Chapter 56

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This guy really put her in a cage…

Airis was sitting down in the dark room, in a large sliver cage, hugging her knees in disbelief.

She didn't know whether to love or cry. Seemingly, it was a miracle she wasn't crying up a storm right now, and panicking like crazy either.

It's probably because her mind has classified this situation as something where she's using humour right now to cope.

Like the fact that this guy actually put her in a cage like in that scene from Amnesia…

She would have spammed the crying face emoji right now a million times. But unfortunately, she doesn't have her phone with her.


Would he give her a Nintendo switch if she asks? She kinda wants to play some otome games now.

She peeks at the door. Although it was dark, her eyes had gotten adjusted to the darkness and she could see somewhat. Like the door.

She buries her face in her knees, rocking back and forth. This position was kinda uncomfortable, and she felt like she was in a shrimp position which doesn't bode well for her back. She really wanted to stand up and stretch but that wasn't possible. And neither was lying on the floor to stretch considering this was the size of a dog cage. He should have gotten a big cage. Tsk tsk.

Look at her… she's already berating the size of the cage.

She then hears the sound of a door being swung open. And she lifts up her head to see a guy coming in with a plate in his hand. His hood was off now, and she could see his facial features.

With inky black hair, round brown eyes, and pale skin, the guy was draped in a black hoodie and black pants. A noticeable black cross earring hung from his left ear.

'...This guy isn't bad-looking at all? Huh? Huhh??? A Reddit looking guy didn't kidnap me? What??? Emo ass mf…'

Seeing the shocked expression on her face, he gets a bit flustered and covers his face with his hand. "Don't look at me… like that…" He mutters.

"Oh. Sorry, sorry." Wait a minute, why is she apologising? Don't tell her, she's going to develop Stockholm syndrome?

Airis presses her lips in a thin line at the thought.

Suddenly, he bends down and opens a small door to the cage, placing the plate of food down. "Sorry I couldn't get a bigger cage… I will order one soon."

Airis nods mindlessly, mumbling a 'it's okay' as she stares at the food.

The food was extremely simple, white rice and fried ham. Though it may seem pitiful to others. She felt elated instead. Food like these is her favourite.

Completely forgetting her situation, she picks up the metal spoon provided and starts eating.

"Shoo good…." She says happily, eating.

The guy chuckles and stares at her. Sitting in a cross-legged position.

Ah… Now she's feeling a bit self-conscious and slows down her eating.

"Erhmmm…. Do you mind if I request something?"

The guy stares at her, tilting his head. "What is it?"

"Uhm… do you have a nintendo switch with some otome games in it? Or a kindle…"

"...Well. I have a Nintendo switch, not the games though… What games do you want?"

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