Chapter 7

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It was the day after her unexpected breakdown. Rajik had alerted Miss Faeri that Airis was crying and he was extremely worried. Hearing that, Miss Faeri picked her up and started patting her back, as Airis had snot and tears running down her eyes, hiccuping constantly as she couldn't say anything.
After crying so much, Airis got naturally exhausted and fell to sleep slowly. Miss Faeri carried over and laid her down in her bed, covering her in a blanket. Rajik was in tears, it was his first time seeing Airis crying and he couldn't do anything to help her. 
He cried many times in front of Airis and she always comforted him slowly. Why couldn't he do that? Why did he freeze up when he wanted to comfort her? 
'...' He didn't know what to say. 
It was natural. How would a 6 year old know what to say and comfort someone else? 
In the end, Rajik decided to just accompany Airis next to her, sitting next to her in a cross-legged position as he stared at her face. The area around her eyes was as well as her nose.
His lips pulled into a frown, he didn't like seeing that. He wanted to make it go away. 
He tried to rub it away gently, but it wouldn't come off. Rajik's eyes were getting teary. 'Why won't it come off! It's so stubborn!' Frustrated, he wanted to rub it more but stopped when he saw her moving her face away slightly.
Guilt rose up in him. "Sorry..." He muttered. 
For the rest of the day, Rajik never left her side, sitting next to her. He hugged his knees, and also eventually fell asleep, falling down onto the mattress, his legs near her face, likewise with the other.
The caretaker went in to call Rajik for dinner when she saw the scene.cshr couldn't help giggling, thinking it was really cute. Taking out her phone, she silently took a picture and went out.
Morning streamed in the window. Airis awoke from her slumber, her eyes feeling sore. ...Feet? Airis blinked. She closed her eyes and opened them again after 5 seconds had passed. 
The feet are still there. 
And it dropped in her head like a bomb when her mind slowly absorb and asses the thought.
She abruptly sat up, wondering who was on her bed.
'Rajik? What is he doing here?' Alertness was replaced by confusion when she saw the person sleeping next to her. It was someone close to her so she didn't mind as much.
“Rajik..?” Airis whispered, nudging at him with her finger. Rajik groaned, his eyes shut tightly as he rolled over. 

Airis called out to him again, pulling him back over or else he would fall off the bed. “Rajik… Wake up… Rise and shine?” She said softly, patting his head gently, his head on her lap. 

Finally, Rajik seemed to have gained consciousness and slowly opened his eyes. Only to see a pair of brown eyes staring at him. “!” Surprised, he hurriedly sat up, his head turning around, and realised. he had fallen asleep last night when accompanying her. 

He parted his lips, but couldn’t say anything and just closed it back, a pink blush spreading across his face, clearly embarrassed. After a while of just awkward silence, “Ah… Uh… Sorry…” He mumbled.

Airis couldn’t help but let out a laugh, “Ahaha! It’s alright, Rajik. You don’t need to say sorry.” Reassuring him as she pulled him into a hug. “Thank you for accompanying me, I appreciate it.” She whispered into his ear, grateful. It has been a long time since someone had sat next to her side and comforted her when she cried. Did that ever happen in her last life? Well, she couldn’t remember anyway. She could only hope that Rajik and her will grow up and become best friends, and be roommates with her when they both grow up. 

She had always wanted that life in her last life, unfortunately she couldn’t because she was still in school. Well, it’s alright now. She can try again in this life.

Occupied in her thoughts, Airis didn’t notice that Rajik was trembling in her arms. His face bright pink, his thoughts were in a mess as he tried to assess what was currently happening. ‘In… Airis’ arms… Am I dreaming?’ Words ran through his head, and he felt dizzy. 

Within his blur vision, a hand was waving at him. “Rajik? Hello?” A voice echoed in his ears. He snapped out of his thoughts, looking so confused. 

“Rajikkkk, earth to Rajik? We need to go get our meals!” Airis said, climbing down the ladder, landing on the wooden floor. Rajik finally became aware of his surroundings. He sat silently on the bed for a while, his hand on his chest, feeling his heart beat rapidly. “Rajik! Come on!” Startled, he looked down to see Airis folding her arms, waiting for him, her expression saying, ‘Are you coming or not?’ 

“Oh..! Yes! Sorry, coming!” Rajik hurriedly climbed down the ladder, Airis grabbed his hand the moment he reached the ground. A bright smile on her face, “I’m starving!” She complained, pulling him along with her. 

Greeted by Miss Faeri who beamed seeing their hands interlinked as she gestured for them to sit down as she prepared some porridge for them. Putting two bowls in front of them, Airis scooped up some and blew on it, looking adorable. Rajik stared at her blankly, only thinking that she was… he didn’t know what the word was. But he just thought that she looked really good!

“Rajik! Start eating! You're blanking out a lot today. Is everything okay?” Once again, her voice brought him back to reality. Poor Rajik, this was his first time acknowledging his feelings, and especially at his age, he would be in a blank state as he would try to comprehend. Perhaps it’s time for him to pick up some other genre of books when he goes reading in the study at night. 

He can ask Airis! She would definitely know what to recommend. He would read anything she gave to him anyway.


Hi! Author here. I'm so sorry for like not posting for like last week and stuff and last last week. My mood is going crazy over this week. Got my physics exam result and failed so ya that got me.

I will try to pump out chapters as much as I can, thank u for Ur support 💕💕

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