Chapter 5

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Early in the morning, and Rajik was surprised to see Airis already under the tree, her knees supporting her notebook as her pencil move continuously against it.

Rajik walked over to her and sat down, he leaned his head over to her to take a peek at what she was drawing.

Rajik blinked in amazement as he saw her drawing. It was a tall skinny guy with fluffy brown hair, there were some things wrapped around his neck and the man was wearing a really long coat. "Who's that?" Rajik asked.

"It's Dazai... Someone I dreamt of." Airis replied, focused on sketching the details of his pants. She squinted her eyes, ugh.. She always had trouble making sure the eyes weren't wonky, the wrong size and everything.

God, did she wish she had a 3D model to reference to. It was much easier for her to draw.

She then felt someone poking her, she turned around to see Rajik looking at her, his lips in a frown. He was pouting.

Airis blinked, and she couldn't help but smile, this boy is so adorable! She put down her pencil and pulled Rajik into a heart, she rubbed his head. "Haha, are you feeling jealous?"

Rajik blinked and tilted his head, "What's jealous?" Although he read a lot of books and came across those words before, he didn't exactly know what it meant...

Airis paused, "Uh... Mmm..." She pondered, her eyebrows scrunching up.

"Jealousy is like... Uhm." God, this was getting really philosophical. 

Airis struggled to explain, she did feel jealousy and envy, but in her recent years before she died, envy just turned to shame and "why can't I do that?".

So it was hard for her to try to explain the feeling of jealousy. "Well... It's like, this... Uhm, painful thing? Like it's really uncomfortable...?"

She glanced at Rajik.

Rajik just stared at her, and slowly nodded.


"Uh... You will recognise it... One day! When you're older!" Airis quickly abandoned the explanation and used an excuse that every adult would say to a child. "You will understand it when you get older." Stuff.

Airis laughed awkwardly, she looked around her surroundings to find something to change to, only to lay her eyes on her notebook and decided immediately, "Let's draw together!"

She waved the notebook in her hand.

Rajik's face lit up as he nodded excitedly, he got up from the ground. "I will get an extra pencil!! Wait!" He shouted as he ran.

Airis deeply missed her phone at this moment. Realising that she really was bored and didn't have much to do without a phone. Man, how did she survive as a child last time? She sighed heavily. What a shame.

For the rest of that day, both of them spent their time drawing on the notebook they were sharing. Rajik and Airis would praise each other drawings, and she would also teach some tips to Rajik and help guide him. For him, it was an extremely memorable day.

And he truly treasured that moment.


A year has passed. Rajik and Airis has turned 6 years old (?)

They didn't know their exact birth and neither did the caretakers did as well. Due to the fact, that like a wattpad story, Rajik was found in a basket in front of the orphanage's door and Airis... She was found in a dumpster.



So Airis and Rajik had chosen the same day to have a birthday, on 14 February.

In her other life, Airis had a really late birthday, it was on December 28, and it felt like forever just to get to her birthday. So having the chance to choose her own birthday, well, change it. She chose 14 February, right on Valentine's Day! So she can get a gift and not look singled out...

Rajik, upon hearing that she changed her, burst into tears and also asked for his to be changed. He wouldn't stop crying and left the caretaker helpless as no matter what she did to try to soothe him, he just kept on wailing and wailing and went "WAHHHHHHHH!"

Airis was forced to sit next to him and hug him all day just to quieten his crying, and it went into sobbing and that just made it more pitiful and worse, and the caretaker had no choice but to change his birthday.

And so thus, Rajik got his birthday changed to 14 February since there was no documents on when he was born.

Rajik was extremely satisfied when he got his birthday at the same day as her. Ever since Airis had started hanging out with Rajik, he had gotten more talkative and expressive. Including with the fact that he also got extremely clingy with her. He often followed around with her everywhere she went, except the bathroom.

To be honest, Airis didn't know what to feel about this. At the same time, it was annoying but cute. And she didn't have the heart to tell him that he was being annoying anyway. So she had to deal with him just following her around anywhere, he even wanted to shower with her, and only after did Airis burst into tears saying she didn't like it, he backed off.

To say... He was a very persistent boy... Hopefully, not a pervert really...


"Everyone! Gather around, we will be playing a game!" Miss Faeri called out to the kids to gather around them.

In their usual spot, under the tree, Airis was curious about the game whereas Rajik was playing with her hair. "Rajik! Rajik! Let's go play!" Under her sparkly and bright eyes, Rajik nodded helplessly and Airis grabbed his hand and dragged him over.

All the kids gathered around the two caretakers.

"Alright kids, like I said, we are gonna play a game! And that game will be called Bang! Bang! Can everyone sit in a circle?"

Everyone proceeded to sit down around in a circle, and of course, Rajik didn't hesitate to sit next to her.

"Ok, everyone! Attention please!" The chattering died down as she clapped her hands, "I shall be demonstrating the game."

The caretaker gestured to her friend, the blue hair lady which Airis had seen before, standing next to her, and called out some kids to stand up. She then called out a name and told the kid whose name was called, to sit down or squat while as, the kids that were next to them have to see who is the fastest to shoot the other person, and so, it will continue on. This was the battle of human reaction speed.

And so, it began.


Late post. Sorry, had really rough days this week. My hormones were on fire at  unbalancing. 💀💀💀

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