."

"It's literally been only 3 hours since you last saw her."

"Be quiet, you don't understand." Rajik humph, turning away to exit the door.

"...Lovebirds…" Yang muttered with dissatisfaction and envy. Sigh, where was his soulmate?

Lately, Airis has been contemplating really hard lately. With only $230 in her bank, she has really had it hard lately, especially with the new merch release of her favourite fictional husbands! It was a despairing moment.

She would say she had good money management, with the fact that she had about 32 items in total that's waiting to be delivered, and she vowed to never let her bank balance go under $200. And it works, but now, she has quite a few things she wants to buy and it seriously isn't working out in her favour.

Airis groaned, that stupid bundle set came out recently with a fan-made body pillow cover and she also wants to get it but it's like $180 dollars… And she still needs to buy another body pillow that is the correct measurements for the cover which costs $30…

And she also spotted that bag and cute fox plush, and those add up to $40…

Oh, also those newly released Nendoroids and some books she wants to buy on Amazon…

Oh no.

Her salary is next month, and it's only the second week of this month. She wants to cry.

Sure, she can ask for money from her parents, but she doesn't really want to do that, they already adopted her and gave her such a privileged life and she doesn't want to take any more advantage of them, well, unless they were biological parents.

But they were not! So it doesn't matter.

What a dilemma… And she can't even buy the merch next month because they will be gone next month. So… Should she buy the merch first?

"What are you thinking about?" Rajik's voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Money problems." Airis replied, her hands cupping her face as she thought deeply.

Rajik widened his eyes, and a sparkle appeared. His time has arrived! To lend money to his Airis! To help his Airis financially! He has to record this down.

"Oh? Do you need money? I can give you some. How much do you need? $10,000? What's your bank account number?" He took out his phone, getting ready to transfer.

It took a second for Airis to register his words. She turned to look at him, "What?" Noting that he said 'give', not 'lend', that means he's not planning to ask her to pay him back. Sure… they were best… friends? Huh, were they considered that now? She wasn't sure.

Anyway, what amount did he say? 10…? 10 dollars?

"10 dollars? If you don't mind giving it to me, sure."

Rajik furrowed his eyebrows, confused. "Is that enough? That's too little? Take at least 5000."

Airis blinked, haha, he must be saying 50 dollars. Wow, that's a lot.

"50 dollars? Are you sure? That's a lot."

"...Are you okay?" Concerned. She didn't seem to be hearing his words right.

"Hm? I'm fine. What do you work as again?"

"An executive assistant…"

"An executive assistant earns that much?"

"Well, I am training to be a chief officer executive, and then chairman." Rajik casually said. Taking out two lunch boxes from his backpack.

"...Oh." Airis didn't know what to say.

All she could think was, 'Damn, rich people.'

Oh no, where's the plot going? Idk either, I'll remember it...somewhere.


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