Chapter 54

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Basking in the unwanted sunlight in the late afternoon, Airis was sitting at her desk, typing her due essay away on her computer, humming a song as her fingers flew over the keyboard.


The phone rang out. Airis looks at her phone lying screen down on the table. She picks it up, wondering who it could be.

And a terrible gut instinct rose within her, when she saw the message. She pondered whether to reply to the message.

"..." Sure, why not. If anything goes to worse, she can always block him.
Unknown: Hello Love.

Hello. Who is this?

Unknown: Your future spouse.

Well, that's nice. Unfortunately, I am currently taken at the moment.

Unknown: It's okay darling. Nothing will get between us, especially your pesky little boyfriend.

The corner of her lips twitched at their answer. Who was this asshole? Coming in here, interrupting her unneeded essay time, and start writing messages like this.

Airis frowned and typed a message.

Sorry, I don't have plans to do that any time soon. Thanks for your time. Bye.

You blocked the unknown contact

And just like that, Airis completely forgot about this until a week later.

"Honey!!!" Her mom (Estorea) called out. "YES??" Airis shouted back.

Airis stood up from her chair, confused. Who was sending gifts to her? Maybe Rajik?

Airis walked out of her room, into the kitchen, seeing a bouquet on the dining table. About more than a dozen of bright, red ruby roses, glistening under the light, as if giving her a foreboding warning.

"..." She carefully picked up the bouquet of flowers, spotting a small little white card resting on top.

Taking the card, she flips it open, and her blood runs cold.

Hello darling. I'm not sure why you blocked me. But here's an apology gift! I hope you love it!

Airis takes a deep breath, trying to calm down.

'Calm down, calm down, calm down. It's going to be okay, it's going to be okay, it's okay. Yes, it's okay... it's okay.' The thoughts in her mind run like a stream of rushing water.

'Breathe. Let's analyse this.'

First of all, this guy knows her address. And that's already a huge blaring sign, considering the security is considered decent here. But it wouldn't be strange for a simple, innocent bouquet to be able to pass through the inspection.

Second of all, it seems like this person doesn't care whether she's taken or not. And they had hinted that nothing will stand between them.

Third, if they said that, obviously, this person should know her in real life, or seen her. It would be difficult to break someone's relationship up purely online, in another country.


A stalker.

Airis read a lot about them, especially when they're used a lot in dark romance novels. Sure, she might enjoy reading those. But to happen in real life? It was a despairing feeling.

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