Chapter 19

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A new year.

Man, last year wasn’t as bad as she expected. There wasn’t as much drama as she expected and that was great!

Airis smiled as she went through all the memories of the past year.

Huh… Now that she wonders, how’s Rajik? She hoped he was doing okay and adjusting well to his new life like her.

Hm, it’s super late already. She should head to bed now.

Normally, on the first day of school, there will be no lessons and only activities. Which is really great for Airis as she really isn’t good at any academic subjects. The only reason why her current grades are literally not dying is because she had taken them before in the past. Though she can barely remember how it was done, it is familiar to her so it’s easier for her to pick it back up again.

Airis is willing to bet once she gets to uh, senior year? She forgot what it’s called but basically, like secondary 4/3, which is like senior and sophomore year or something… Anyway, she’s betting her grades will take a little nice trip down the road. And.. she’s basically fucked from there.

“Airis! Your friends are here!” Estorea called out. “OKAYyyY!” Airis quickly lifted up her school bag and made her way to the door.

“Ai!” Nicky smiled brightly the moment she saw her, waving at her. With her puppy boyfriend, Sam, behind her, glaring at Airis with jealousy. Diana elbowed him, and smiled nonchalantly as she had never done so, walking up to Airis and pulling her into a hug.

Over the holidays, Nicky had gone out with Sam to see his parents and her parents. It was obvious that right after highschool, they were gonna get married to each other. Though, Airis is not sure why such an early preparation. It was literally 3 years before they could get married.

Diana went to visit her summer home with her cousins located near the beach and had a hell of a time. Alice visited her grandparents in Switzerland. And Madeline went on a nice holiday trip with her parents. Airis? Haha. Airis rotted at home and just bought more stuff online. Like figurines, posters, merchandise of a game she liked to play. Now, her room was basically screaming of someone who really, really, enjoyed certain anime and games.

Of course, Airis also went out from time to time, to some events hosted by the game and the cafe. And she got more free merchandise there… Wild, huh. Really nice to be rich.

Going back to the present, school has once again started and it was time for fun times! Yay!

Andddd, it was already out of it.

Arriving at school, unfortunately, she wasn’t in the same class as any of her friends. So, she was kind of alone. Second of all, she seems to have walked by an extremely private scene.

She was walking by a window when she heard some shuffling sound outside, so you know, like a curious person she was. She proceeded to look outside and wished she could wipe her memories out.

Outside the window, in the bushes, there seemed to be the… cold prince? The walking aircon to be exact. Anyway, she saw his face stuffed into the neck of some girl with long orange hair tied up in a high ponytail and peach skin, who was wincing.

“...” Wasn’t this a bit too open…? Was he giving her a hickey??? WHat?

Right in bright daylight? Airis knows that they have some iron balls and guts in there, but this…

And she heard a slurping sound.


Nevermind. He's some kind of vampire, isn’t he? And he has some tragic backstory and he keeps it a secret that he’s a vampire for some reason, but he accidentally lost control and sucked the blood of the new transfer student. Fuck, this was too cliche. But it’s kinda weird, as far as she knows, Airis was sure this was a mixed school, so there are vampires roaming around, along with wolves, and humans. So there really wouldn't be any trouble if he was a vampire… But why would he keep it a secret…?

Hmm… Ah… He’s a half-blood? Maybe? Well, she wasn’t sure, she never did hear about them at all either when she was in this world.

Mmm… Are half-bloods perhaps disdained in this world?

Sigh, what a cliche setting… Man, when will there be a book that says half-bloods are fully accepted in society? Truly, the birth of a half-blood shows the product of all the tribulations and challenges the couple had gone through as different species.

Truly, what a shame that setting hasn’t been embraced yet at all.

Airis couldn’t help but relentlessly shake her head at the thought, making a hum of disapproval. Her eyes went back to the pair. It seems the boy had finished his share of blood and looked horrified. “...” Yup, he’s gonna faint in shock and the girl will go and carry him to the nurse’s office and she’s really kind and nice and doesn’t get angry at his actions but will hold his hand in both of her hands and ask with worried eyes, “Are you okay?”

And the boy will be stunned and would think, ‘No one has ever reacted like this before when they found out…’ And he starts to get embarrassed by her kind reactions and awkwardly looks away, muttering sorry. Then the girl will just smile so brightly, it seemed like God had personally shine a spotlight on her to enhance her kind actions, and just say, “It’s alright! I’m glad I could help you!” And he gets blinded and his heart starts beating erratically and bam, he falls in love.

Or, it could go the other way, where the girl is kind of pissed but she’s still kind nevertheless, and brings him to the nurse’s room when he faints. And he wakes up to her sitting cross-legged on a chair, glaring at him once he was awake and she would point to her neck and scowl. And his cold persona comes up seeing that and stares deadpanned at her.

And then some arguing happens and the boy explain he actually a half-vampire, half-human, and he needs to drink human blood but he doesn’t want to, resulting in him always avoiding people and gave him the impression of a cold prince when in reality, he just doesn’t want to accidentally pounce on people and suck their blood and his bloodline is revealed and he will disdained again like in his previous schools.

The girl softens a bit hearing that. And she thinks up a deal, “How about I let you suck my blood, and you pay me money? I will keep it a secret. We can write up a contract to prevent betrayal.”

She needs money cause she’s from a poor family and her grandma is the only one taking care of her since she was young because all her relatives seemingly disappear or died leaving her grandma only available to take care of her which is really sus-

Anyway, she got a scholarship into this school, and her first day goes like this. She doesn’t mind losing a little blood just to get money out of it to support her and her grandma.

Of course, likewise, the same if it was the previous scenario. The boy will explain his problem and the girl would kindly offer her blood in exchange for nothing and he gets really flustered and says that he has to give something in exchange for that and suggested money in which the girl hesitates first but when her grandma pops up in her mind, she agrees to the suggestion and they draft up a contract.

Thus, a relationship is formed. Some bam bam and cha cha and they overcome everything, fall in love and marry.

Huh, her imagination is really creative.
Amazing, she should be a writer!


My god

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