Chapter 25

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“Gather around! We have assigned all of you your dorms. Please come up and take a look at the list and find your cabin mates!”

4 students would be assigned to one cabin, preferably all of the same gender. Hopefully.

With lady luck kind of on her side, Airis managed to be paired up with Diana, Madeline and Alice. Nicky? She was obviously teamed up with Sam along with another alpha and their mate. Now, Alphas tend to get really territorial. But do you think the teachers and staff are going to accept that ass instinct excuse?

Of course not! Figure it out on your own! You think the school is going to arrange and bow to your every need? You wish. And if a fight were to occur, the staff would simply just separate their mates away from them and leave those two to their own devices, not being able to even catch a glimpse of their mate as a punishment for fighting. Which is really unbearable for them, so naturally, they just have to control their instincts and not fight! Easy-peasy.

Anyway, it seems like the tsundere/kuudere girl got paired up with the mixed vampire, and the rich popular boy with the poor friendly girl. It seems the guys were just ignoring each other, leaving themselves to their own devices and their girls, while the girls were happily interacting with each other.

Sadly, Airis wasn't paired up with either of them so it was a shame, it would have been easier to spy on their actions if she was assigned to the same cabin as them.

Well, it doesn't matter, at least she got matched with her friends so that's already pretty lucky actually!

Airis bounced over to her friends excitedly, they were all busy comforting Nicky who had a despondent expression on her face.

Nicky soon noticed Airis, and she pounced on her, pulling Airis into her arms, wailing miserably, "Wahhhhhhhh, I'm so jealous you guys get together and I'm with Sam, like that's totally unfair! Isn't it supposed to be the same gender? How come I'm paired with Sam then?"

"Maybe because you're mates...?" Airis said.


"Yea, okay, I am. But still-!"

Before Nicky could say anything, she got snatched out of Airis' arms. Sam glared at Airis like it was her fault.
"??? I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING?" Sam hmphed and simply carried Nicky away in his arms. In disbelief, Airis had to control the urge to strangle him.

"Calm down, you know Sam is always like that when it comes to Nicky. I really do not know how he can act so differently when she isn't around. Like he's so competent when he's managing the clan, but then Nicky comes in and he just turns into a full-blown idiot." Diana sighed, shaking her head as she placed her hand on Airis' shoulder.

"You should see how cool he looks when he's making sure everything is order in the clan and when he's working and checking out the state of the clan!" Madeline chimed in, somehow having a bag of fries in her hands.

"Whatever, can we go find our cabin now? My arms are aching from carrying my bag!" Alice asked, tapping her feet impatiently, arms folded.

Diana rolled her eyes, “Alright spoiled brat, let’s get going,”

“I’m not a spoiled brat!”

“Do you guys hear someone saying something? Nah, it must be me.”

“Why you-!”

Diana laughed as she ran away from Alice who was chasing her.

“Don’t fall down! There’s mud everywhere!” Madeline shouted at them.

Airis giggled, beaming at the sight of them.

“Let’s go, Madeline!” Airis grabbed her head and pulled her along.

“Wah!? HEy!” Startled, Madeline barely managed to prevent her fries from dropping onto the ground.

“Sorry, sorry!” Airis apologised, still laughing away.


Rajik furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at the question in the college math textbook. Annoyed, he put down the pen on the paper filled with numerous equations and scribbles all over them, failing to solve the question.

‘I should take a break.’ He thought, looking up at the clock. It was currently 3pm. He had been studying for 7 hours straight now, with little snack breaks in between.

He got up from his chair, walking over to his bookshelf, pulling out a red notebook. He flipped it open and began staring at the drawing that was kept in between the pages. The paper was a little worn-out but that didn’t matter. It was the drawing that Airis had gifted him when they were younger.

He had considered it one of his greatest treasures back then. Well, it still is to him. After all, he has very few mementos of Airis. Hopefully, in the future, he could get more to keep for himself.

He closed the notebook after staring at the drawing and tracing it with his finger for 8 minutes, putting it back in its place.

Ring! Ring!

His phone started vibrating. He looked at his bed drawer, and looked at the contact.


He picked up the phone, “Hello?”

“Rajik! Do you want to go out together today? I just finished modelling and I’m bored being alone. Come and hang out with me!~”


“Did you really call me just for this?”

“Come on! You’re always cooped up in that little mansion of yours! I bet you have been studying since 9AM, haven’t you? See! I knew it.”

Rajik looked at his desk, filled with books nicely stacked and notebook open wide, visible signs of eraser dust laying around.

“Rajik, make sure to have fun, okay?” Airis’ voice echoed in his mind.

Rajik sighed, defeated. “Fine, where do you want to meet?”

“Com- Wait, what? Am I hearing this right?? Has the sun risen from the west? You’re actually agreeing!??”

Rajik scowled, “BEFORE I changed my mind-”

“Haha, today must be a joyous day, indeed! I will see you at Elmsleigh Drive!” Calvin hung up, piping with joy.

Rajik scratched his head, feeling rather awkward now. It was his first time going out with friends…

Alas, he hopes he will have a good time.


Hi didn't post last week cus I was dying LOLZ

Anyway byez I'm gonna like rot and try to come up with next chapter bleh

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