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HII, omg finally, my third book completed 😭😭

Thank u so much to everyone who even bothered reading this piece of shit work. I think this will be final work and my end of journey on wattpad! Moving from my wattpad phase.

I'm now becoming a fanfic author YES. I shall now feed into my delusionals. <3

If y'all can find me, congrats! Anyway, thank you once again <3

Love y'all, and this is the final journey of my lovely OCS.

Love y'all, and this is the final journey of my lovely OCS

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Airis and Rajik

Maybe in the future, I'll comission more artworks of my other couples in my other books and edit it here <3 thanks anyway again and again!

See you girlies in another social media!

Stan Childe.

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