Chapter 27

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The absolute AUDACITY. To put her on THIS seat next to this unbearable mass of atoms. It was simply insulting!

"It's not only me that's irritated, thank you very much. That look on your face screams everything." Sam interrupted her thoughts. She glared at him in turn.

Sigh.. Hopefully this trip can perhaps soothe the hatred between them. Well, if Nicky had to choose between her or Sam. Obviously, it would be her!

Unfortunately, she seemed to forgot any hatred existed between her and Sam the moment she had stepped off the bus.

Enticed by the amazing and breathless scenery, the hustling stalls and shops. She put everything behind her and embraced her true soul that she had somehow pulled out from her ass…?

Regardless of how it came about, thankfully, the trip wasn't so stifling anymore with Airis being distracted by literally everything and hopping from one shop to another.

She never had these kinds of school trips back then! Especially when her old school was fucking broke that the students literally called it Budget School. Well, even though it was broke, it was still quite a nice school.

Anyway, look at this nice poster, keychains and badges!

HAHAHA, buy everything, swipe thy's card like it's unlimited.

"STOP IT AIRIS! THAT'S ENOUGH!!!" Diana screamed as she dragged Airis away from the shop.

"NOOOO! LET ME GO YOU WHORE!" Airis wailed as she struggled to get out of Diana's grasp, her arms littered with shopping bags hanging.

Once Airis calculated the total cost, she would faint.

Back then, she was a broke ass bitch. And she would always carefully spend her savings…

Nah, when it comes to conventions, all her self control basically disappeared into thin air.

Airis was tied up, her shopping bags taking up the space on the bench as she had a foul look on her face. Her friends were staring back at her.

Some who were almost in tears and some who were absolutely livid.

Diana jabbed her head aggressively, "YOU-" Jab. "SAID." Jab. "IT-" Jab. "WOULD." Jab."BE-" Jab. "THE-" Jab. "LAST." Jab."PURCHASE!" JAB.

"Ow!" Airis wailed in pain, "That one hurt!" Diana just looked at her, her arms crossed as she had a pissed look on her face.

Unbelievable! How could she spend this much? ON HERSELF, SOME MORE.

"You got so much money to spend, is it hor? Come ah, you spend on us instead!"

And thus, Diana took away Airis's debit card, gave it to Nicky for safe-keeping and made sure to keep Airis under tabs.

Tsk tsk. Rich hoes.


Likewise, Rajik was greatly regretting his decision to go out with this bastard.

He thought you know, like how normal teenage boys hang out, they would go to an arcade or hang out at either of their houses and play games.


It hasn't been 5 minutes in this place and Rajik was already scowling. Calvin being too oblivious as he went to greet his friends who came up to him.

Only to turn around and get stunned when Rajik was sending him a hot glare.

"Thi- is Rajik-"
He stumbled over his words, just seeing one seething glare from Rajik and it seems like all his confidence decided to go down the drain.

Really, Rajik was too fierce! QAQ

"Ar-Are Are you angry…?" Calvin asked meekly.

Rajik raised an eyebrow, and a smile formed on his lips. "What. Do. You. Think?" He gritted.

"Eep! Okay, okay, I'm sorry! Why are you even angry!?"

Rajik tapped his foot, "I'm not planning to break any laws until I'm of age and you dragged me here knowing that. You know I don't hang out at these kinds of parties or any illegal outings, and you still have the guts to bring me here? Heh, is your brain working right?"

Calvin hurriedly shaked his head, "No-No!"
He looked down and nervously twisted his hands.

"What do you wanna do then…?"

"I don't know? Play console games? Go arcade? Do something that you know. Normal???"

"...I have a PlayBox at home…?"

"Good. We shall proceed back to your house. Now."

Calvin obediently nodded, said good-bye to his friends and acquaintances and quickly scampered away with Rajik to play games.

Despite all the scolding he got, he kinda felt really warm and fuzzy about it. After all, all of his friends always seemed to prefer to go to parties and stuff. Not hang out with him at home and play games or go out and have a good time with him at a mall or something.

Calvin couldn't help but smile, boy, he never felt more happier or excited than now!


"Urgh… Blegh…" With perfect timing, Airis threw up in the plastic bag, warranting worry looks from her friends.

It was a bad idea to buy ready-to-eat food after all….

Airis felt sick. And green. And now she felt like she wanted to suck dic-

"Blerghhh…." It's a bad idea to think that.

With teary and determined eyes, Nicky fished out a phone, "I'm gonna file a report! This is unacceptable!"

"Arghh- No- Blerghh.." Airis tried to stop Nicky, sending a signal to Diana who sighed, shaking her head and nodded. Snatching the phone out of Nicky's hand. Nicky' eyes widened, and she tried to grab back the phone but to no avail.

"As much as I also liked to report, unfortunately, Airis doesn't want it, so let's not do it and just focus on taking care of her instead, okay?"

Nicky nodded pitifully, going over to Airis now, and she helped her by holding up her hair and tying it up. Adding on with leading her to the bathroom. Madeline took the plastic bag without a look of disgust, tied it up and threw it away and proceeded to the bathroom as well to wash her hands.

Alice simply went to the pharmacy nearby and bought all kind of medicine as well as a bottle of water for Airis, leaving Sam alone. Deserted as a leave flew past him.

Sam's lips twitched, he let out a sound of frustration and since he couldn't do much to help Airis, he just decided to get back the money from the store that they bought the food from. He was worried as well, not like he admitted it though.

Tch. Tsunderes.


National exams in 2 weeks. I needa write and study, AHHHH, and study on blender and finish my novel game AHHHH.

Anyway, I'm doing a time skip soon, maybe like 2 chapters after? Since I needs wrap up on the tropes lol. Can't leave them hanging after all. See ya!

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