Special Chapter

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A pot simmering as Yang looked at it quietly, his hand reaching out-

Until he felt a hand on his shoulder. Chills going down his spine.

Yang started sweating. Eyes darting nervously. He saw threatening eyes looming over him.

"Yang." A deep, scratchy voice echoed out.


"What did I say about going near the stove? I told you that you are forbidden from the kitchen!" Rajik hit the top of Yang's head with a ladle.

Yang whimpered, "Yes Rajik..." As he slouched and gloomily walked away. Rajik glared at him and sighed.

God, can't they just all keep still?

He could still remember the time when Yang almost burned up the kitchen along with Diana, thankfully the fire alarm was triggered. Sure, Yang was good at cooking, Michelin chefs and all, but somehow, every time in his kitchen, his skills just decide to out themsevles!

Wait, didn't this feel like deja vu?

Rajik looked down at the pot, bubbles popping up as he started to stir the soup.

Airis suddenly bounces over, eyes blinking as she looks at the boiling soup in the pot.

Her nose started to itch as she smelled the scent of spice. "What soup is this?"

"Kimchi soup." Rajik replied, still stirring the pot with the ladle, not minding the heat.

"Urgh," She pinched her nose, "How many chilli peppers did you put in this?"

Rajik chuckled, using his free hand to ruffle her hair, "It's alright. I made a separate soup for you, don't worry about it, love."

Airis brightened up, "Woo!" She cheered.

Ding dong!

"Ah, that must be Sam and Nicky! I will go get them." Airis quickly places a kiss on Rajik's cheek before bouncing away again excitedly.

Rajik blushed heavily, gently touching his cheek. 'She seriously will be the death of me...' As he silently stared at the soup, sighing. They have been dating for 4 years already and he still gets flustered by simple romantic gestures. Even though they have already done the deed many times...


Airis flung open the door, immediately spotting Nicky and pulling her into a hug.

Sam gave his usual signature scowl as he wasted no time tugging Airis away. "I told you to stay away from Nicky!"

Airis glared back at him and stuck out her tongue. "No!" She retorted, before grabbing Nicky's hand and leading her inside.

Nicky couldn't help but giggle as she was pulled away. Turning her head to give an apologetic smile to Sam before letting herself be led by Airis.

Sam headed over to the kitchen, putting down the grocery bag on the counter. "Ugh, keep your girlfriend away from my wife! Seriously... They're like soul sisters at this point!"

Rajik rolled his eyes hearing his complaints, "I want to as well but unfortunately, Airis will beat me up if I try to."

"Sounds better when Nicky starts tearing and crying up a river everytime I try to talk to her about it... I can't help but drop it when it happens..." Sam mutters.

Rajik snickered in response, "Tough luck bud."

"Whatever," Sam rolls up his sleeves, flexing his muscles for whatever reason there is, "Anything I need to help out with?"

"Oh, can you please go and prepare the noodles and rice? Thanks."

"On it."


"HAHAHA +4 MOTHERFUCKER!" Diana cheered out loudly, slamming the Uno card down on the pile. Calvin groaned, as he received the impact of it. "This is ridiculous!"

"That's what every sore loser says." Diana said as she looked through her deck, a smirk on her face.

"Uno." Madeline says, placing her second last card on the pile. Diana's eyes almost bulged out, "What?! Hey, that's not fair!"

Calvin raised an eyebrow at Diana's words, "That sounds like what a sore loser would also say!" Diana huffed angrily, "No, it doesn't!"

"Okay buddy, whatever you say." He rolled his eyes in distaste.

While Calvin, Diana and Madeline were playing UNO. Alice was watching a national geographic documentary on bears with Yang who was surprisingly heavily invested in it as well. A rather peaceful scene compared to the... game.

And meanwhile... Airis was excitedly showing off the new otome game she got on the Switch to Nicky, who listened on with great interest.

"Food is ready!" Rajik announced.

Airis and Madeline scrambled to their feet in no time to get to the dinner table. They were the biggest foodies in the group after all.

Taking their seats, they waited with anticipation as they saw Rajik walking out with a huge pot filled with kimchi, in his gloved hands. He set it down on the cork insulation pad. Giving looks to both Airis and Madeline, making sure they stayed still and not try to devour the pot in an instant the moment he went off to get utensils and plates.

Luckily, Sam soon arrived, placing a bowl of cooked noodles and rice on the table, nodding to Rajik, instigating that he would watch over the two of them.

And Sam made sure to glare at the both of them, especially Airis.

His glare really said, 'Move one itch and you're both grounded from the dining table.'

Thankfully, they both stayed put till Rajik arrived back.

Rajik smiled in satisfaction when he returned with the plates and utensils. He set them down and called for the rest.

Soon enough, they were all seated at the dining table. The moment dinner started, Airis and Madeline were the fastest to start picking up food and chewing it down.

Airis held back her tears as she ate the special made kimchi. Sniff, "Oh gawsh, ishh soo good..." She complimented her mouth filled with rice and kimchi.

Rajik couldn't help but chuckle and gaze at her fondly, slowly patting her back. "Eat slowly, it's not going anywhere. I will make it again for you if you wish in the future." Airis nodded, swallowing it down.

"I know! I just can't help but appreciate food a little too much..." She said sheepishly.

Suddenly, her phone rang.

"Oh! It's 11:59PM! Guys, get ready for the countdown!" She exclaimed, getting up to turn on the TV.




















Everyone cheered and laughed as they toasted.

Welcome to 20XX/2023.

May all your future days be always filled with blessings.

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