Chapter 15

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“I’m home!” Airis announced as she closed the door behind her, putting her shoes on the shoe rack. Estorea popped out of the kitchen with a smile, “Welcome back! How was school?”

Airis’ memories flashed through her mind. She glanced away, “Could be better… But it wasn’t the worst.” Estorea furrowed her eyebrows, “Did you get bullied?! Do you need me to go to the principal and tell her about this?” AIris widened her eyes and hastily shook her head, “No, no! I didn’t get bullied, don’t worry!”

Estorea breathed a sigh of relief, placing a hand on her chest, “That’s a relief, Nareik is currently out right now, I have decided to take a break for today and cook you some lunch!” Airis nodded and smiled, thanking Estorea, she headed off to her room to put down her bag and went straight to the dining room.

Lunch was a simple dish of egg noodles with pork meatballs in chicken soup. “My cooking is not as good as Nareik but it’s edible and nice at the very least!” Estorea commented, taking a seat as she scoop up the noodles with her fork and blow on it. Airis took a seat as well, bringing the noodles to her mouth as she slurped up the noodles. Simple meals were the best! They always tasted so good, with a blissful face as she flavoured the taste of the dish.

Estorea couldn’t help but beamed, it was always nice seeing people appreciate your cooking.

Airis and Estorea then heard the door swing open, and heard the soft voice, “I’m home…” Nareik went for a beeline to the kitchen, a bright smile spreading across his face as he saw his wife and his daughter eating together, “I will go quickly change and join you two!” He hurried off to their room, changing out of his three-piece suit into casual clothes and hanging his suitcase.

He hurried out of the room, immediately taking a seat next to Estorea and picking up a fork and scooping the noodles. He really loves his wife’s cooking, he would eat it everyday if he could! But unfortunately, his wife declined and said he should cook since his cooking was way better than hers, which he disagrees with! But he’s weak to his wife’s requests so he had no choice but to comply.

In no time, they finished lunch and Nareik went to clear the table. Once he was out of sight, Estorea had a glint in her eye as she smugly looked at Airis. AIris could feel a foreboding feeling descending on her.

“So, any guys that caught your eye? New friends? How’s your teachers for your classes? Any drama on the first day? How about the food? How’s the cafeteria food? I heard it’s really nice! Are you having any trouble with your schoolwork? You can come to me or Nareik for help! DId you choose a club yet? I remember reading that there was a large variety!” Immediately, a flurry of questions attacked her as Airis struggled to absorb them and answer.

“Uh… Uh, no, there’s no hot guys or anything. I haven’t made any new friends yet! The teachers are okay, no there’s no drama but there’s some like beside me and probably more coming? The food is delicious! But it’s expensive… No, at the moment, I’m not but I will make sure to come to you two for help. I haven’t chosen a club yet, maybe soon! I planned to go out with Nicky, Diana, Alice and Madeline tomorrow to look at some clubs!” Airis managed to answer in one breath at record time.

“Honey, stop terrorising Airis, will you? Look at her, she’s out of breath from answering all your questions!” Nareik chipped in, a look of disapproval on his face. Estorea noticed and an apologetic look appeared on her face, “Sorry, I was really excited…” Airis smiled helplessly, “It’s alright. No harm, really.”

Airis felt her phone vibrate and took it out of her pocket, she looked at it and noticed the group chat that she, Alice, Nicky, Madeline and Diana was in, had some notifications.
Group Chat
“New Besties”

Diana: Guys, I know we just went our separate ways, but can we meet up again at a nearby cafe? I’m sooo bored and I wanna chat to someone, and no, online is not an option!

Nicky: Ah… I want to go but I have been tasked to clean the banquet hall for my clan since the Alpha is coming back soon from his studies overseas, i don’t think I can go, i’m sorry TT..

Diana: The entire banquet hall!? Are you serious, that place is huge! How can you even clean it all by yourself? I’m coming over to help you!

Madeline: Me too, since I'm free and I might as well help out too.

Alice: I can join! I finished eating lunch so I’m super energetic right now! How about you, @Airis?

Airis: I don’t mind, but where is the banquet hall located at? I’m not exactly in your clan…

Diana: Oh yea, I forgot! I will come over to fetch you! Stay there!

Airis: Ok ^^

“Estorea, Diana is going to come pick me up, I’m gonna go help out my friends over the main house uhm, for the wolf clan.” Airis informed Estorea as she put down her phone, “Okay, make sure to stay safe! Do you want to bring anything with you?” Estorea got up from her chair as she was ready to help. Airis rubbed her chin, “Uhm, I’m not sure, maybe a few snacks and drinks, and some cleaning supplies?”

Estorea nodded, she went to the cupboards and rummaged through them before pulling out some noticeable yellow rubber gloves, 3 cleaning clothes, and a spray bottle filled with detergent. She put them in a polyester bag and put it on the table, and went to the pantry and got some seaweed and potato chips. She also grabbed a few can drinks from the fridge and put them in a separate bag and put it on the table. Airis came back from her room to see the two bags on the table. She went over to grab them, and headed for the door.

She opened the door, only to face Diana’s surprised face. “Oh, uh, what’s all those bags for?” Airis opened the bag and showed it to Diana, she pointed to them, “This is cleaning supplies, the other is snacks and drinks, we’re gonna be really tired after cleaning. Estorea helped me pack them for me.”

Diana nodded and grinned, looking behind Airis’s shoulders and loudly thanked Estorea for packing.

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