Chapter 4

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Airis was speechless.

After struggling to get out of bed and finally managing to eat 5 spoonfuls. She was immediately greeted by Rajik who was in tears. It was another 1000 pieces puzzle.

Airis couldn't help but think, 'Does this boy want to torture himself?'

Actually, Rajik had felt the joy yesterday from completing the puzzle. The feeling of accomplishment felt amazing to him so he wanted to feel it again, thus starting another puzzle. If Airis knew what he was thinking, she really would have wanted to hit him, what kind of thinking was this?

You wanna feel accomplishment, go count from 1 to 100 can ah.

Airis could only sigh despondently, one thought only ran through her mind. 'This fucking brat.'

Thus, her entire day was spending hours under the tree, squinting at the puzzle pieces and fitting them together.

When it was finally done, the entire picture was of a solar system. Airis was very upset by this, the Pokémon was better, who wants a picture of a solar system???

Thinking about that, she got reminded of her younger brother in her previous life who had a phase which included solar system. Remembering that, Airis felt down. She really couldn't see her annoying little brother, anymore?

Like every sibling' relationship, Airis and her brother fought and hit each other many times. And let's include all the screaming, shouting and mimicking. But they also comforted each other at their low times. Her brother was 11 when she died.

Airis felt upset that she couldn't witness him going to secondary school. As a older sibling, it's fun watching your little brother stop being oblivious and stupid. Such as easily hiding something behind your back and he can't see it.

"Airis?" A voice snapped back Airis to reality. She saw that Rajik had moved in front of her, his eyes looking at her worriedly. He lifted up his hands and palm Airis' cheeks.

Airis, stunned, blinked. And only did she feel the tears running down her face. "..."

"Don't cry... Airis. Pain, pain go away!" He chanted, desperately trying to wipe the tears away, his eyes almost tearing up seeing her cry.

Her eyes downcasted, she heard his words and took a small breath. "..."

Looking up, Airis smiled, and she laughed, "Thank you. The pain has gone away, thank you, Rajik."

Rajik beamed, "The spell work!! Airis, don't cry anymore. I will protect you. I promise." He held out his pinkie.

Airis wrapped her finger around his, sealing their 'promise'. She rubbed his head, "Of course."

Airis thought Rajik was extremely cute and precious from doing it. It would absolutely devasted Rajik if he knew that she didn't take his promise seriously, now did she?

But really, such a gesture was extremely warmhearting her, promises never really happened like this once you grew up.

Her brother and she used to do this, and it was always meant seriously.

Sadness bloomed in her eyes, maybe one day, she would stop mourning over this and move on. She has to remind herself, she's now Airis. And that wouldn't change unless she woke up from this dream.

4 months later

"*****, Stop playing your phone and eat!"

"Yea, yea I will, can you wait?"

"Wait until when, Christmas, is it?"

"yaa Christmas." He sighed, forcing himself to get up from his chair and walked out into the dining room. His dad glared at him, "your always on that phone!" He rolled his eyes at his words, sitting down across from him.

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