Chapter 29

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The sun shone gently. The birds chirping, the leaves of the trees slightly moving side to side in motion, embraced by the wind.

Ah, what a wonderful day it was.

And here we go back to our dear protagonist, who was not happy at all. With grace, Airis was a fully-fledged nocturnal homo sapien.

You could call her a vampire or cavewoman.

Oh, the sun was such a pain in the ass. All it does is shine heat and light upon this world.

And the birds were such a fucking nuisance. As far as Airis knew, it wasn't mating season, so why do they have to gawk and cawk so loudly at the day of dawn!


And with a (uneventful) morning, Airis officially becomes 22 years old this year.


"You look absolutely fantastic today, Airis." Diana commented, sipping on her mocha.

"Thanks. You look terrible today, Di-ana." Airis replied snarkly, aggressively sipping on her osmanthus green tea boba in the early morning.

Airis stayed up late the previous night. For what?

Of course, it's to read her little lemon fanfictions. And god, did Airis look terrible today. She looked like she was a homeless person that was seen recently near the dumpster in the school.

With untidy and messy hair sticking out from everywhere. Airis had a bare face with eye bags under her eyes, her lips chapped, combined with dry patches of skin seen on her face. And if you want to add onto that, she didn't shower either, just brushed her teeth, ate breakfast and went off to university.

Just changed into casual clothes. Draped in a rather gloomy attire, a dark gray shirt matched with black pants and sneakers.

She looked like a hobo next to her well-dressed, clean freaks friends.

God, she could never understand why people shower twice a day. Like why? For what?

Showering to get clean. Then going out, so you get dirty again. There's like no point. And it was a hassle to shower too.

Airis let out a sigh, one good thing is that she didn't have any body odour. She always used medical soap so she didn't really have a body smell.

Airis sighed, typing furiously on her laptop. There was an assignment due today, and normally, Airis always finishes assignments beforehand, but she has been procrastinating about doing the work and being the lazy ass bum she is. She put it until the last minute and now she's pulling anything out of her ass to write the essay.

Just for your info, she's barely passing the course she's in. She loved how her grades went down like how the popularity of a hit tweet does after one day.

Ugh, she hates smart people. Glaring at the screen, a frown tugged on her lips, adjusting her glasses. Whatever, it was almost done, as long as she gets a pass for this essay, she will be satisfied enough.

While Airis was fuming over her assignment, Madeline was on the side eating sushi and Alice was drawing in her sketchbook.

It has been 8 years since they became friends, and all her friends grew into model-like people. It was ridiculous.

Why is she the one looking like a goddamn country hobo??? And they all turned into supermodel material?? Like hello? The favouritism seems a bit too strong here, God!

How could she be so unlucky even in the genetic wheel… Sob.

Moving on, almost everyone was pursuing different careers.

First of all, Sam was now managing the pack and a 'little' side business. (As what Nicky stated)

Nicky has finished undergoing the training of Luna and was managing the pack along with Sam. However, with some convincing methods she used on Sam, she managed to convince him to allow her to take a university course for a degree!

And like a faithful (possessive) husband, Sam also tagged along. Currently, Nicky was taking the Early Childhood Education Course part time. And surprise, surprise, the mom of the group, Diana was also taking it. However, it was the work study degree instead.

Alice started to like art in her early years. One of the things she was good at was designing clothes for her own characters. With great encouragement from her friends, Alice decided to pursue Fashion Design. Airis had no doubts that she would make it big, considering the wide variety of clothes Alice somehow managed to design.

Madeline, as you know, is a foodie. So no surprise, she decided to become a chef so she can cook herself delicious food!

Currently, she's taking two courses, which is Asian Culinary Arts and Western Culinary Art. She was doing quite well, and easily keeping up with the pace of the two courses which Airis has no idea how she does because she's dying of the workload from her own course.

Like god damn, that motivation for food is something.

And that was the current situation.

Along with that, Airis was also working a part time job at a convenience store. Working from 5pm to 9pm while doing her studies.

Ugh. Can't she just be lucky and somehow catch the eye of a super handsome rich guy who's the heir to a huge corporation and he can be her sugar daddy. 🙂

Anyway, university didn't escape the cliches either.

There was like this really popular rich hunk at school that like yada yada, all the girls like him. At first, Airis thought that Diana, Madeline and Alice would fall for his charms, but strangely they didn't?

It was rather weird, but Airis chose not to question it. Becoming philosophical when you reincarnate is a bad idea. She should just accept that it was the will of the world. It wasn't that bad anyway actually, so she's all good with it.

Adding on, there's also this super white lotus girl who caught the attention of the hunk and poor, poor her. Airis just sincerely wishes that her life journey in university goes smoothly.

So like, onto another subject, there was this really sexy man she seen recently in this otome game- God, she wishes that he could just do *BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP* things to her.

Alright, alright, CENSORED! CUT IT OUT!


Help I'm back. I finished my exams and getting a part time job :') i don't wanna work but I want money to indulge my merchandise 😭😭 and I got that genshin fanfiction going on the side help

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