Chapter 26

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Everything was hectic. The camp was hectic. There was screaming and shouting everywhere; well, that’s to be expected when you have every grade level in one place. It was bound to be a noise fest.

And Airis had an expression which was like her soul had been sucked out from her as she mindlessly sat on the bench with her friends who had similar expressions. Airis thought she would go deaf.

Until magically, the sound suddenly seemed to be muffled. Ah, the hero has come to save the day, Sam had stuffed earbuds into her ears!

"Do you know what we are doing today?" Airis asks as she stabbed her fork into her pancake.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Diana shouted back.


Oh yeah, she forgot it was really noisy without these earbuds. Airis took a deep breath and shouted back at her. "DO YOU KNOW WHAT WE ARE DOING TODAY?"

"NO. I DON’T.”

Well, that’s delightful. Airis never liked surprises or situations that she couldn’t prepare for.

Anyway, she really needed to pee.

"I'M GOING TO THE TOILET." The rest nodded and she headed off.

As she walked along the gravel path, she suddenly heard a pained moan.

She paused. Oh man, she knew what that sound was.

It hasn’t EVEN BEEN ONE DAY... And they are already doing it in the morning and out in the public. Airis was rather annoyed.

They should have done it last night or in the cabin or something!

“...” She… kinda wanna check it out.

This might be an extremely weird, sexual and uncomfortable thought (so quickly just scroll right past if you don’t wanna see it), but she really wants to see the transformation from an erect dick to a limp dick.
Well, it’s more of a biological stand of curiosity really. She does know the looks from a limp to an erect dick in art and real life are somewhat different, and she has never seen it in real life. So… You get her right?

HAhaha! Moving on, let’s go check it out!

And so, she snuck over.

Tiptoe, tiptoe.

Airis raised her head, trying to peek over the bush as inconspicuous as she could.


Damn, it wasn't what she thought it was.

Beyond the bushes, laid the familiar-looking Ice Prince and that… uh..girl. Oops. Airis had forgotten her name. To describe the position they were in, well, the girl was on the boy's lap, his arms wrapped around her waist and the boy's face was splattered onto her neck, probably sucking her blood.

Well, it looks like that. So does that mean her theory was right? Woo! Right on the dot, Airis!

Just like that, after seeing that, Airis simply went off her merry way to take a dump.

By the time she started heading back, it seems like most of the students had gone back to the cabin to get ready for their trip. Airis went back to the table and saw that the group was waiting for her to come back. “Sorry for the long wait, let’s go and pack.”

Everyone nodded and headed off to their respective cabins.

The sound of buses could be heard. It was decided for the sophomore that they would be going to cultural locations around the country. The schedule had also been officially set.

8 am - Wake up
9 am - Breakfast
10 am - Go off
11 am - Arrive, given instructions and wander around the location
12 pm - Lunch
1 pm - 5pm -> Free time
6 pm - Gather back
7 pm - Bus trip, do assignment/ reflection given during the bus trip
8 pm- Back at camp.
9:30 pm - Sleep

Airis arrived at the pick-up spot for seniors. It was crowded and full of hustle and bustle.
Nicky spotted her and waved at her excitedly. “Airis! Over here!”  The rest were gathered around, Airis had taken the longest to get ready, making sure she was ready. Bringing a mini fan, an umbrella, sunscreen, plasters, alcohol swabs, a bunch of money, wet wipes, period pads, tissue packets and more things. Her bag was stuffed and everyone besides Nicky looked at her bulging bag in horror.

Seems like Sam had learned his lesson from the scolding, but Airis obviously haven't.

“WHY ARE YOU BRINGING SO MAnY THINGS???” Sam shouted in disbelief.

“It's called being PREPARED, Sam. HAVE YOU HEARD OF IT?” Airis replied back loudly, her tone full of sarcasm.

Sam crossed his arms, tilting his head, now pissed. He turned around and clasped Nicky's shoulders. “Honey, unfriend that fiend.”

Oohhh. Airis was livid when she heard that. She was going to strangle him.

“WHY YOU-!” She pounced on Sam.

Airis was trying to choke Sam. Sam was trying to pull Airis off him. It was getting chaotic.

Sam was around 180+cm which was a great disadvantage to Airis who was around 150cm.

Currently, the situation is like this.

Airis was clinging off Sam by his shirt and his shoulders, and Sam was trying to pull her off by shaking her around and kicking her off him. It was a comical sight.

However, she didn't give up. She was a pesky cockroach, she was determined. She was going to make sure Sam regret his words-


She got pulled off. Sam was gasping for air, his voice raspy. Airis was glaring at him. And the teachers were both scolding them immensely. Yapping on that it was childish and they should know better than to resort to violence.

After a good 10 minutes of scolding, both were forced to apologise and reflect. They were finally given freedom from their scolding and proceeded onto the bus-

And they had to sit next to each other on the bus to mend their friendship. The teachers and their friends agreed.

Oh boy, it was going to be a long trip.


Hello, thou is back, didn't post last week cus I didn't write in time 🥲 sorry for that comrades.

Anyway, my national exam is literally tomorrow 💀💀 so I might post or not post. Anyway my friend didn't check this chapter yet so I'm in a lot of nagging later on. Ugh.

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