Chapter 53

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School break is over. Job is over. It's back to studying, lads.

Airis (faked) cried real hard when she had to quit, wailing and hugging Emeralda as she would never see her again. "Emmyyy, *sniff* ugh," She continued, "I won't ever see you againnnn, I just can't! Bear the thought of it. We can't be away from each other for more than 5 minutes, we're destined to be together! Attached to the hips!"

Rajik stood on the side, baffled. Hello? Who's the lifelong partner here? Is it Emeralda or him???

They already got each other's contacts.

Anyway, once they got over their separation, it was time to go back to university! Yay! Classes! Woo!


"Oh yeah, I totally forgot to ask. What was your gpa score? I got 3.0. Not that good, but it will do." Airis asks, slurping on bubble tea.

"I got 4.0 on both." Rajik answers, flipping through some papers.

"Tch. Smart people."

They are currently in the university's cafeteria, waiting for their next class to start.

"Airis!!!" Suddenly, a voice called out to her. Airis turns around to see Diana jogging towards her, with Alice, Nicky and Madeline behind her.

Diana envelops her in a tight hug, "I feel like I haven't seen you forever! I miss you so much!" She rubs her cheek on the top of Airis's head.

"We saw each other like 3 days ago." Airis notes, earning a glare from Diana. "Can't I just express my undying love for you?"

Airis snickers and hugs her back, "I miss you too," She pokes her head out and waves eagerly at the other girls. "You guys too! I miss you girls!"

Nicky beams and a slight pink tints her cheeks, while Madeline can be seen with a bag of chips, reaching her hand inside the bag and stuffing her mouth with them. Alice was busy on her phone, texting someone, her long nails can be heard clanking against the screen.

Ah, they are the same as usual.

They all sat down on the table. Airis moving to sit next to Rajik while Nicky sits next to her and Diana, Madeline and Alice sit across from them.

Airis taps her finger on the desk, "Any interesting thing I should know that happened over the break?"

Diana instantly answers, "I got a girlfriend!"

"..." Okay, what a way to drop a banger.

Airis blinks in disbelief, "My god," She covers her mouth with her hand, an exaggerated shocking expression on her face. "Who wanted to date you? That poor soul."

Nicky giggles, while Madeline chokes on her chips, coughing as Diana scowls.

"Indeed, I feel like I'm a very poor soul for dating Diana." Alice answers, looking up from her phone.

Airis looks at Diana and Alice, then looks at Diana once again, shifting her gaze to Alice.

She slams her hands on the table, "WHAT!? You-You guys have feelings for each other!? When?" She shrieks.

Alice puts down her phone as she thinks, "Hm, maybe at the start of the semester I start catching feelings? And then I confessed to her over the break and asked if she wanted to date and she agreed."

Diana nods, smiling, "Why not try out? Besides, nothing really changed between us except we had a change of status. But really, that's it."

…Okay, that's reasonable…

They completely forgot about Rajik's presence at the table. But he was listening to the news. Breathing a silent breath of relief, two rivals are gone. He felt a tinge of jealousy when Diana went to hug Airis.

Rajik sighs, as he leans on his palm, his eyes focused on Airis laughing and chatting to the girls.

He felt someone staring at him and saw Madeline looking at him.

"Simp." She mouths towards him.


Okay, well that's true. But why does he feel like she's laughing at him?

This is completely unreasonable! So what if he stares lovingly at Airis for 24/7. That is what a soon-to-be husband should do.

Rajik had the urge to mouth back 'bitch' at her but he knew that this girl would go and tattle tale on him and then Airis would scold him, not like he minds anyway, anything she does, he likes.

Once again, he's reminded that this is what love feels like. And he didn't mind one bit because he was hopelessly in love with Airis.


Hii, anyway, I'll be doing a time skip after this chapter cus we need to move on from the university arc!! I briefly did the assistant X CEO arc but that obviously didn't work out for Rajik and Emeralda cus Airis rizzed her instead keke.

What other tropes do y'all have in mind?

Thanks for reading, see ya ❤️

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