Chapter 47

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A single water droplet hit the cold, stone ground again.

How long has it been? How much time has passed? He thought, his body filled with red, fresh scars and wounds as his hands were chained up to the wall.

"Urgh…" He let out a groan of pain.

Two cold leather shoes appear in front of him, seemingly appearing out of nowhere.

It wasn't a surprise he didn't notice, the pain being the sole thing that occupied his mind.

"Good to see you're still alive and kicking. Unfortunately, that won't be happening any soon." He chuckled.

"Why!?" The man yelled out. Rajik tilted his head, surprised that he still had the energy to shout out like that.

Staring down at the rugged man, he smiled with satisfaction. Finally, this piece of shit isn't in his way anymore, considering how much Candice has been disturbing his alone time with Airis.

After he and the two other guys are out of the picture, he can slowly guide Candice out.

She should feel a sense of safety now once she realises they're gone.

Rajik grinned happily, he squatted down to face the guy. "It was your fault for messing with Candice. Because in turn, she started going to me and interrupting my alone time with Airis. You should understand, right? How I feel. It's a shame that I was more powerful than you."

The man growled with anger. And Rajik responded with a laugh, "Today's your last day," He turned around and walked away, before giving one last look over his shoulder. His eyes narrowed, "Have fun, won't you?"


And the metal doors shut before him.

In front of a bubble tea shop, Airis waited patiently as she sipped her green tea with brown sugar pearls quietly.

Hearing a pattering a footsteps, before she could turn around-

"Airis!" Rajik called out suddenly, flinging his body over to Airis, wrapping his arms around her neck.

Airis almost toppled over due to his weight and gave an indigant yell, "Get off! You're too heavy!"

Normally she's the one clinging onto others like a koala, why is she the one getting clinged on!?

Rajik pouted and reluctantly got off her, making Airis huffed as she patted her pants. "Geez, what's up with you? Did something bad happen?" She raised an eyebrow, turning to look at Rajik who had a sulky expression.

"I just missed you…" He held her hand to swing it side to side.

"...We literally live in the same place right now."

Rajik pulled Airis closer, crushing her into his chest as he rubbed his cheek on the top of her head, "But I miss you so much…" He whined.

"..." Did he become a dog or what in the past few days?

"Let's go out and watch a movie!" Rajik suggested, waiting with anticipation for Airis to accept.

"...Well, what do you want to watch?" She asked.

Something definitely happened, it doesn't seem like he's inclined to share though…

"Anything's fine! I just want to hang out with you." Huh, now that he said that, she hasn't hung out with her friends in a while, though they do still eat together at the university every day. But they haven't gone out together for a while, she should go text the group chat for an outing.

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