Chapter 57

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"We should take him to the hospital." Airis said, tugging Rajik's jacket tighter as she looked down at the man lying face down, unconscious.

She lifts her head to look at Rajik, pursing her lips, "We can't let him die after all. You would be charged with murder, and that can't happen."

Rajik couldn't say no and nodded in defeat. He rather let this kidnapper die and rot for the rest of his life in whatever hell was waiting for him. But as expected, Airis was too nice.

It was definitely awkward facing the nurses and doctors when they asked what happened to him, Airis could only shift her eyes away as Rajik smoothly took over and made up a scenario on how they saw him collapse on the street suddenly when they were coming back from their dinner date.

They easily believed Rajik, especially with the usage of his face.

While they were waiting…

Rajik squeezes Airis's hand in his, "Are you alright? You don't have to keep it all in."

Airis smiles and nods, "I'm alright. I'll probably get an outburst later." She looks down, and clenches her fist, "Can I stay over at your place tonight? I don't feel confident in facing my parents yet like this."

Rajik nods, "Alright, but I'll have to inform them, they're worried sick about you."

"That's fine, you should go make the call now. I'll wait here."

Rajik stands up and gives her a small peck on the cheek, "I'll be back, love."

Airis sits down and stares at her hands mindlessly, her mind emptying as she dissociates.

Rajik comes back, and sees Airis staring into open space. He quietly sits next to her, as he wraps his hand around hers, accompanying her in silence.

Soon, the nurse comes out and says that he would need to stay overnight in one of their hospital rooms. Rajik nods, and goes over to write down the necessary details.

He then lifts Airis into his arms gently, and calls a car to pick them up.

Airis's eyes fluttered open, the moonlight shining through the window. She blinks. 'Ah. What happened…? Huh…?' Looking around her surroundings, she hurriedly sits up in a rush, chills running down her back.

Rajik then walks in with a tray in his hands, and relief washes over her, she leans back into the pillow, letting out a sigh.

"Airis? Are you okay?" Rajik rushes to her side, putting the tray down in the bedside drawer, he checks her forehead, worry evident in his eyes.

"Sorry… Yes I'm fine. Just a bit confused from the change of environment… Wasn't I at the hospital? I didn't fall asleep…"

"Oh, well, the nurse said that the guy needed to stay in one of their hospital rooms. I did all the necessary procedures and brought you over to my house. Your parents know about it and your friends know you're safe." Rajik informs Airis.

Airis nods, "Thank you. Uhm… Sorry, what day is it?"

"It's a Friday. Your favourite day." Rajik grins, "Anyway, uhm, I'm really sorry… but I wiped you down and changed you into a new pair of clothes…"

Airis shakes her head helplessly, "It's fine. I know you did it out of care and concern. Thank you. I'm really exhausted… I'm going to go back to sleep…" She raises her head to look at him, "Can you… sleep with me?"

Rajik blinks, and his face reddens up, only to gain back his senses as he slaps his cheeks, "Of course! I'll go shower. You can go sleep first."

Airis laughs, "Okay, good night, Rajik. Thank you. And… I love you."

Rajik nods shyly, "I… love you too. Very much."


Hi... Hehehe. 😐😐 I'm... Gonna go continue writing. Anyway, watch Psycho Pass. <3

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