Chapter 58

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Over the past few days, Rajik accompanied and followed Airis everywhere, except the bathroom, of course. But he still gave a time limit before he would come barging in as a safety precaution.

Rajik dealt with the stalker according to the law and Airis's pleas. (Instead of directing killing and torturing him, so he got off easy)

Airis had to retake a semester since she had missed her final exams. Along with Rajik, who had also skipped the final exams just so he can retake the semester with her.

Nicky, Diana, Alice and Madeline greeted Airis with tears in their eyes and snot coming down their noises.

Airis started therapy obviously. No matter how friendly the kidnapper was, he still kidnapped her. And Airis was confident that if, Rajik hadn’t found her in time, she would have developed Stockholm Syndrome.

It felt all like a blur towards Airis. But at least, that would be the final and last time she would get in danger.

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Well, it would be a disaster again and maybe he wouldn’t be so kind and lenient even if Airis asks for it.

And just like that incident, time passed on. And Airis and Rajik graduated together!

Airis moved in together with Rajik and she focused on improving her mental health before she decided to start working. And Rajik was more than happy to let her stay unemployed and have her depend on him, which did fuel his yandere tendencies.

Sam and Nicky got married after graduation, and Diana was actually the lucky gal that caught the bouquet. And once again, a few years later she got together with Yang. Everyone was definitely surprised. It was very unusual, Diana was, if not, a very normal person and her childhood was pretty great, putting aside…some occasions. Her relationship with her parents was healthy. But she got together with Yang? The boy who gets often assassinated because of his family business? Damn.

Regardless, they still remained together even after Diana knew about the family business. She did feel a bit iffy about it but she quickly adapted to it. She did often get into wolf gang fights when she was younger, and she did see some unpleasant things. Luckily, Yang’s parents personally did not want him to succeed in the business, but their trusted subordinates instead. Wishing him to have a normal life with Diana. And he was more than happy to eagerly accept. And so in all, it ended pretty peacefully and well for them. And they stayed together for a few more years before marrying each other.

Now, the real surprise was seeing Alice ending up with the one and only, Emeralda Spirly! By some coincidence, they met in a luxury dress shop with Alice hired as a designer, and Emeralda took a liking to her. Soon, they became friends, and after that, lovers. Emeralda was the first one to confess, her cheeks a bright pink as she poured out her feelings to Alice in a secluded park.

Alice was so shocked at that time and she couldn’t comprehend it at first. Telling Emeralda to give her a moment to think. Sure, she likes Emeralda, and maybe sometimes her heart races when Emeralda would hold hands, hug her, and give a small peck on her cheek..! But still…

With her thoughts messed up, Alice shared this with the four girls, and boy, were they extremely excited when they heard of it. What else could it be but love?

And Alice got back to Emeralda a week later, having sorted out all her feelings and she accepted Emeralda’s confession and they got together.

Madeline originally wanted to stay single happily. Afterall, who needs any partner but herself and her food? Herself that is!

Until her attractive male chef colleague started persistently hitting her up. A tall, lanky male with light blonde hair and diamond blue eyes, going by the name of Andras. He was a skilled chef. Despite being only a few years older than Madeline, he was already a sous chef.


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And he started to become fond of Madeline when he often sees her snacking on the leftovers, looking like a little chipmunk. And just like that, he started liking her and often entices her to hang out with him on the prospect that he will cook something delicious for her, which of course, Madeline couldn’t reject.

Thus, he caught her in his little web.

Boy, was Diana ready to shred him apart when she heard Madeline got a boyfriend and inquired how she met him. With Madeline recounting her experiences with him, Diana, more or less, figured it out and was adamant to meet up with this guy and give him a piece of her mind.

Only to wave a white flag when she saw the look in his eyes whenever he looked at Madeline. Gah! He’s similar to Rajik.

And when Rajik and Andras finally meet, Rajik only smiles and Andras smiles back. Only, they two know how deep their feelings would go.

More or less, Andras quickly proposes to Madeline 3 years into their relationship, and Madeline just silently accepts it. She wasn’t so stupid to know that she can’t run away. But it’s alright, he cooks good food. Though, she only wishes for his stamina to be lower… his body was definitely misleading.

Rajik and Airis were actually the last ones to get married, staying in the girlfriend and boyfriend status for 7 years before he proposed.

And how did their wedding go?

Well, let’s keep that for the epilogue.


Updates: been busy, I probably failed my exam LMAOO. Rip me. Anyway yea, story is coming to an end. Thanks for staying here with me y'all :) see you next time!

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