Chapter 41

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Rajik leaned in his chair as he scrolled through the information that was found on the three professors on his phone.

His eyebrows furrowed, and he clicked his tongue in annoyance as he noticed they were all involved in the underworld. Adding on to the fact that they weren't in good cahoots with Yang either.

He smiled, so that means he can destroy them, right?

"I can fix him."

"No you can't."

"Yes I can, watch me."

"Watch what? Reading y/n stories is not fixing them."


Diana raised an eyebrow, Airis glared back at her.

Nicky stared at them both, looking tensed up. "Uhm…" She mumbled. "Airis, your class is about to start."

Airis immediately broke contact with Diana. She hurriedly checked her phone, "Oh shitttt, fuck it's in 5 minutes. Sorry guys, byeee! I gotta dash!" Slinging her bag over her shoulder as she rushed off.

Nicky breathed a sigh of relief, as she had managed to prevent a fight.

She turned to look at Diana. "Doesn't your class start in 3 minutes?"

Diana looks at her with wide eyes. "I had class today!?" She points to her. Nicky nodded helplessly.

"Oh my god! I have to go too! Thanks for reminding me! See you later!" And with that, she's gone.

Nicky: …

'How come they can't remember their own schedules?' Nicky thought, tilting her head to the side, concerned.


As soon as Airis stumbles right into the class before the professor arrives, she immediately sees Rajik happily waving at her to sit next to him.

Airis walks over and slings her back on the chair. "Hey Rajik!"

"Hello! You were almost late. Did something keep you up?" Rajik questioned.

Looking sheepish, Airis scratches the back of her head, "No, I was just too busy chatting with Diana and Nicky reminded me that I had class."

Rajik nods understandably, "I see, I'm glad you made it time. Maybe next time, I can text you 30 minutes before class starts? I have a good memory." He chuckles.

Her eyes sparkled at the offer, she grasped both of his hands in hers, startling Rajik. "Really? You would do that? Ohhh, please do! I swear I can never remember my class schedule because they're all over the place!"

Rajik's face felt hot, especially his cheeks. He! Was! Holding! Hands! With! His! Beloved!

"Yea- I mean, yes, of course!" Rajik stammered.

"Haha, great! Do you want to go out for dinner later as a thank-you?" Airis offers. Rajik aggressively nodded his head at the offer in no time.

"Okay, let's go out after this class then if you're free, if not, we can schedule another day. How does that sound?" Airis took out her phone and opened the calendar to mark it down.

"Today is good. I don't have anything to do after this." Rajik said, completely tossing the paperwork he had planned to do at the company, but being with Airis is his absolute top priority!

She smiled, "Alright!" She then kept her phone back into her pocket and took out her laptop to get ready for class.

The professor walks in the class, greeting everyone merrily in which they all greet back in return. Until the assignment was announced.

"You will be doing pair assignments! I have already paired you guys up, I'm gonna announce the pairs! And no, you're not allowed to change! However, you can report to me if your partner isn't doing anything and slacking off. I will give them a fail."

Rajik almost passed out hearing that. 'Airis… working with someone else that's not me? Is this professor trying to ask for a beating?'

"Jessica and Alyssa!" He started announcing people's names.

"Dylan and Hannah!"

"Ruby with Quinton!"

"Airis with Paled!"

"Rajik with Candice!"

And Rajik started radiating rather threatening vibes. Who on earth was Paled? He scoured the class with his eyes, glaring and frowning at each one.

While Airis was a bit occupied hearing the pairings. Candice! Wasn't that the girl's name that's going to end up with the 3 professors?

Huh… Strange. Pairing her up with Rajik…

Then she froze. 'No way… Is Rajik a second male lead!? [Technically the fourth] A rival!?'

She started getting worried, her hand reaching up to peel the dead skin off her lips. It was a habit she developed when she got nervous or anxious.

Oh, what should she do? Won't it be obvious they would beat Rajik up or something? If they are part of some devious thing… they might kill him instead!

Airis turned to look at Rajik worriedly, finding him looking at his classmates.

'Was he finding Candice?'

Airis leaned over and whispered, "Do you know who's your partner?"

Rajik replied mindlessly, "Yes." He was not. He was trying to figure out which fucker was named Paled.

She nudged his arm and gestured over to the blonde girl, who was quietly taking down notes.

"Her, she's Candice." Airis pointed out.

Rajik didn't know he could be more pissed than seeing Airis paired up with another person than him, but he could!

He was unfortunately paired up with the girl, Airis had eyes for the first time he started taking his class!

Rajik's glare became harsher. Airis caught his expression, "Do you want to change partners? Even though the professor said we can't, I'm sure she will allow an exception."

Rajik turned to smile sweetly at Airis, 'My love is so considerate of me…' Ah, how could she get even more amazing than she already is?

"It's alright. I don't want to trouble you."

Airis smiled in return, she rubbed his shoulder, "Alright, my offer is open anytime though."

"Class, gather into your pairings now!" The professor's voice boomed around the room.

Airis gets up, and tucks her laptop under her armpit as she picks up her back. "Text you after class!"

Rajik watches Airis walk away, before taking a deep sigh, as he reluctantly gets up and walks over to the blonde girl.

'This is going to be an annoying day.'


Hii my writing style is so stiff

Ahhhhhhhh 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️

Ok bye

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