Chapter 13

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Ah, what a lovely day it is. Exiting the house at 7:45 after bidding Estorea and Nareik goodbye. Airis walked towards the elevator. Yes, for your benefit and information, they were living in an apartment. In the neighbourhood, there was a combination of both modern apartment buildings as well as houses and mansions. Like the really eye-catching mansion that was located two buildings away from the apartment complex Airis was living in.

As Airis exited the building, humming a tune. She followed the concrete pavement that was leading to the school. She had researched the school online and had realised that it was named a mixed school? She didn’t know what that meant, but she assumed that it meant that it was for both genders. It was also a private school, which she had almost fainted in shock because she knew the fees for private schools were insanely expensive!

In a panic, she had gone up to tell Estorea and Nareik that the fees for the private school that they had signed up for were way too expensive! However, she got laughter in return as they reassured her multiple times it wasn’t much and that they could afford it. Thus, Airis was forced to accept that, besides the neighbourhood she lived in was also… rather really expensive. And not only that, Estorea had handed her a $50 note and told her it was her weekly allowance. Airis almost fainted again, and tried to give it back, saying $15 was enough.

She lost against them.

And thus, now, it’s a wonderful Monday. She was heading for school. Supposedly, it should have remained as a really wonderful and lovely day!

Only to have it ruined when she saw three girls bullying a girl who was on the floor, her  hair messed up, her face having dirt on them as well as a red handprint and her clothes all dirtied.

With a sense of justice and some passing guilt that Airis knew she would have if she didn’t help the girl, she walked up right to them, passing the three girls as she held out a hand to the bullied girl.

The bullied girl looked at her hand in confusion, and she looked up to see Airis patiently waiting for her to grab her hand.

Hesitantly, she took her outreached hand and stood up slowly, her knees bruised. Airis furrowed her eyebrows at the sight of them. She sighed, bullying in this times and ages, it really seemed bullying wouldn’t ever fade from this world. Ignoring the blazing glares of the girls as they couldn’t lay a hand on her for some reason, Airis swung her bag over to her front, zipped it open and took out her wallet.

She took out some alcohol swabs and some medium-sized plasters. Airis bent down, “If it hurts a bit, you can hold onto me for support.” She gently wiped the bruised areas of her knees and carefully plastered the injured spots. She stood up, placing the remaining waste in the pocket of her bag.

Airis frowned, seeing her red cheek. “I didn’t bring any cooling compress with me…” She muttered. The girl, flustered with her kind treatment, shakes her head, “It’s okay! Thank you very much for helping me…”

Suddenly, one of the three girls spoke up, interrupting her rudely. “Why would you help her!? She's just an omega!”

Airis froze when she heard that.  Omega? Are they delusional or something? How could there be something like omegas, really… Maybe they are roleplaying? But using physical violence is another thing… If it was in bed, she wouldn't really question… It could be kinks… maybe?

As Airis was trying to ponder on their answer, she felt a tug on her shirt, she turned around to see the girl with her head down, giving a smile. “Yes.. I'm an omega, you didn't need to help me but thank you very much. However, as an omega, I am to be used as a stress-reliever…”

Airis blinked her eyes. Stress-reliever? What is she?  A instigator of play?  I'm sorry, what was she hearing? She closed her eyes, squeezing the bridge of her nose. Glaring at the three girls, “I'm sorry, but what is this omega I'm hearing of? Are you guys in some fucking werewolf pack or something? This sounds absolutely ridiculous.”

The four girls gave her a look. 


“No, wait,” Airis looked away, getting agitated. “You guys can't be serious.”

No one answered.
The silence was deafening.

“...Do vampires happen to exist too?” Airis asked quietly.

The girls look at each other, this is the first time they have been on equal standing. And one of them nodded.

At that moment, Airis passed out.

In horror and shock.


“Airis? Airis!” A voice broke through the silence. Airis' eyes flutter open. “Estorea…?” Recognising the familiar voice. Estorea's worried face came into view. “Are you okay? I went downstairs only to see that you were being carried by a girl!”

Registering those words, Airis felt once again, great horror. “So it was real…? Not a dream…..” She mumbled, trying to comprehend what was happening.

“Airis? What's wrong? What shocked you so much?”

“Wolves… Vampires… What…?” She asked in such a confused voice, it made you feel sorry for her.

“What about wolves and vampires?” Estorea asked, hearing her words.

Airis looked at her, “Wolves and vampires are real…?” Estorea nodded, “Yes, didn’t you know?” She tilted her head.

No??? She didn't know???

“Oh dear…”

Oh, werewolves, oh vampires. Oh my god.

“Do you still want to go to school?” Estorea's face was faint with worry.

Airis took a deep breath, and nodded. “Yes… I can't miss the first day of school after all. I'm sure I will be fine.”

Estorea sighed, “Alright, if you say so. Come on, the group of girls who brought you here are waiting for you outside, they actually go to the same school as you!” Airis nodded.

Getting off from the sofa which she was carried to, taking her bag, she swung it over her shoulder and headed for the door.

7 minutes left before school starts. Ah, she really was later than usual.

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