Chapter 35

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Peep. Airis's heads poke through the elevator's door. Getting a glimpse of the banquet hall.

Her eyes sparkle and shine, making a beeline immediately towards the long white-clothed tables. On top of the tables, there was a huge variety of food.

Airis couldn't help but start drooling. 'Food…' Although she is not a huge foodie like Madeline, that doesn't mean her appreciation for food is any less!

She would have been the real foodie in the group if it wasn't for her absolute cow-shit metabolism. Airis swears it goes at a snail's pace, and Madeline's metabolism over there goes as fast as diaherra exiting the anus!

It's so unfair, ugh. Some people just get lucky with the wheel of genes, don't they?

Well, Airis could tell you she did not win the selection. 🥳

But Rajik did.


It can't be helped. Some people are just favoured by the beings above.

Airis turned her head to look at Rajik's face. Ah, he was staring at her again. He got startled and started blushing, looking away.

'...' He really looks like a uke doing that. Oh god.

'Can I even protect him from the seme?' Airis thought worriedly. She looks down at her arms.

'Nahhh, good luck Rajik.' Her skinny arms wouldn't even make a dent in clay.

"Airis? Let's go." Rajik's voice snaps Airis out of her thoughts, she looks at his outreached hand.

She slowly put her hand in his, and Rajik grinned, wasting no time to clasp her hand, bringing her along. A big smile on his face.

Then, she realised something.

Airis starts sweating. 'Wait, this kind of setting… Is the seme here?'

Isn't it rather obvious? In some kind of rich place… and he's taking her to some group? And then they bully him, and the seme walks in and saves him…

Before she could even protest, she was already there by the time she had come back to reality.

And she's currently facing the vicious glare of what seems to be the prettiest girl in the group. This is not good.

She could feel it in her bones, it was definitely a rival!! That girl is a rival! Who could look so gorgeous! It's just that… she's looking at the wrong person she should be facing!

'Ohhh, Oh Dios míoooo, ok, ok, start praying to the almighty super amazing god up there. I'm not ready to face off against a super gorgeous rival like that girl. Hello?? I would lose against her in like 0.001 seconds.'

Airis would have done the Christ symbol praying action or whatever, but her hand was being grasped tightly by Rajik so she couldn't. Instead, Airis decided to shrink and hide behind Rajik.

"Ah… Rajik, welcome back… Who's that girl behind you?" Estella questions, asking in a soft voice.

'AHHHHHHH, HER VOICE SOUNDS SO GOOD!' Airis screams internally in her mind. She was so weak against good voices… Ah, now that she thinks about it, didn't Rajik's voice sound deep and smooth? A baritone voice perhaps.

Airis feels her hand being lifted up, "This is my childhood friend, Airis. I met her by coincidence when I was out." Rajik replies to Estella in a cheery voice. Anyone could tell Rajik is overjoyed having met his friend.

The smile on Estella's face seemingly twitched and Airis had caught it. 'Oh my god, she's mad! SHE'S MAD! OHH, she's pisseddd.'

Rajik also didn't miss it and understood the action. He almost lost the smile on his face, but he took a deep breath and calmed his mind. "Well, I'm going to head off, do enjoy the banquet." He respectfully said.

Before Rajik could drag Airis away to somewhere else. He heard a rather familiar whistle and had to take another deep breath.

"Woahh, what's happening here, Rajik?"

Dum, dum, dam. Calvin and Yang arrived at the party!

What will Rajik do?
> Run
> Endure

Ding! Ding! Rajik chooses to endure!

He turns around and gives a small smile, "Calvin! Yang! I didn't know you would come here."

With that voice and smile on his face, it immediately triggered the warning alarms in Calvin and Yang Li's heads.

Calvin nodded carefully, "Well… We wanted to pay… you a surprise visit!"

In honesty, they just wanted to disturb him.

With the miscommunication going on between Rajik, Yang Li and Calvin. Airis was eyeing the two men that had walked in.

'Which one is the seme…?' Airis blinks as her mind runs. And it paused.

Airis almost let out a gasp. Oh, her mind was running at the speed of light, alright. 'Its… IT'S A THREESOME RELATIONSHIP?'

Shocked, she carefully observed the three men.


'No way, is Rajik the middle guy?' Airis wanted to cry for him. Her poor childhood friend is probably getting ploughed every day by two men! And they probably have 10-inch dongs!

And the anus can only stretch up to 7 inches, being able to fit at least two raccoons-

Airis covered her mouth in disbelief and turned away, 'Should I buy a wheelchair and health insurance for Rajik?'

Rajik notices her actions and turns around to face her, tilting his head as he looks at her worriedly. "Airis? Are you alright?"

She snaps back to reality and nods hurriedly, "Uhm… Don't you have to go somewhere?" Airis decides to ask.

Rajik smiles and shakes his head, "No, if you like, we can stay here or go somewhere else."

Seeing Rajik interact with Airis gave both Calvin and Yang Li the chills. They directed their stares to the short 157cm girl standing next to the 191cm Rajik.

…It looks a bit silly, doesn't it?

Airis barely reaches his upper torso… She didn't seem to realise how much she had to strain her neck to look at Rajik. After all, everyone except Nicky was taller than her…

Ah, the height of female leads. Either ranging in the 150cm range or 160cm.

Alright, back to the topic, Airis rejects Rajik's offer, shaking her head from side to side. "I still haven't tried the food!"

It was extremely important to try high-class food! Especially when she didn't have a lot of chances to do so.

Rajik couldn't help but chuckle and smile gently, "Let's go over to the buffet table." And with that, ignoring everyone else in the area. He simply walked away with Airis in hand, making her sweat as she couldn't help but look back and was faced with the seething glare from Estella and the confused and bewildered gazes from his…partners?

'I won't get kidnapped and murdered secretly for this, right?'


Don't ask why my writing is getting more unhinged and 📉 each day. Idk what I'm doing either.

My best friend reading this is not keeping me alive she doesn't know I'm like this help

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