Chapter 44

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"What do you mean, he's staying over? I'm sure he has plenty of other places to stay over!" Nareik was in disbelief.

He sent an extremely hostile look at Rajik, who was smiling back innocently. And proceeded to droop his head down and said in a pitiful voice, "I'm really sorry to intrude like this… I really don't have any other place to stay… My friends have their girlfriends over and I don't like to be a third wheel…"

Nareik was going to tear his hair out, out of the most difficult conversations in his life, he never expected it to be with his future son-in-law!

Even arguing with some god damn, cockroach-like assistant insulting his valuable business advice is more bearable! But this! This- This son-in-law is like some evolved flying cockroach that came from Australia or Asia!

No matter how much you beat or spray at it, it won't die! Just like him!

Estorea just sat down and drank her mango juice as she watched the Korean drama on the TV with an expressionless face. While Airis was busy reading a novel. After all, one word of agreement from Estorea and Nareik is inevitably defeated.

So, it shouldn't be something to be worried about. Anyway, Airis predicts that this kind of thing will happen quite a lot in the future. Just a strange feeling, huh.


Ever since the pair project had started, it was super awkward.

Lectures went on as normal, but as days passed which soon turned into a week, it seems that Candice decided to sit rather… close to Rajik.

Of course, it's not like Airis had any problems with Candice sitting close to Rajik, it's just that… Well, it's kind of awkward?

For one thing, Rajik doesn't look too comfortable too but it seems he's just bearing it. Second thing, she swears Candice doesn't really like her either with the looks she gives her.

And oh god, it's making her super super duper awkward, like should she move out of the way…? She spends plenty of time already with Rajik at home after all…

Oh yea, her dad didn't have a really positive reaction to Rajik staying over and it seemed like he would blow off at him if it wasn't for her mom holding him back.

It seems all good now, except for some glares every now and then and Rajik responding by smiling and waving back cheerfully.

Going back on to topic, yea, Candice was giving occasional stares every time and then, and chipping into conservations that Airis and Rajik would have.

It felt really uncomfortable and Rajik had already addressed it but Airis didn't really want to be bothered by something like this, cause like, go girl!! Get your… man?

Oh that didn't really feel good to say out loud…

Airis shook her head and slapped her cheeks, trying to shake it off. Urghh! Get back to attention!

Anyway, she should just change seats and move over to her project partner. It's getting way too stifling in here.

Currently, she was in the lecture hall with Rajik sitting next to her, eagerly chatting about a criminal case he's been reading, and he was talking to her about the criminal's personality and evaluating it. It was fairly interesting.

Until Candice interrupted, "Oh, you read up about Jacki Harrow too? She's definitely such an interesting person and her intentions and comparisons are definitely intriguing!"

Ah, she arrived.

Rajik politely replied, his right eye seemingly twitched, "Yes, she's definitely much more interesting to study compared to other criminals I have read about."

Airis looked away, shifting her eyes to the side, yep, the atmosphere always gets heavier when she comes. She would whistle just to add a comedic effect but alas, she couldn't so nevermind.

"Oh? I have been reading up on criminals lately, what else have you read up?" Candice asked excitedly, putting down her bag on the table as she sat down and moved her seat closer to Rajik.

'God bless this world, please do not involve me in this.' Airis thought, as she took out her phone to distract herself.

"Ah.. uh… Well, I've been reading up on Kayden Twaint too." Rajik replied.

Rajik was annoyed and he was barely keeping it in, getting Airis's attention off him and then cutting into their conversation. Was this girl trying to get a death wish?

Obviously, he knows the reason for her latest behaviour, but he couldn't care less honestly. Why should he be a hero for her?

The only hero he would ever be, would be for Airis. He would turn into a villain for her willingly too and destroy everyone around him to satisfy her.

Regardless, Candice noticed the three professors' behaviour, and it looks like she was creeped out and scared, and that her gut senses were telling her to stay away and stay close to him, which was a good idea considering his position and power.

Sure, Airis might feel bad, but he wouldn't. The most important thing is Airis. And he's not stupid to realise that Airis looked uncomfortable around Candice as well. He had already asked her beforehand if she wanted him to ask Candice to fuck off, but she hurriedly shaked her head. Stating that it was rather rude and unneeded, so he had to heed to her request.

It would really be suspicious if Candice just suddenly disappeared, wouldn't it?

Haha, of course, he's not going to do it. Yet.

Should he just get rid of the professors so Candice would finally distance herself? That would be a wonderful and viable decision.

Looks like he's going to have a pleasant chat with Yang tonight.



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